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2010 Board of Directors

President / Winson Lam / M3/2446F / X24088
VP Handicaps / Kathy Broten / / (310) 371-7108
VP Tournaments / Keith Matthews / 201/3878 / X26788
Asst VP Tournaments / Lou Christen / 201/2037 / X23009
VP Leagues / Gary O’Bryan / M4/2056Cgary.o’ / X35584
Treasurer / Linda Oliver / DH4/1622AS / (310) 764-6476
Secretary / Monica Oki / O4/1634 / X27786
Director at Large / Janet Hedderich / / (310) 644-3886
SCGA Delegate / David Pisarski / R11/1032 / X39915
The SPSC Golf Club Newsletter will be sent by e-mail to all internal and external members. If any external members would notlike the newsletter by e-mail, please call Janet Hedderich at 310-644-3886 or e-mail to:
In this issue tournament sign-ups for: /

Sign up date:

Tijeras Creek /

May 3

Lakewood /

May 17

* * * * Contents * * * *
  • SPGC Golf Club News
  • SCGA Current Index Report and Statistical Report for May 2010
  • 2010 Tournament of Champions Point Totals
  • Tournament Results
  • 2010 Tournament Schedule
  • Tournament Sign-up Forms
  • 2010 Membership Application Form
  • SPGC Addendum to the Code of Conduct and SPSC Code of Conduct Form

Space Park Golf Club News
  • Summer Leagues/Tournament Play: Unfortunately SPGC will only have two leagues this year – the Alondra League which combined the Tuesday and Thursday Alondra leaguesand the Victoria league into one league playing on Tuesday night and the Lakes Ladies League playing on Wednesday night. It is quite disappointing for the club to only sponsor two leagues because of lack of participation by club members or because members are unable to commit to playing each week in a league. The SPGC Board tried to send out a Fast Fact email to all NG employees to solicit new members for the leagues but unfortunately the email was never sent even though it was approved in early March by the SPSC coordinator. Also disappointing has been the low turnout for many of our tournaments. Without member participation in our tournaments, the club may have difficulties in the future scheduling tournaments our members may want to play in. Our club is only as good as our members’ participation.
  • Posting Scores in the New SCGA GHIN System: Many of us have had errors posting our tournament scores after our round with the new GHIN system. As a reminder, if you didn’t receive a new GHIN number, you need to put a “9” in front of your old SCGA number for your new GHIN member number. If posting your score at the course, you will post as a “Guest” since the course is not our “Home” course. Secondly, you must change the posting “Type” from “Away” to “Tournament” (see illustrations below). Lastly, make sure you adjust your score correctly. For course handicaps of 9 or less, you can only post a max of double bogey on any hole. For course handicaps of 10-19, a max of 7 can only be posted for any hole; course handicaps of 20-29, a max of 8 for any hole; course handicaps of 30-39, max of 9 for any hole and handicaps of 40 or more, max of 10 on any hole. If you make an error in posting, you need to contact our club’s Handicap Chairman, Kathy Broten () so she can correct the error.

  • 2010 Tournament Hosts: Please contact Keith Matthews at X26788 or if interested in hosting any of the OPEN tournaments.
  • Tournament Sign Up Deadline Information: To assist the tournament hosts, please try to sign up within the first 2 weeks of the sign-up period for any tournaments. This will help the club meet the tournament golf course’s requirement for full green fee payment 10 days prior to the tournament date and SPGC’s 3-5 day check request processing time. Therefore, if you’re planning to play in a tournament, don’t wait until it’s too late to sign up.
Space Park Golf Club News (continued)
  • SCGA News:

May 2010 Events


Registration is available online for SCGA tournaments and Member Outings.

