Explore Your Interests

What are you good at? Do you have something you love to do? Whether it’s playing sports, building models, or playing an instrument, your interests today say a lot about what career you might have tomorrow. To get there, follow these ten steps. And be sure to discuss them with your school counselor and your parents or guardian:
1. Make a list of your skills and interests. Think hard about what you enjoy and what you are good at.
2. Find out more about the kinds of the jobs that interest you, along with their educational requirements, salary, working conditions, future outlook, and anything else that can help you decide what’s best.
3. Make a second list of possible jobs that you would like to have and compare it with your skills and interests. The job that matches your skills and interests the closest may be the career for you.
4. Choose your career goal. Once you've decided what occupation matches up best with you, then you can begin developing a plan to reach your career goal.
5. Develop a career plan. Think about what you want to do and find out more about the kind of training, education, and skills you will need to achieve your career goal.
6. Select a school that offers a college degree or training program that best meets your career goal and financial needs.
7. Find out about financial aid to help support you in obtaining your career goal.
8. Learn about job hunting tips as you prepare to graduate or move into the job market.
9. Prepare your resume, and practice job interviewing techniques.
10. Go to your career guidance center (at your middle school, high school, or college) or local library for additional information and help on career planning.

A Sample Career Plan

Making a career plan is a matter of matching your skills and interests to an occupation to create a career goal, and then deciding the steps you need to take to reach that goal. Here’s a sample:

My Career Plan

Career Goal:

To become a civil engineer. To design, plan, and supervise the construction of buildings, highways, and rapid transit systems.


•Bachelor's degree in engineering.
•Ability to work as part of a team.
•Analytical mind.
•Capacity for detail.
•Presentation skills.
•Writing skills.
•Knowledge of physical sciences and mathematics.
•Accreditation by Licensing Board.

Current Skills and Interests:

•Summer worker for Smith Construction Co.
•High School mathematics courses
•High School science courses
•Experience working as a team
•Attended high school writing courses
•Gave presentations in high school courses

Plan To Reach Career Goal:

•Bachelor's Degree.
•Attend the University of Texas School of Engineering
•Job Experience
•Continue working for Smith Construction Co.
•Seek internships through University career placement office
•Join campus organizations for engineering students

[Courtesy of Mapping Your Future.org / ]

Types of Degrees

Bachelors (4 Years)

Masters ( 2-3 Years)

Doctoral (3-4 Years)

College Application Checklist

Keep Track of Your Applications

Use this college application checklist and stay on top of your application tasks, paperwork, and deadlines.

Application Checklist / College 1 / College 2 / College 3
Request info/application
Regular application deadline
Early application deadline
Safety? Good Match? Reach?
Request high school transcript sent
Request midyear grade reports sent
Test Scores
SAT® required
SAT Subject Tests™ required
Release SAT Subject Test scores
Send SAT scores
Send AP® grades
Letters of Recommendation
Request recommendations
Send thank-you notes
Write essays
Proof essays for spelling and grammar
Have two people read your essays
Interview at college
Alumni interview
Send thank-you notes to interviewers
Send and Track Your Application
Make copies of all application materials
Apply online
Include application fee
Sign application
Confirm receipt of application materials
Send supplemental material, if needed
Financial Aid Forms
Priority financial aid deadline
Regular financial aid deadline
Mail PROFILE, if needed
Mail institutional aid form, if needed
Mail state aid form, if needed
After You Send Your Application
Receive letter from office of admissions
Receive financial aid award letter
Send deposit
Good luck!

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Looking for ways to fund your education? If you can demonstrate academic excellence and leadership, you may qualify for a UH scholarship at the University of Houston. Here’s a look at the options. You also may want to explore scholarships from outside sources by browsing websites like FastWeb and Collegeboard. Questions? Contact the Financial Aid Office.

  • University-Funded Scholarships for Freshmen
  • College-Specific Scholarships
  • Privately Funded Scholarships
  • Scholarships for Transfers
  • Out-of-State Students