Shadow Run HOA

Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2013

Kennewick Library, Union St.

Call to Order

Introduction of Guests: Sue Finney, Steve Rhoten, Lamar Linde, Mike Hillman, Ken Melone, Marie Swita, Anita Overton, Elena Peterson

Election of Officers: Marie was unanimously voted in as President and Mike was unanimously voted in as Vice President. B1 was assigned to Lamar, B2 was assigned to Steve, and B3 was assigned to Ken. Secretary – Elena, Treasurer - Anita

Treasurer’s report: Anita

Financial documents were distributed.

Follow-up on liens files with Attorney

Anita is following up on potential liens recouping out money

2 new people in the neighborhood (Castleberry, Watson/Wright)

Lamar corrected his phone number (see Anita’s database for details)

ACC Committee

Marie is board lead

Brenda Schumacher, John Reid, Susan Harp all on the committee

A Letter was sent to perimeter fence people about keeping vegetation. July 1st we will start assessing fines for vegetation. Home owners had 2 weeks to trim the vegetation.

Some submissions for home painting and fence painting and planter boxes

House - 3440 on S. Dennis. Letter has been sent about disapproval of paint color.

Marie will hunt down tree violators.

Rules and Regs:

Steve will lead, Marie will be on the committee as well, Stephanie Reid

Activities Committee:

Boo – Elena

Sue has the activities box and table in storage

National Nite Out – tabled for now

Welcoming committee:

Lamar Linde will head the welcoming committee

Landscaping committee:

Sue is the liaison for Heritage. Vote to keep Sue as the first point of contact – unanimous.

Old Business:

We will approve the April meeting minutes next month

In-House audit (Sue Finney, Brenda Schumacher, and ??)

New Business:

Sue Finney – water break flood. We don’t know why the pipe broke. It’s going to cost $2200 to fix. We’re liable.

Anita will check with Insurance

Steve and Lamar will look by this weekend

Will vote on email if needed


Mike will send out the password so we can update minutes

Elena will update some of the old minutes

Add at Canyon Lakes to the sign

Unanimous vote to postpone the issue until a later time.

Playground equipment is subpar

Mike H. will investigate costs for updating the playground equipment

Lamar will weld the picnic bench

Ken will cut down the swing

Putting Christmas lights up on the trees (Mike H) $4000 estimate. Problem with how to power it. Or perhaps to decorate the entrance. Mike will look into pricing for providing power etc.

Next Meeting

July 31st at 6:30pm at Kennewick Library