SCGA Senior Qualifying:

Monday, May 3 – Moorpark Country Club

Thursday, May 6 – Empire Lakes Golf Course

SCGA Member Outings (Previously Casual Golf Days) -

Monday - May 17 – PGA West (Nicklaus Course)

Monday, May 17 – PGA West (Norman Course)

Tuesday, May 18 – La Quinta Resort & Club (Dunes Course)

Tuesday, May 18 – La Quinta Resort & Club (Mountain Course)

Sunday, May 23 – Desert Willow Golf Resort (Firecliff)

Monday, May 24 – Bighorn Golf Club (Canyons Course)


Handicap Certification – Thursday, May 13 – Brookside Golf Club

Scores from any course may now be posted on any posting computer in Southern California. You are no longer restricted to post where you play. When posting the score simply select Other when prompted for tees played. A listing of all courses in Southern California will be displayed. If the course is located outside of Southern California selectOtheragain and you will be prompted to manually enter the Course and Slope Ratings.


Get your SCGA Handicap Index in your Inbox!

Visit the SCGA website and click on Get Your SCGA Index In Your Inbox, to create your SCGA online profile and receive your bi-monthly SCGA/GHIN index and other SCGA communications. Remember, you’ll need to create a NEW username and password. Contact with any questions.


All GHIN Tournament Pairings Program (TPP) related questions should be directed to the SCGA

Club Services Department at (818) 980-3630 or e-mailed to .

Contact the Speakers Bureau for a speaker for your general membership.


100 Holes of Golf for Juniors – The SCGA Foundation’s 1st Golf Marathon is coming this summer. If you or someone in your club would consider playing 100 holes of golf to support junior golf in Southern California, please contact Kevin Gigax at .

Help Expand the SCGA Foundation – We’re looking to expand our resources and need your help. Are you interested in being an active committee member for the SCGA Foundation in your region? If so, we could use your help. Please contact Kevin Gigax at .

And finally, a little humor……..

Two friends met up in the clubhouse after a round of golf, and were discussing their games. “This is a pretty tough course,” said the first. “How’d you do today?”

“Oh, the usual,” replied the second. “I’m a pre-putt-par.”

“What the heck is that?” asked the first.

“It means I shoot par on the fairway and four-putt on the green!”

