Webinar Promotion and Production Checklist

Task / Done? 
Blog Promotion
1.  Create webinar title and bullet points
2.  Create event in GotoWebinar or your webinar platform
3.  Create LeadPages landing page, if using LeadPages
4.  Create promotion emails for my list and queue them up in my ESP (email service provider)
5.  Create visual badge for the webinar in PicMonkey
6.  Social media promotion - create and schedule Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter updates/tweets
Run Webinar Tests
7.  Run full test of your webinar audio, video and recording procress
8.  Make sure you are comfortable with your webinar platform
Get Ready for the Webinar
9.  Create all slides and proofread
10.  Create the right sales pitch and print out a script (if you want to use one)
11.  If you have a co-host or a panelist on your webinar make sure they have the right log in information
12.  Get bios or intros of your guests ready to go (and printed out)
13.  Close bandwidth hogging applications or programs on your computer before starting your webinar
14.  Close down anything that pings or dings on your computer (Outlook notifications, etc.)
15.  Make sure you computer is plugged into a working outlet
Starting Your Webinar
16.  Put all potentially noisy pets in a safe, quiet spot
17.  Put DO NOT DISTURB sign on front door of your home or office
18.  Turn of noisy gadgets (including your phone)
19.  Log in 10-15 minutes early, greet your participants (if appropriate)
20.  Check sound levels with all your participants
21.  Hit the RECORD button before you begin your presentation
22.  Start your presentation on time.
23.  Properly introduce all of your co-hosts or panelists
24.  Address questions during the presentation (or during a Q&A period at the end)
25.  Give your best sales pitch and make sure everyone is clear on how to buy
After the Webinar
26.  Make the recording is converting (this is a step for GotoWebinar – your platform may have a different process for getting the recording ready
27.  Distribute the recording to 1) People who attended AND 2) People who signed up, but did NOT attend
28.  Create a follow-up email sequence to reminder people of your offer and nudge them to watch the recording
29.  Take the recording down after about a week (make sure to remind everyone to watch it, before you take it down)
30.  If needed, do a postmortem session with your team, assistant and co-hosts to figure out what went well (and what didn’t)
31.  Make notes for your next webinar and add to this checklist as needed