Shaw cum-Donnington Village Hall
Minutes of the meeting held on25thJanuary2017
Present:Mrs G Lutterloch (Chair & WI) Mrs J Wood (Treasurer & Brownies), Mrs P Bartholomew (Cleaner),
Mrs A Hayton (Pre-school),John Crisp (Julia Cosh representative),Mr C Mason (Caretaker).
- Apologies:School Representative, Julia Cosh
- Absent : Parish Council representative
- Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held onthe 23rdNovember2016having been circulated before the meeting were signed as being a true record.These are also held on the parish web site.
- Matters arising
We still require an additional signaturefor the Newbury Building Society. Mrs Wood has obtained a new form to complete. Bill Graham has volunteered to fill this role. Action Mrs Wood. New tables have been purchased and will arrive on 27th January. Any other matters will arise on the agenda.
- Cleaning and Maintenance Report
The boiler room houses some asbestos;Mr Mason hasa firm, SLR Environmental Services who will undertake an asbestos survey. This will cost £225 plus vat. The committee has agreed to the cost and hopefully the survey will be undertaken soon.Action Mr Mason.The Boiler is working well and will be serviced in February.The ramp on the north side was reported as very slippery. The committee will purchase some more salt. Action MrsLutterloch.
Car Park
The committee partitioned the car park with cones on Tuesdays as to allow the village hall users to be able to park in the car park. Unfortunately the cones were not adhered to and were found destroyed.
The car park is an on going situation. The committee discussed at some length how to alleviate the parking problems. It was put forward that a sticker would be produced and all regular users would place these in their cars. The committee will ask the 2nd hirer on Tuesday afternoon if they are able to meet a little later as not to clash with the school parents and teachers home time. The committee will monitor this process.
- Correspondence
A Christmas card was received from Julia Cosh who thanked the committee for all their hard work. Thank you.
West Berks planning application for the property in Love Lane extension. Thames Water have informed us that they are changing to Castle Water. Rainbows have amended their hire from Sundays to Mondays evenings and would like a key to the regular users cupboard to keep a box there. Action Committee
- Booking Clerk report
The committee are still advertising for a new booking clerk. The committee will actively look for new clerk. A hand-outhasbent sent to all regular users and also will be placed on all web sites.It was discussed that this maybe the opportunity to review our booking system. CCB sent out a new hiring agreement. Mrs Wood will look into our hire agreement and update the booking form. Action Mrs Wood.
All regular users have been sent their new contracts and agreements. Please would the School, Rainbows, Tai Chi, the Garden Club, Tuesday Brownies, and Monday night exercise class return their forms? Thank you.The school have amended their timings for the spring term and will be invoiced for the extra hours.We have several definite bookings in January, February and March. The Garden Club would like to book the 9th September.
- Treasurers report
The Decemberand January 17 accounts were presented; they were accepted, proposed and seconded. A copy is held in the minute book. Mrs Wood completed a criteria of all hire charges, which will be discussed at the next meeting.
There are monies outstanding for the Tai Chi, Tuesday Brownies, and Rainbows.
- Any other business
PAT tests are due in February.
Will all hall users ensure the hall is left clean, tidy and locked before they leave the premises.Thank you.
The next committeemeeting is
On WednesdayFebruary22nd 2017 at 7.30pm
Please would All regular users are provide a representative. Thank you