May 1st, 2010
18 Hole Current Index Report

Member Name / CI / LI / Member Name / CI / LI / Member Name / CI / LI
Ashimine, Joyce / 36.5 / 36.5 / Hill, James M / 22.2 / 20.6 / Ninegar, Kristi K / 40.4 / 40.4
Barsky, Michael E / 8.8 / 7.9 / Ingram, Dennis M / 28.5 / 28.5 / Ninegar, Scott D / 18.4 / 17.9
Barwick, Bruce W / 9.9 / 9.1 / Ito, Bennett T / 16.7 / 15.6 / O'Bryan, Gary / 12.4 / 12.4
Bauer, Jack M / 29.4 / 28.8 / Jackson, Gregory K / 22.6 / 17.9 / Oki, Monica C / 18.2 / 17.8
Brandon, James T / 5.5 / 5.2 / Jennings, Don P / 13.6 / 13.0 / Oliver, Linda R / 29.2 / 27.7
Brenneisen, Chris R / 18.6 / 18.6 / Jensen, David / 13.1 / 12.4 / Oliver, Nelson E / 13.3R / 12.6R
Brice, David E / 19.8 / 19.6 / Kagohara, Russell / 17.3 / 17.0 / Olson, Ben / 25.1 / 21.6
Broten, Kathryn A / 16.4 / 15.6 / Katherler, John A / 16.6 / 14.3 / Perez, Andrew M / NH / NH
Broten, Thomas A / 14.2 / 13.6 / Kelly, John P / 33.1 / 32.9 / Pisarski, David R / 16.1 / 13.4
Brown, Gerald / 25.9 / 24.1 / Keperling, Gary A / 19.6 / 19.4 / Rochester, Kirk / 8.2 / 8.2
Brown, Jamie / NH / NH / Kim, Sonhui / 14.3 / 14.3 / Rohles, Gerald B / 22.3 / 21.3
Burke, Robert V / 15.3 / 14.7 / Klintworth, Urban / 26.5 / 24.2 / Ronan, Michael / NH / NH
Chan, Irvin / 18.9 / 16.7 / Krikorian, Philip R / 6.7 / 6.7 / Rosales, Julio / 15.9 / 15.5
Chang, Michael / 20.4 / 20.4 / Kubota, Steve / 25.8 / 25.4 / Salvatore, Andrew L / 4.2 / 4.0
Cheysobhon, Charlie / 4.1 / 4.1 / Kuester, Steven P / 27.4 / 27.1 / Sanchez, Marco P / 23.1 / 22.4
Chmielewski, Brian G / 17.1 / 15.1 / Lam, Winson M / 18.2 / 18.2 / Santo, James M / 36.4+ / 35.1
Cho, Daniel I / 11.0 / 10.1 / Larsen, Gary / 6.6 / 6.5 / Saxton, Gary / 18.8 / 17.7
Choi, Chris / 4.2 / 3.0 / Larsen, Jo Ann / 37.8 / 37.0 / Scheeringa, Kevin / 15.9 / 13.2
Christen, Louis C / 14.9 / 14.7 / Lee, Mark R / 9.8 / 9.8 / Schlothauer, Richard A / 18.9 / 18.9
Cline, Donald E / 15.2 / 14.8 / Louie, Vincent G / 18.9 / 17.9 / Smith, Adam Z / 22.2 / 21.5
Conklin, Shirlene / 22.5 / 22.2 / Maki, Walter H / 19.8 / 19.5 / Smith, Arek W / 30.2 / 30.2
Diaz, Phillip / 5.8 / 5.5 / Markwardt, Randy J / 29.7 / 29.7 / Suh, Frank / 26.1 / 26.1
Discipulo, Dan L / 18.2 / 18.0 / Matsuoka, Howard T / 12.9 / 12.4 / Tanori, Ray / 19.1 / 19.1
Discipulo, Maureen / 35.9 / 35.9 / Matthews, Keith W / 15.0 / 15.0 / Uphoff, William D / 8.6 / 5.9
Dunbabin, Tom / 15.6 / 14.5 / Maurer, Richard D / 12.3 / 10.4 / Valley, Marcy / 31.8 / 31.8
Fitzsimons, Michael J / 8.7 / 7.0 / McCarroll, Mary / 26.9 / 26.6 / Vanvleet, John A / 27.6 / 26.9
Folger, Patrick J / 23.4 / 23.4 / McCarroll, Pat / 21.7 / 19.7 / Vavrek, Gregary M / 26.8 / 26.8
Frechette, Joyce P / 33.0 / 32.7 / McGee, Brian / 13.7 / 13.5 / Walkingstick, Ezekiel L / 25.5 / 16.8
Gardner, David L / 26.4 / 26.4 / Miguel, Jonash A / 10.4 / 10.4 / Wightman, Mark E / 25.0 / 24.7
George, Robert S / 17.3 / 14.7 / Millen, John A / 16.5 / 16.3 / Wilson, Kenneth R / 17.9 / 17.3
Hart, Hal / 21.2 / 21.2 / Milo, Ramon D / 13.7 / 12.0 / Wong, Tak / 15.1 / 14.8
Havstad, Steven / 12.6 / 12.2 / Misaka, Clyde / 36.4+ / 36.4 / Yamashiro, Glenn S / 2.8 / 2.1
Heard Jr, Mark E / 2.4 / 1.9 / Moe, Steven R / 13.7 / 11.2 / Yamashiro, Keith K / 24.0 / 22.5
Hedderich, Janet L / 34.4 / 34.0 / Nagayama, Verne M / 20.2 / 19.4 / Zalinski, Jim S / 5.3 / 4.1
Hemstock, Susan M / 22.0 / 22.0 / Nakano, Tosh / 20.1 / 17.7

