Perth and Kinross Local Area Commander’s Bulletin

26th March 2015

As Chief Inspector Whitford takes a well deserved break, it falls to me to complete the bulletins for the next couple of weeks.

As I drove into work from Blairgowrie this week there was a sense that spring is here and with the clocks changing this weekend we can look forward to lighter evenings.

It was however a little bitter sweet, as although I could enjoy the journey through our stunning countryside, I started to think of the seasonal increase in bogus callers and wildlife crime.

In an attempt to prevent crime and offer advice in both these areas Police Scotland launched Operation Monarda to beat door step crime along with a separate Wildlife Crime Campaign this week.

Monarda sees a partnership approach including Trading Standards Scotland, Crimestoppers, Age Scotland, Care UK, Neighbourhood Watch, Citizens Advice Scotland and Scottish Water.

Perth & Kinross officers along with our Trunk Road Policing Group colleagues will be actively involved in attempts to identify and stop those who prey on the elderly and vulnerable within our communities.

Further details can be found on our website at: -

As I write, my officers in Pitlochry are investigating a couple of frauds in Finlay Terrace, relating to residents being pressurised into needless and poor quality repairs to roofs, guttering and slabs. This enquiry also includes the suspect phoning up an occupant, pretending to be a police officer, in ordrer to persuade them to pay outstanding monies. Fortunately the Community Officer was there at the time and an interesting conversation ensued.

In Perth & Kinross we are probably more aware of wildlife crime than some of our more urban colleagues but unfortunately it is another crime type that affects all communities and socio-economic groups in some form or other.

As I look at the Loch of the Lowes Blog: -

In hope and anticipation of the return of “Lady”, I see that there are already four ospreys in the area, which demonstrates the dedication and hard work carried out by many groups and individuals over recent decades to sustain and improve out natural heritage.

Details of our Wildlife Crime Campaign can be found on the website at: -

Although there were no serious violent crimes this week the blight of violence does continue across all areas, all be it at a lower level than last year and with over eight out of ten being detected.

A big challenge to my officers this week has been the number and variety of thefts, both in property and geographical terms.

There is no particular theme and although some can be linked there are obviously several groups or individuals out there who are prepared to steal your property. A small plea here, to please look after and secure your property, be a good neighbour and report suspicious people or vehicles to the police on the non emergency number 101.

I will start in Perth where Community Officer Matt Henry has had a productive week. Firstly in the detection of a shop lifting team of three family members from Dundee who had targeted five shops in the City Centre, recovering property worth over £700. Interestingly two of the group were in their 70s and the third in her 50s. His second detection also related to a theft by shop lifting in the City Centre, this time two Romanian females with addresses in Aberdeen were arrested and put to court.

Over night last Wednesday a specially built Landrover Defender 300 TDI that had been modified to a fully equipped off road vehicle was stolen from Kirkton Farm near Auchterarder.

In Laurel Avenue Crieff last weekend an insecure workman’s van was entered and tools to the value of nearly £1000 were stolen. These had been hidden nearby and sharp eyed members of the public called in allowing us to return them to their owner. A big thank you to all those concerned.

Also in Crieff a vibrating plate was stolen from the area of East High Street, between Friday the 13th and Friday the 20th of this month. A pick up or similar vehicle would have been required to transport the plate.

Finally in Crieff an insecure house in Sauchie Place was entered overnight on Tuesday the 24th and various items, mainly electrical stolen. Again I ask every body to check their doors and windows are secure and report any suspicious activity.

A trailer with piping and a generator were stolen from South Loch Road, Loch Earn, St Fillans some time between last Thursday and Monday, the property is valued at over £4000, anybody that saw anything suspicious around that area are asked to contact police.

Into the Carse of Gowrie now, where we saw property stolen from two insecure cars parked in St Madoes last week, these appear to be low level crimes and may be linked to people locally.

A couple of more organised crimes in the Carse included the theft of 42 wooden pallets with “Quinn Glass” thereon, from Cairn o Mohr near Errol, sometime between the 9th and 19th of March and the break into and subsequent theft of, a Vauxhall van form Perth Spas again near Errol. This occurred overnight Tuesday the 24th, on a positive note, some property linked to the locus has been recovered in Edinburgh, providing lines for enquiry.

Moving into Bridge of Earn, 4 batteries were stolen form a set of temporary traffic lights in Main Street earlier in the month and subsequently reported to the police. These are described as typical car type batteries, this is not an unusual crime and always cause concern due to the risk of causing an accident.

Nearby at Culfargie Farm an insecure stable was entered and various equine equipment stolen. Again although we virtually never have horses stolen, property linked to their care is frequently stolen and I would ask all owners to maximise their security.

Into Perth now, where an occupant of Inch Head Terrace disturbed a slim white male, described as 20 years old, 6’ tall with a local accent, wearing light trousers possibly jeans, and orange striped or checked top with long sleeves and a green body. This crime occurred just after noon on Wednesday the 25th, which shows criminals are committing offences at all times.

Staying in Perth a house under renovation in King Street was broken into over the weekend and a large quantity of tradesmen’s tools stolen, including electrical drills, jigsaw, circular saw, router, sander etc, totalling over £2000. If you hear of tools or property being sold cheaply or unusually please contact the police.

Finally on the crime front, a couple of crimes of a type that just bewilder me, vandalism! The first occurred to a metal storage shed in the grounds of Robert Douglas Memorial Primary School in Scone over the weekend, which had been the subject of prolonged and repeated kicking. This must have resulted in a considerable amount of noise and I suggest that those responsible are likely to live locally, again if you have any information please call the police.

The second is damage caused to the play park on the North Inch in Perth, where a swing was discovered alight around 23.25 on Tuesday the 18th. The cost of damage is around £3000 and this needless destruction causes me such annoyance that it prevents me from putting my thoughts into print.

If you have any information about the issues in this bulletin or wish to discuss them with your local Community Policing Team, please email us on the addresses listed below. For your information I have identified the names of the community sergeants covering your area.

Ian Scott

Perth City Centre

Sgt Gillian Farnington

Perth City North

Sgts David Rice and Shona Beattie

Perth City South

Sgt Robert Southern

Almond and Earn and Carse of Gowrie

Sgt Stuart Watson

Perthshire South and Kinross-shire

Auchterarder - Sgt Scott Ferguson

Crieff - Sgt Peter Lorrain-Smith

Kinross – Sgt Geoffrey Goodison

Perthshire North

Aberfeldy/Dunkeld/Pitlochry - Sgt Caroline MacNaughton

Blairgowrie&Glens/Coupar Angus/Alyth - Sgt Andy Ness

Community Co-ordinators

There are 3 community coordinators covering Perth and Kinross. They are:

Sergeants Jon Anton, Karen Harrison and Amanda Nicolson, they work across Perth and Kinross to support community Sergeants in your area.

If you wish to make contact with any of these officers please use the following e-mail addresses: