Email Addresses:
President Bush
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein
Governor Schwarzenegger
Global Warming Petition
Letter below and templates taken from UNDO IT ORG (
Sample global warming & Climate Stewardship Act themed "letters to the editor"
Please feel free to use any of these sample "letters to the editor" when submitting letters to newspapers, magazines and more. You can, of course, also write your own. For a comprehensive listing of periodicals and an automated letter tool, visit Send us a note at if your letter gets printed. Thanks.
"Warm Winter"
Dear editor,
If it seems like winters are a little warmer from the ones you remember -- it's because they are!
Last year ended (2004) as the 4th hottest year on record. The ten hottest years on record have all occurred since 1990. And despite some recent cold weather 2005 seems to be continuing the trend.
This tells us what science has been telling us for years -- that global warming is real. The good news is that there are some simple things we can do to undo global warming. For example only running your dishwasher with a full load, or only washing your clothes in warm or cold water. I found many good suggestions at
And our elected officials need to do their part and support the Climate Stewardship Act in Congress, a bipartisan, cost effective bill to reduce global warming emissions in the U.S. I urge Senators [insert senator names here] to do the right thing and support this important bill. Let's turn them heat up on them this winter.
Name, Contact Info.
"Turn the Heat Up on Bush's Second Term"
Dear Editor,
President Bush's inauguration marks the start of his second term. Since he first took office in 2001, the list of global warming impacts worldwide continues to grow. Global warming is the #1 environmental problem we face. As President Bush begins his second term and Congress gets back to work they should support solutions like the Climate Stewardship Act. The Climate Stewardship Act, sponsored by Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) is a bipartisan, cost effective bill that would reduce global warming emissions in the U.S. Senator [insert senator names here] and President Bush should support it.
Name, Contact Info.
"Thank You Senator [insert senator names here]"
Too often we only speak out when we're upset with our elected officials. I believe that we should give credit where credit is due. Senator [insert senator names here] deserves credit for [his/her] principled stance in support of the McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act, a bipartisan, cost effective bill to begin to reduce global warming emissions in the U.S. It can't be easy to stand up to the big money lobbyists, but that's what Senator [insert senator names here] has done. Global warming is one of the most serious problems facing our state, our country, and our world today. I thank Senator [insert senator names here] for supporting the Climate Stewardship Act. For more information about the impacts of global warming and what you can do about it, visit
Name, Contact Info.
"Senator [insert senator names here] should support global warming solutions."
Global warming is a big concern for me, my family and many other [state name] residents. And I am disappointed in Senator [insert senator names here]'s opposition to the Climate Stewardship Act, a sensible, bipartisan and cost-effective bill to reduce global warming emissions in the U.S. Senator [insert senator names here] needs to stand up to special interests that are working against global warming solutions and do what's right: support the Climate Stewardship Act and convince your colleagues to do the same. For more information about the impacts of global warming and what you can do about it, visit
Name, Contact Info.
"Extreme weather doesn't only happen in the movies"
Dear Editor-
Recently, it seems like we have been caught in a real life version of "The Day After Tomorrow".
People may remember that the film exaggerated the impacts of global warming to include things like a massive tidal wave flooding New York. That was science fiction, but what's happening here in [insert city/state name] is real. Scientists predict that global warming will increase the number of extreme weather events like droughts, floods, heat waves, and forest fires. For too long industry lobbyists have tried to confuse the issue; but seeing is believing. And it's not too late to do something about global warming. One thing people can do is ask Senator [insert senator names here] to support the Climate Stewardship Act in Congress. The bill is a bipartisan, cost-effective way to reduce global warming emissions in the U.S.
There are a number of other thing average citizens can do. I recommend visiting the website,, to find a helpful list.
"The Day After Tomorrow" was science fiction, but global warming is real and we're already dealing with the problems.
Name, Contact Info.