May 1st, 2010





Index Improvement


8697625 / Ronan, Michael / 19.4 / 17.8 / 1.054
9678849 / Burke, Robert V / 15.3 / 14.5 / 1.030
9661061 / McCarroll, Mary / 26.3 / 25.3 / 1.027
9730638 / Christen, Louis C / 14.9 / 14.3 / 1.023
9716168 / Ninegar, Scott D / 19.2 / 18.5 / 1.023
9679763 / Hill, James M / 21.9 / 21.2 / 1.021
9691167 / Ito, Bennett T / 17.0 / 16.4 / 1.021
9684870 / Kagohara, Russell / 17.3 / 16.7 / 1.021
9526120 / Jennings, Don P / 14.1 / 13.6 / 1.020
9669192 / Oki, Monica C / 18.0 / 17.4 / 1.020




9700878 / Suh, Frank / 34.1 / 24.8 / 1.253
9650681 / Oliver, Nelson E / 18.1 / 13.9R / 1.162
9720661 / Matthews, Keith W / 19.4 / 15.1 / 1.159
9669192 / Oki, Monica C / 21.0 / 17.4 / 1.122
9394887 / Sanchez, Marco P / 27.2 / 23.0 / 1.120
9691394 / Ninegar, Kristi K / 45.8 / 40.4 / 1.103
9444268 / Maki, Walter H / 21.9 / 18.8 / 1.101
9662890 / Hart, Hal / 24.5 / 21.3 / 1.096
9326842 / Dunbabin, Tom / 17.9 / 15.3 / 1.095
9678849 / Burke, Robert V / 17.0 / 14.5 / 1.094

2010 Tournament of Champions

Point Totals through Dos Lagos

Please check your total number of tournaments and points and notify me of any discrepancies. Members establishing their SCGA index will have their participation in any tournament count toward total tournaments played for TOC qualification. Yellow highlight indicates players who have qualified for the September 2010 Tournament of Champions. Silver highlight indicates players who have played in the number of tournaments necessary to qualify for the TOC based upon total points provided space is available within the 48-player field.

Name / Points / Wins / Tournaments
Christen, Louis / 4188 / 3 / 7
Miguel, Jonash / 4000 / 3 / 6
Lam, Winson / 3764 / 1 / 13
Maki, Walt / 3518 / 1 / 9
Matthews, Keith / 3518 / 2 / 10
Broten, Kathy / 3413 / 1 / 9
Kagohara, Russell / 3342 / 8
Oliver, Linda / 3234 / 1 / 8
Louie, Vince / 3190 / 1 / 10
Barwick, Bruce / 3105 / 10
O'Bryan, Gary / 2811 / 1 / 5
Yamashiro, Glenn / 2767 / 2 / 5
Diaz, Phil / 2655 / 1 / 6
Havstad, Steve / 2560 / 2 / 4
Broten, Tom / 2552 / 1 / 8
Heard, Mark / 2534 / 2 / 7
Rohles, Gerald / 2459 / 2 / 4
Suh, Frank / 2300 / 1 / 6
Yamashiro, Keith / 2217 / 6
Sanchez, Marco / 2206 / 1 / 8
VanVleet, John / 2088 / 1 / 8
Walkingstick,Larry / 2033 / 2 / 4
Nakano, Tosh / 2030 / 1 / 6
Brice, David / 1974 / 1 / 6
Oliver, Nelson / 1834 / 9
Pisarski, David / 1792 / 1 / 5
McGee, Brian / 1664 / 6
Ninegar, Scott / 1565 / 1 / 5
Uphoff, Bill / 1500 / 5
Ronan, Mike / 1500 / 1 / 4
Chan, Irvin / 1444 / 5
Hart, Hal / 1384 / 1 / 3
Santo, James / 1324 / 5
Scheeringa, Kevin / 1254 / 1 / 3
Oki, Monica / 1167 / 1 / 2
Vavrek, Gregary / 1167 / 1 / 2
Jackson, Gregg / 1126 / 5
Zalinski, Jim / 951 / 5
Millen, John / 928 / 4
Hedderich, Janet / 927 / 5
Choi, Chris / 875 / 3
Tanori, Ray / 778 / 2
Bankson, Robert / 750 / 1
Ninegar, Kristi / 725 / 5
Wilson, Ken / 725 / 4
Nagayama, Verne / 678 / 3
Wightman, Mark / 560 / 4
Kubota, Steve / 533 / 2
Chmielewski, Brian / 500 / 1
Hemstock, Sue / 500 / 1
Burke, Robert / 417 / 1
Sechler, Ken / 417 / 2
Ito, Bennett / 361 / 2
Fitzsimons, Mike / 338 / 2
Kuester, Steve / 333 / 1
Rosales, Julio / 333 / 1
Kelly, John / 292 / 1
Cline, Don / 234 / 2
Milo, Ramon / 225 / 1
Dunbabin, Thomas / 200 / 1
Wasnick, Paul / 200 / 1
McCarroll, Pat / 155 / 1
McCarroll, Mary / 143 / 1
Cheysobhon, Charlie / 125 / 1
Valley, Marcy / 125 / 1
Chang, Michael / 118 / 1
Brown, Jamie / 0 / 2

