Application Form

Please complete this form by typing your details into the grey blocks, which will expand as you type. You may also print off this form and write on it, if you wish to send your application by post.

Post applied for:

Job title

Please read the job description, the person specification and any other information provided before filling this in.

Personal details

First name(s) or initials:
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Tel Home:
Tel Work (if we may contact you there):

Pages 1 and 2 will be removed for shortlisting purposes.

Present or Most Recent Employment

Job Title:
Start date:
Notice period or end date:
Reason for wishing to leave:
Duties involved:

Employment history

Please list(in date order) any previous employers, using a separate sheet if necessary. Please account for any gaps in employment.

Name and Address of Employer / Period of Employment / Title of Post and Salary / Reason for Leaving
From / To

Education and Professional qualifications

Secondary Schools, Colleges and/or Universities attended / Dates / Qualifications gained or pending / Grade
From / To

Do you have out of work experience/skills which may be relevant to the post e.g. voluntary work, leisure interests?


If yes, please give details below.

Attendance on Relevant Training Courses

Course / Duration / Organising Body / Date Completed


This is one of the most important parts of your application and to complete it you will need to refer to the person specification.

It is not enough to simply state that you meet the person specification – you should provide evidence to show how you meet each of the requirements of person specification, giving examples. You can draw your examples from any aspect of your paid or unpaid employment, your education or your voluntary work.

Shortlisting is done on the basis of the fit of your skills and experience with theperson specification for this post. It is helpful if you set out your points in the same order as in the person specification.

Prevention of Illegal Work

Under the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 it is a criminal offence to recruit someone who is not entitled to work in the United Kingdom.

Please confirm, whether, if selected for an interview, you will be able to produce one of the listed documents below: YES NO

-a document issued by a previous employer, the Inland Revenue, the Benefits Agency, the Contributions Agency or the Employment Service which states the National Insurance Number of the person named (eg a P45, a National Insurance card or a P60);

-a passport describing the holder as a British citizen or as having the right of abode or an entitlement to readmission to the United Kingdom;

-a certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen;

-a passport containing a certificate of entitlement issued on behalf of the UK government certifying that the holder has the right to abode in the UK;

-a birth certificate issued in the UK or Republic of Ireland;

-a passport or national identity card issued by a state which is party to the European Economic Area Agreement and which describes the holder as a national of that state (the EEA is formed by the members of the European Union plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway);

-a passport which shows that the holder has indefinite leave to enter or remain in the UK or has no time limit placed on his or her stay or remain;

-a letter issued by the Home Office confirming that a person has indefinite leave to enter or remain in the UK;

-a passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the person named has current leave to remain in the UK and is not precluded from taking employment;

-a UK residence permit issued to a national of an EEA state;

-a passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder has a current right of residence in the UK as the family member of an EEA national;

-a letter issued by the Home Office indicating that the person named in the letter is a British citizen or has permission to take employment;

-a work permit or other approval to take the employment in question;

-a passport describing the holder as a British Dependent Territory Citizen which indicates the status derives from a connection with Gibraltar.

If “No”, please explain:

CRB Checks

For some posts working with vulnerable people, Handicap International UK is required to carry out a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check on individual members of staff. If selected for appointment, would you be willing to undergo a CRB check?


If No, please explain:


Please give the name and address of two people who would be willing to supply a reference (one of which must be your present or last employer, where applicable).

Capacity in which known to you: / Name:
Capacity in which known to you:

Have you any objection to Handicap International UK obtaining references before the interview:

YESyou may obtain references prior to interview

NOyou may not obtain references prior to interview


In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the information provided on this form will be used in the recruitment and selection process and may be disclosed to all those who need to see it. It will also form the basis of the confidential personnel record of the successful candidate. In the case of unsuccessful candidates the Application Form will be destroyed after six months.

I declare that all the foregoing details given in this application are true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I knowingly provide false or withhold material information in support of my application I may be dismissed from any post gained as a result.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Please give any dates on which you would not be available for interview:

If we are going to invite you to interview, you will normally hear within three weeks of the closing date.

Please return the completed application form by the closing date stated in the advertisement to:

Handicap International UK(Recruitment)

27 Broadwall



Or by email to

Please ensure you have attached/enclosed:

-Completed application form

-Diversity monitoring form


Handicap International UK

UK Registered Company 4010383

UK Registered Charity 1082565