City Banks and Financial Institutions Darts League

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

Date 7 July 2009

Venue The Red Herring

Chairman’s Report

Norman Roberts welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the members of the Committee. He apologised for the absence of Lorraine Hayward who was unable to attend. He stated that it had been a very enjoyable season and without any major issues.

League Secretary’s Report

Mike Allen thanked all the divisional secretaries for their efforts during the season and also advised that he had no major issues to report. Mike advised everyone of the need to get their entry forms and cash in on time as he has to spend a lot time chasing up the late payers. Mike apologised for the 2 teams that withdrew just before the start of the season and hoped it will not happen again. He will request reassurances from any new team that they will complete the season.

Tournament Secretary’s Report

Lorraine advises that there had been another increase in entries for all competitions, this was helped by holding the competitions earlier this year, followed by the finals night on 15TH April. We also combined the trophy presentation night with finals night this year, this proved to be a success & only one team unable to collect their trophies, and these were collected by the next day. We will once again combine the finals & trophy nights next year. The mixed pairs competition had to be postponed this year & this took place last Tuesday 30TH June with the trophies presented on the night. With regards to the trophies, I very happy with the service provided by Neil’s Sports, ever reliable & we once again managed to achieve an overall reduction on the price of the trophies.

One of the few issues that arose this year was the failure of one or two teams not advising me of their players not turning-up, this results in a fair bit inconvenience to the organisers & is quite unnecessary, this is especially a problem on the Mixed Pairs. I will be discussing this further with the committee & will potentially look at imposing restrictions on the potential offenders.

I had very good feedback from those who took part this year; this was helped greatly by all the assistance we received this year. I would like to thank all those that helped out on the competitions this year, particular thanks to Norman Roberts, David Eden, Dave Bateman, Shellie Pracey, Mark Shackleford & Pat Mulheirn.

Should anybody have any further ideas on improving these competitions then all comments will be gratefully received.

Treasurer’s Report / Cup Competitions

Angie Jones reported that both the Challenge & Guthrie cups ran very smoothly. The only issue related to one cancellation that she had only been advised of after the game should have taken place.

Angie reported that the accounts showed a small profit of £60.79 moving from a loss of £220 last year. There was a significant drop in interest received from £60.43 to £9.82. Subscriptions were down but competition entry fees were up. The trophy costs were significantly lower thanks to Lorraine negotiating a good deal with Neil’s Sports. Angie also stated that travel expenses had risen but we had made some savings by teams paying for their own food at the on the Cup Finals night.

Election of Committee Members

All committee members had agreed to stand for a further term.

This motion was proposed by David Eden and was seconded by Andy Fox

The committee is now as follows:

Chairman Norman Roberts Singer & Fiedlander

League Secretary Mike Allen Schroders

Treasurer Angie Jones NatWest Allsorts

Tournament Secretaries Lorraine Hayward GRE Old Boys

Angie Jones NatWest Allsorts

Website Secretary David Eden DKWB

Election of Divisional Secretaries

The current Divisional Secretaries, with the exception of Paul Knapp, had agreed to stand for next season. Paul then stated that he would like to remain as a divisional secretary but only for the Premier division. Norman Roberts stated that the committee would prefer Secretaries to run divisions other that their own. Paul said he would prefer to run the Premier as he plays in it and knows all the players. Andy Fox wanted an assurance from Paul that he would be able to produce league tables in a timely manner. Paul said that he would because he was staring a new job and this result in him having enough time to devote to the role.

Therefore, as nobody else was willing to stand as a new Secretary, a motion proposing that the divisional secretaries remain unchanged was proposed by Matt Cunliffe and seconded by Mark Shackleford,

Therefore, the Divisional Secretaries remain as follows:

Paul Knapp Standard Chartered A

Norman Roberts Singer & Friedlander

Mike Kane GRE Old Boys

David Eden DKWB


Mike Allen had sent previously sent proposals for a change of format on the agenda. We decided that each team represented at the meeting would firstly vote on a divisional basis if we wanted a change in format and the results were as follows:

Division For Against Abstentions

Premier 0 5 1

Div 1 0 4 0

Div 2 0 4 1

Div 3 0 3 0

Therefore, the format remains unchanged. We will add a start time and finish time to the result sheet so that we can monitor how long games are taking.

Any other business

Paul Knapp suggested that we look at the Porters Lodge as a possible venue for holding future finals nights,

Paul Knapp raised the issue of flyers and requested that we send them to every captain to so that they can be distributed to the pubs and staff notice boards, in order to generate some interest for the forthcoming season.

Andy Fox proposed that we increase registration fees to £40 with a £10 discount for those attending the AGM.

For Against

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This will come in to force for the season 2010/11 because we had stated previously that attending this AGM would not entitle teams to a discount. Therefore, registration fees will be £35 for every team for the forthcoming season.

Reg Newson mentioned that his HSBC team are looking for players. If anyone is interested, please contact Martin Newson @

Norman Roberts then closed the meeting @ 8.20