Tournament Results

Recreation Park

April 2, 2010

Name / Gross / Net / Points / Name / Gross / Net / Points
Havstad, Steven / 81 / 68 / 1000 / Scheeringa, Kevin / 82 / 66 / 1000
Miguel, Joe / 80 / 70 / 500 / Kagohara, Russell / 90 / 73 / 417
Diaz, Philip / 78 / 72 / 333 / Burke, Robert / 88 / 73 / 417
Barwick, Bruce / 85 / 74 / 225 / Pisarski, David / 90 / 75 / 225
Yamashiro, Glenn / 77 / 74 / 225 / Mc Gee, Brian / 89 / 75 / 225
Uphoff, Bill / 87 / 78 / 167 / Millen, John / 92 / 76 / 136
Broten, Tom / 93 / 79 / 143 / Matthews, Keith / 91 / 76 / 136
Heard, Mark / 83 / 80 / 125 / Lam, Winson / 94 / 76 / 136
O'Bryan, Gary / 97 / 84 / 111 / Ninegar, Scott / 95 / 76 / 136
Cline, Don / 94 / 79 / 100
Name / Gross / Net / Points / Name / Gross / Net / Points
Ronan, Mike / 87 / 65 / 1000 / Vavrek, Gregary / 98 / 71 / 1000
Maki, Walter / 89 / 70 / 417 / Hemstock, Susan / 102 / 74 / 500
Jackson, Gregory / 92 / 70 / 417 / Kelly, John / 109 / 76 / 292
Yamashiro, Keith / 95 / 72 / 225 / Santo, Jim / 111 / 76 / 292
Sanchez, Marco / 94 / 72 / 225 / Kubota, Steve / 104 / 78 / 200
Broten, Kathryn / 96 / 73 / 155 / Hedderich, Janet / 120 / 79 / 167
Nakano, Tosh / 94 / 73 / 155 / Ninegar, Kristi / 129 / 80 / 143
Nagayama, Verne / 96 / 76 / 118 / Wightman, Mark / 106 / 81 / 125
Chang, Michael / 96 / 76 / 118 / Van Vleet, John / 111 / 83 / 111
Louie, Vincent / 97 / 78 / 100 / Suh, Frank / 113 / 88 / 100
Name / Gross / Net / Name / Hole / Dist
Patag, David / 81 / 73 / Yamashiro, Glenn / 5 / 10'
Bucksath, Jerry / 90 / 75 / Mc Gee, Brian / 12 / 12'10"
Morris, Chris / 100 / 75 / Yamashiro, Keith / 16 / 2'10"
Patterson, Glen / 94 / 76
Drucker, Jeff / 104 / 77
Takemori, Terry / 91 / 77
Cade Jr., Nelson / 103 / 77
Le, Jason / 114 / 78
Nguyen, Tam / 103 / 78
Moore, Everett / 99 / 78
Petruccelli, Thomas / 106 / 78
Vedell, Jack / 128 / 79
Block, Ray / 117 / 79
Nakaiye, Haruo / 103 / 80

