NAFSCOB/Spl. AGM/2006-07/560 Date: 24-11-2006

1)The President

Kerala State Cooperative Bank Ltd.

2)The Chairman

Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank Ltd.

3)The Administrator

Rajasthan State Cooperative Bank Ltd.

4)The Special Officer

Tamil Nadu SCB

Dear Sir

Special General Body Meeting of NAFSCOB on 05-01-2007

at Mumbai

A meeting of the Special General Body of National Federation of State Cooperative Banks Ltd. (NAFSCOB) will be held at 1000 hours on Friday the 05th January 2007 at Chamber Hall, Orchid Hotel, Near Domestic Airport, Mumbai to conduct elections for the vacant post of Four Directors in the category of Banks Paying Annual Subscription of Rs.3 lakhs (i.e. Kerala SCB, Maharashtra SCB, Rajasthan SCB and Tamil Nadu SCB).

We request the above banks which are eligible to contest in the election for the post of Directors in the above category to send their nominations alongwith a resolution adopted by the competent authority to our Federation to the General Body of NAFSCOB on or before 26 December 2006.

In this connection the member institutions are required to nominate one delegate to the General Body of NAFSCOB. The nomination of the delegate should be in accordance with the provisions of Section 38(3) of the Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act 2002 and Bye-law No.15, 16 and 17 (b) & 17(c) of NAFSCOB which are reproduced below:

Section 38(3) of the Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act 2002 :

“Where in any meeting of the General Body or the board of a Multi-State Cooperative Society, a Cooperative Society or another Multi-State Cooperative Society is to be represented, such cooperative society or other Multi-State Cooperative Society shall be represented in such meeting only through the Chairperson or the President or the Chief

: 2 :

Executive or a member of the board of such Cooperative Society or other Multi-State Society, as the case may be, if such member is so authorized by the board and where there is no board of such cooperative society or other Multi-State Cooperative Society, for whatever reasons, through the Administrator, by whatever name called, of such cooperative society or other Multi-State Cooperative Society:

Provided that where the bye-laws of a multi-State Cooperative Society provide for representation of other institutions in any meeting of the general body or the board of such multi-State cooperative society, such institutions shall be represented through its nominee.”

Bye-law No.15: Payment of Annual Subscription

If the Annual Subscriptions are not paid before the end of June every year, the defaulting members shall not exercise the rights of membership till the arrears of subscription are paid. In the event of default by a member in the payment of Annual Subscription, the representative of such Member Bank if holding an office in the Federation, shall cease to hold such office with effect from the 1st of July that year.

Bye-law No.16: Restoration of Membership :

A member Bank, which has ceased to be a member under Bye-law No.8(a), may be deemed to have been restored membership on payment of arrears of any type of Annual Subscriptions/Additional Subscriptions.

Bye-law No.17 (b) & (c): General Body

17(b)The General Body of the Federation shall consist of the Chairman or President or the Chief Executive or a member of the elected Board, as may be so nominated by each member State Cooperative Bank.

17(c) Provided that in case elected Board of a Member Bank does not exist, then the Chairman or President of the nominated Board of such bank or its Chief Executive and in case the elected or nominated Board does not exist, then, any person designated as Administrator, Officer-in-Charge, Person-in-Charge or Special Officer or by whatever name he is designated shall be the representative of that bank on the General Body of the Federation.

It will be relevant and appropriate to apprise you with the provisions of Section 28 of Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act 2002 which is reproduced below:

: 3 :

Section 28 of Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act 2002

“No member of a Multi-State Cooperative Society shall exercise the right of a member, unless he has made the payment to the society in respect of membership, or has acquired such interest in the society, as may be specified in the bye-laws.”

We, therefore, request you kindly to clear all your dues, if any, and nominate your one delegate to the General Body of NAFSCOB in accordance with the provisions of Section 38(3) and Bye-law No.17 of NAFSCOB mentioned hereinabove in the enclosed prescribedproforma. Kindly note that the nomination should be very specific and any resolution passed giving an option of either Chairman or Managing Director or any Board Member may not be acceptable to the Returning Officer.

In case there is no quorum till 1030 hours, the meeting will stand adjourned and the adjourned meeting will be held at 1100 hours to transact the business on the agenda of the original Special General Body Meeting Notice at the same place and on the same day whether there is a quorum or not.

We, therefore, request you to kindly make it convenient to attend the above Special General Body Meeting.

By Order of the Chairman/Board of Directors


Managing Director

Encl: as above


Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703




1.Name of the Member State Cooperative Bank:

2. Details of the Delegate :
Name & Designation of the Delegate / Address of the Delegate / Specimen Signature of the Delegate
Signature attested
(Name & designation of the person attesting the signature)

3.* Nominated vide Resolution No. dated of ______

______(name of the nominating Body i.e. General Body/Board of Directors/Executive Committee, etc.)

(Signature of the Chairman/Secretary/

Chief Executive of the Member State Cooperative Bank



* Please enclose a certified copy of the Resolution

NAFSCOB/Spl. AGM/2006-07/559 Date: 24-11-2006

All Members of the General Body

(As per List enclosed)

Dear Sir

Special General Body Meeting of NAFSCOB

on 05-01-2007at Mumbai - Notice

Notice is hereby given for the Special General Body Meeting of National Federation of State Cooperative Banks scheduled to be held at 1000 hours on 05 January 2007 at Chamber Hall, Orchid Hotel, Near Domestic Airport, Mumbai to conduct elections for the vacant post of Four Directors in the category of Banks Paying Annual Subscription of Rs.3,00,000/- (i.e. Kerala SCB, Maharashtra SCB, Rajasthan SCB and Tamil Nadu SCB).

We, therefore, request you to kindly make it convenient to attend the above Special General Body Meeting.

By Order of the Chairman/Board of Directors


Managing Director