You (and a partner) are being given the task of increasing interest in travel to some of the Spanish-speaking countries in our world. Your job is to make a presentation that will be informative and interesting to prospective travelers.Your visual aid should be creative and eye-catching so that you can create excitement about travel to your country. You will be designing a travel brochure, poster, PowerPoint, or Prezi with pictures and information from a Spanish-speaking country.

You must include the following:

____ 1. Country name and location (North America, South America, Central America, Caribbean, Europe).

____ Include a map of the country.

____2. The capital and 3 other cities

____ Include images of at least 2 of these cities.

____ 3. Food: 3 different foods that are typically eaten in your country and 1-2 sentences describing each item.

____ At least one image on the slide or poster.

____4. Holiday/Festival: A description of a holiday or festival celebrated in your country.

____ Include an image on your presentation or poster.

____5. Government: Include the type of government and the current leader.

____6. Flag: Describe of the symbolism of the country’s flag (colors, crests, etc)

____ Include an image of the flag.

____7. Three sports or recreational activities enjoyed in your country.

____8. A famous person from that country. This could be an author, a musician, an artist, a famous historical person, a famous athlete. Include a sentence or two about the person.

____ Include an image of the famous person

____*** Extra Credit: Include 3 fun facts about your country that are not covered in the required topics.

You will present your visual aid and report to the class. If you work with a partner, you
BOTH must be active in the presentation.

Scoring Breakdown:

Content: 35 pts.

Images: 25 pts.

Neatness/Creativity: 20 pts.

Presentation: 20 pts.

Total 100 pts.

Research Outline

Country name-


3 Cities:


Food #1-


Food #2-


Food #3-






Government: Type




3 Popular Sports or Recreation

1. Name-

2. Name-

3. Name-

Famous Person


Date of birth/death-

Why (s)he is famous-