Tournament Results

Dos Lagos

April 24, 2010

Name / Gross / Net / Points / Name / Gross / Net / Points
Christen, Louis / 80 / 63 / 1000 / Ninegar, Scott / 86 / 65 / 1000
Kagohara, Russell / 87 / 67 / 417 / Ronan, Mike / 90 / 69 / 500
Diaz, Philip / 74 / 67 / 417 / Rohles, Gerald / 94 / 70 / 292
Mc Gee, Brian / 87 / 71 / 250 / Maki, Walter / 91 / 70 / 292
Heard, Mark / 77 / 73 / 200 / Oliver, Linda / 106 / 72 / 200
Matthews, Keith / 96 / 79 / 155 / Lam, Winson / 95 / 74 / 167
Barwick, Bruce / 91 / 79 / 155 / Jackson, Gregory / 98 / 75 / 134
Oliver, Nelson / 116 / 100 / 125 / Hart, Hal / 98 / 75 / 134
Louie, Vincent / 98 / 77 / 111
Walkingstick, Larry / 99 / 78 / 100
Ninegar, Kristi / 131 / 85 / 91
Name / Gross / Net
Brown, Jamie / 73 / 72
Bullard, Ivan / 85 / 73 / CPTs
Patag, Dave / 88 / 76 / Name / Hole / Dist
Oliver, Nelson / 3 / 13'10.5"
Kagohara, Russ / 5 / 17'8"
Oliver, Nelson / 8 / 1.75"
Heard, Mark / 11 / 23'7"
Heard, Mark / 15 / 5'3"
Oliver, Linda / 17 / 13'7"

2010/2011 Tournament Schedule

The minimum numbers of tournaments required to qualify for the 2010 ToC is 6.

Club members are allowed to use USGA approved range-finders and GPS in all club events.

No. / Course / Date / SignUp Date / Mem. Cost / Guest Cost / Start / Cart / Range / Host
2010 ToC Season
15 / Primm Valley / 15-May / 5-Apr / $296*
$241* / $296*
$241* / 8:00AM shotgun / Inc / Inc /

K. Matthews

16 / Primm Valley (Sun) / 16-May / 8:00AM
shotgun / Inc / Inc /

K. Matthews

17 / Tijeras Creek / 29-May / 3-May / $93 / $98 / 9:00AM / Inc / Inc /

W. Lam

18 / Lakewood / 12-Jun / 17-May / $66 / $71 / 10:00AM / Inc /

K. Broten

19 / Marshallia Ranch / 3 Jul / 7-Jun / $55 / $55 / 9:00AM / Inc /


20 / La Purisima / 4 Jul / 7-Jun / $91 / $91 / 9:00AM / Inc /


21 / Rancho San Marcos / 5 Jul / 7-Jun / $103 / $103 / 9:30AM / Inc /


22 / Los Verdes (Fri) / 23-Jul / 28-Jun / $52 / $57 / 10:00AM / Inc /

T. Broten

23 / Mile Square (Classic course) / 7-Aug / 5-Jul / $69 / $74 / 10:00AM / Inc /

W. Lam

2010/2011 ToC Season
1 / Wilson Park (Fri) / 3-Sep / 2-Aug / $58 / $63 / 9:30AM / Inc /

