• Ackoff, Russell L. – The Democratic Corporation
  • Albrecht, Karl & Ron Zemke – Service America!
  • American Society for Learning & Development – Creating the Learning Organization, Vol. 1
  • Bardwick, Judith M. – The Plateauing Trap
  • Bardwick, Judith M. – Danger in the Comfort Zone
  • Beckhard, Richard & Wendy Pritchard – Changing the Essence
  • Beckhard, Richard & Reuben T. Harris – Organization Transitions, Managing Complex Change
  • Belasco, James A. & Ralph C. Stayer – Flight of the Buffalo, Soaring to Excellence, Learning to Let Employees Lead
  • Bennis, Warren – On Becoming a Leader
  • Betcherman, Gordon, Kathryn McMullen, Norm Leckie, Christina Caron – The Canadian Workplace in Transition
  • Bridges, William – The Character of Organizations, Using Jungian Type in OD
  • Bridges, William – Job Shift, How to Prosper in a Workplace without Jobs
  • Bridges, William – Managing Transitions, Making the Most of Change
  • Bunker, Barbara Benedict & Billie to Alban – Large Group Interventions, Engaging the Whole System for Rapid Change
  • Burke, W. Warner – Organization Development, A Process of Learning and Changing
  • Burke, W. Warner & Harvey A. Hornstein – The Social Technology of OD
  • Chawla, Sarita & John Renesch, editors – Learning Organizations
  • Collins, James C. & Jerry I. Porras – Built to Last, Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
  • Conference Board of Canada – Corporate Culture and Change, Highlights of a Conference
  • Covey, Stephen R. – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Covey, Stephen R. – Principle-Centered Leadership
  • Covey, Stephen R. – First Things First
  • De Bono, Edward – Six Thinking Hats
  • Cross, Elsie Y, Judith H. Katz, Frederick A. Miller, Edith W. Seashore, editors – The Promise of Diversity, Strategies for Eliminating Discrimination in Organizations
  • Fisher, Kimball, Steven Rayner, William Belgard – Tips for Teams
  • Fisher, Roger & William Ury – Getting to Yes, Negotiating Agreement without Giving In
  • Galbraith, Jay R. – Competing with Flexible Lateral Organizations
  • Galbraith, Jay R. – Designing Organizations – Strategy, Structure & Process
  • Gibson, James L., John M. Ivancevich, James H. Donnelly Jr., editors – Readings in Organizations
  • Goleman, Daniel – Emotional Intelligence
  • Gozdz, Kazimierz, ed. – Community Building – Renewing Spirit & Learning in Business
  • Gronlund, Norman E. – Readings in Measurement and Evaluation
  • Hackman, J. Richard – Groups That Work (And Those That Don’t)
  • Hanson, Philip G. & Bernard Lubin – Answers to Questions Most Frequently Asked About OD
  • Harvey, Jerry B. – The Abilene Paradox and Other Meditations on Management
  • Heider, John – The Tao of Leadership, Leadership Strategies for a New Age
  • Hornstein, Harvey A. – Brutal Bosses and Their Prey
  • Jeffreys, J. Shep – Coping with Workplace Change, Dealing with Loss & Grief
  • Keyes, Ken Jr. – The Power of Unconditional Love
  • Kriegel, Robert J & Louis Patler – If it Ain’t Broke…Break It!
  • Lawler, Edward E. III – Strategic Pay
  • Leigh, David – A Practical Approach to Group Training
  • Lencioni, Patrick – The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
  • Levinson, Harry – Career Mastery
  • Levinson, Harry – Psychological Man
  • Litwin, George, John Bray, Kathleen Lusk Brooke – Mobilizing the Organization
  • Loehr, James E. & Peter J. McLaughlin – Mentally Tough, Achieving Peak Performance in Business
  • Loen, Raymond O. – Superior Supervision, the 10% Solution
  • Maddux, Robert B. – Successful Negotiation
  • McNeil, Art & Jim Clemmer – VIP Leadership Action Planner
  • Nadler, David A., Marc S. Gerstein, Robert B. Shaw – Organizational Architecture, Designs for Changing Organizations
  • Nadler, David A., J Richard Hackman, Edward E. Lawler III – Managing Organizational Behaviour
  • Nelson, Bob – 1001 Ways to Reward Employees
  • Noer, David M. – Healing the Wounds, Overcoming the Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsized Organizations
  • Noer, David M. – Breaking Free, A Prescription for Personal and Organizational Change
  • Ocborne, David & Ted Gaebler – Reinventing Government, How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector
  • Palmer, Helen – The Enneagram
  • Perrow, Charles – Organizational Analysis: A Sociological View
  • Peters, Thomas J. & Robert H. Waterman Jr. – In Search of Excellence
  • Peter, Tom & Nancy Austin – A Passion for Excellence
  • Pfeiffer & Jones – 1976 Handbook for Group Facilitators
  • Reichard, Birge D., Christine M.F. Sewers, Paul Rodenhauser – The Small Group Trainer’s Survival Guide
  • Ritvo, Roger A., Anne H. Litwin, Lee Butler – Managing in the Age of Change
  • Rhinesmith, Stephen H. – A Manager’s Guide to Globalization
  • Schwind, Das, Werther, Davis – Canadian Human
  • Scott, Cynthia D., Dennis T. Jaffe – Managing Organizational Change
  • Scott, Cynthia D., Dennis T. Jaffe – Managing Personal Change
  • Senge, Peter et al – The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization
  • Sherman, Marlene – Wellness in the Workplace, How to Plan, Implement and Evaluate a Wellness Program
  • Sikes, Walter, Alan B. Drexler, Jack Gant, editors – The Emerging Practice of Organization Development
  • Thomas, Roosevelt Jr. – Beyond Race and Gender, Unleashing the Power of your Total Work Force by Managing Diversity
  • Tichy, Noel M. & Stratford Sherman – Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will, Lessons in Mastering Change
  • Vroom, Victor H., & Arthur G. Jago – The New Leadership, Managing Participation in Organizations
  • Whitworth, Laura, Henry Kimsey-House, Phil Sandahl – Co-active Coaching, New Skills for Coaching People Toward Success in Work and Life

April 11, 2018