K. Broten

2 / Eagle Falls (TOC) / 18-Sep / Invite / TBD / TBD / 7:00AM / Inc /

K. Matthews

3 / Eagle Falls / 19-Sep / 7:00AM / Inc /

K. Matthews

4 / Coyote Hills (Fri) / 1-Oct / 6-Sep / $93 / $98 / 9:30AM / Inc /

K. Broten

5 / Anaheim Hills / 23-Oct / 27-Sep / $79 / $84 / 9:30AM / Inc / Inc /

W. Lam

6 / SCGA (Fri) / 12-Nov / 18-Oct / $58 / $63 / 9:00AM / Inc /

T. Broten

7 / Los Serranos (North) / 4-Dec / 8-Nov / $79 / $84 / 9:30AM / Inc /


8 / Old Ranch / 27-Dec / 6-Dec / $88 / $93 / 9:00AM / Inc / Inc /


9 / Los Lagos (Costa Mesa) / 29-Dec / 6-Dec / TBD / TBD / TBD / Inc /


*Primm Valley: $296 Single (1 player/2 people in hotel rm); $241 ea. Double (2 players/2 in hotel rm)

Tournament signups: For each tournament the signup dates are announced on the front page and in the tournament schedule of the TTN. The signup date is also posted in the tournament schedule on our website. The signup date, which is always a Monday, is the first day that you can sign up for that particular tournament. You can email the host before sending in your payment so they can put your name on the tournament roster. The tee times are set in the order of the received application and payment or notification. You can then send in your payment and application within the week. Some hosts may not put your name down until they receive your application and payment.

Each tournament has a maximum number of players based on the contract we establish with the golf course one year in advance. We try to accommodate as many players as possible. Signups for a tournament usually will be accepted up until two weeks before the tournament date. But be sure to call the host about openings before sending in your application and payment if you do not sign up within the first two weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the VP of Tournaments.

Northrop Grumman SPGC
Tournament Application
Golf Course:Tijeras Creek
Format:Stroke Play
First Start Time:9:00AM / Host: Winson Lam
Northrop Grumman
One Space Park, M3/2446F
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Phone: 310-812-4088

Dates:Signup – May 3, 2010
Tournament – May 29, 2010
Speed of Play (X) / Member / Guest*
*Guests see below / Name / Email (preferably),
Mail Station or Home Address / Phone
1 / 2 Default
Amount: / Member - $93*Guest - $98
Payment by: / Check / Make checks out to: SPGC
($10 maximum per player)
Note: No refunds available, unless a replacement can be found.

Signup procedure:

1) Fill out your application form and email it to the tournament host.

2) If you use the generic form, fill out the course, the date of play and the host name.

3) Speed of Play Option 1 means you must finish the round within 12 minutes after the group ahead under risk of penalty. No selection or selection of Option 2 means you must finish within 20 minutes of the group ahead. Players choosing Option 2 will be placed in later tee times than Option 1 golfers.

4) Send your payment to the host as soon as possible. You will not be assigned a tee time until payment is received. Setting of tee times by the host is on a first-come, first-served basis.

*5) All Guests MUST fill out and sign a release of liability before the tournament.

Northrop Grumman SPGC
Tournament Application
Golf Course:Lakewood
Format:Stroke Play
First Start Time:10:00AM / Host: Kathy Broten
6716 Birchman
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Or c/o Tom Broten, R2/1028
(310) 371-7108
kabroten @verizon.net
Dates:Signup – May 17, 2010
Tournament – June 12, 2010
Speed of Play (X) / Member / Guest*
*Guests see below / Name / Email (preferably),
Mail Station or Home Address / Phone
1 / 2 Default
Amount: / Member - $66*Guest - $71
Payment by: / Check / Make checks out to: SPGC
($10 maximum per player)
Note: No refunds available, unless a replacement can be found.

Signup procedure:

1) Fill out your application form and email it to the tournament host.

2) If you use the generic form, fill out the course, the date of play and the host name.

3) Speed of Play Option 1 means you must finish the round within 12 minutes after the group ahead under risk of penalty. No selection or selection of Option 2 means you must finish within 20 minutes of the group ahead. Players choosing Option 2 will be placed in later tee times than Option 1 golfers.