PVCC Library Assessment Plan-Spring 2004-Spring 2006 2

Spring 2004-Spring 2006

The PVCC Library Division’s assessment plan is 4 pronged.

  1. Assess effectiveness of service
  2. Assess identified learning outcomes in service, instruction and reference

3.  Assess resources

4.  Assess facilities

Timeline for all Assessment Projects:

Ongoing / Charting speed of acquisitions from ordering to shelf / Barbara/Muriel / Ongoing
Spring 2004 / Service Effectiveness Surveys-2 weeks (which 2 weeks?) / Lori / Completed
Spring 2004 / Distribute “date due” surveys re: Returning library materials & chart statistics / Lori / Completed
Spring 2004 / Create “Thank You for Returning Materials” sign / Jerice / Completed
Spring 2004 / Develop learning outcomes for English 101 & 102 modules / Rosanne / Completed
Spring 2004 / Develop assessment tools to accompany modules / Rosanne / Moved to Fall 2005
Spring 2004 / Revise Primary Trait Analysis (PTA) for FYE/Eng.102-Cornell class / Shelle / Done
Spring 2004 / Draft survey re: facilities & resources (combine with Service survey in Fall) / John/Muriel / Continued into Fall
Summer 2004 / Date Due surveys / Lori / Completed-results compiled
Summer/Fall 2004+Spring 2005 / Begin Summer hours survey, expand to include survey of desired hours throughout the year. / Barbara/Shelle / Survey begun Summer 2004, still in process
Fall 2004 / Combine all surveys-service, facilities, resources & administer 2 weeks in Fall / Lori/John/Muriel / Last week Oct/1st week Nov.
Fall 2004 / Explore joining Project SAILS or ICT project for Instruction assessment / Lisa/Shelle / Make decision by Spring 2005
Fall 2004 / Add questions re: weekend hours to Summer hours survey and put link on web page. / Barbara/Shelle / Have link up all year. Compile results mid-Spring.
Fall 2004 / Assess facilities/resources, etc. using ACRL draft standards / John/Muriel/Shelle / End of Fall
Fall 2004 / ACRL Standards used to compare facilities/resources with like libraries / John / End of Fall
Fall 2004 / Draft evaluation for student employees. Administer initial student employee evaluation. Administer evaluation again when student employee leaves / Cindy / End of Fall 2004
Spring 2005 / Gather bibs from student papers and assess usage of PVCC collection / Lisa/Muriel
Spring 2005 / Check into costs of participating in the LibQual study / Shelle
Fall 2005 / Using report-writing from Horizon to begin assessment of Resources / John/Muriel
Fall 2005 / Work with English division (Sandy Zapp) to incorporate assessment of Information Literacy / Our Savior
Fall 2005 / Develop assessment tools for modules / Lisa/Savior/Shelle / Pilot mid-Fall
Spring 2006 / Begin Reference Service assessment possibly using WOREP or Balanced Scorecard / Shelle
Spring 2006 / Begin using combined English/Library assessment tool / Our Savior
Fall 2006 / Compile statistics using information from student employee evaluations / Cindy
Service Effectiveness
What we want to know:
1.  How effective we are in providing courteous, helpful and informative assistance at the Circulation Desk?
2.  What days and hours should the library be open during summer session, and the academic year?
3.  How quickly are our library materials cataloged and processed-time from ordering to shelf?
How we will assess:
1.  We will develop a survey using these questions:
a. Did you receive courteous, prompt assistance?
b.  What was your purpose for visiting the Circulation Desk?
c.  Are there any other circulation services you feel we should be providing?
2.  We will develop and conduct a survey of students concerning summer operational hours, using both a web and a paper survey instrument.
3.  Using data from acquisitions Access database will run studies.
1.  Spring 2004, Summer 2004 and Fall 2005- Conduct the service survey for two weeks each in each semester.
2.  Summer 2004 & Academic Year 2004/2005-Use the hours survey to query summer students.
3.  Ongoing assessment of acquisitions data
4.  Spring 2005 check into costs of participating in the LibQual study. If significant include in Fall 2005 budget requests to implement Fall 2006.
Learning Outcome for Service
Learning Outcome:
1. Library users will be able to demonstrate their awareness of the importance of returning library materials on time.
How we will assess:
1.  Survey regarding the reasons why they think it’s important to return materials and the consequences if the materials are not returned on time.
2.  Track the number of delinquent borrowers using monthly Delinquent Borrower report.
What we will do to help with awareness:
We will conduct an awareness campaign which includes the Date Due surveys as well as verbally indicating the date due as we check out materials.
Create a sign thanking people for returning materials.
Spring 2004
ü  Insert “date due” surveys in books and have them fill out the surveys as they checkout books.
ü  Using the Delinquent Borrower report, will compare same semesters: ex. Spring 2003 to Spring 2004.
ü  If the survey appears to make a difference, will continue to insert in the books.
ü  Change survey based on response to it.
ü  Create “Thank You for Returning Materials” sign
Student Employee Learning Outcomes
What we want to know:
1.  Are our student employees gaining valuable job skills for later career goals?
2.  What percentage of our student employees have been hired for full-time employment after they left the Library?
3.  What percentage of our student employees have continued with their education?
How we will assess:
1.  Develop an evaluation of job skills when the student employees begin employment beginning Fall 2004
2.  Develop an evaluation of job skills when student employee leaves
3.  Using information from previous student employees, develop assessment of what career they chose
Summer 2004 – Draft evaluation for when student employees begin employment
Fall 2004 – Administer initial evaluation. Administer evaluation again when student employee leaves
Fall 2006 – Compile statistics using information from evaluations
Student Learning of Information Literacy Concepts
What we want to know:
Are students retaining basic library skills to continue their college experience thoroughly enough to be self-sufficient using library resources.
What we will do:
1.  Develop modules for English 101 & 102. Each module will have an overarching outcome with a set of learning outcomes.
2.  Develop assessment tools to identify student learning
3.  Explore joining PROJECT SAILS and/or ETS’ ICT Initiative.
4.  Write learning outcomes for the Primary Trait Analysis used in conjunction with English 102/FYE.
a.  Revise PTA
5. The Library Advisory Council will function as the Information Literacy General Education focus group of the Academic Assessment Team developing an assessment instrument to be used in conjunction with the English Division, and possibly college-wide.
Spring 2004
·  Pilot Modules and learning outcomes
Fall 2004
·  Revise modules and learning outcomes based on pilot
Fall 2005-Create assessment tools for each module & revise accordingly
Fall 2005-Investigate use and feasibility of employing Project SAILS/ICT Project
Spring 2006-Using revised assessment tools, determine changes to be made to modules
What we want to know:
Reference librarians will assess their provision of reference services.
How we will assess:
Depending on cost, possibly implement WOREP (Wisconsin-Ohio Reference Evaluation Program)
Spring 2006
Resource Assessment
What we want to know:
What are the usage statistics of our book, video, serial, and electronic collections? The electronic collections include eBooks, databases, and the library web site, particularly the web links.
Does our book and media collection support the curricular offerings at the college, and is it well-rounded?
How we will assess:
We will assess the use of core periodical titles by looking at bibliographies from student papers, circulation and Interlibrary Loan statistics.
Usage statistics gathered from databases will determine usefulness of databases, as well as use of individual periodical titles.
Use the Balanced Scorecard for collection assessment.
Fall 2004-Used the Balanced Scorecard in targeted areas of the collection to assess age and use.
Spring 2005--gather bibliographies from student papers to assess usage of PVCC collection.
Spring 2005, awaiting features from the new library automation system.
Facilities Assessment
What we want to know:
1.  De we have the appropriate amount of student space? (quiet and group study rooms, etc.)
2.  Do we have the appropriate hardware to access information resources? (computers)
3.  Do we have the appropriate teaching space to provide instruction?
4.  Do we have the appropriate types and amount of furniture? (chairs, shelves, tables, etc.)
5.  Do we have the appropriate technological infrastructure? (Local Area Network, Data Band Access, Servers, ADA technology)
6.  Do we provide appropriate physical access to the library?
7.  Do we provide the appropriate environmental controls for the library?
8.  Do we provide the appropriate social space for students?
How we will assess:
1.  We will use ACRL Draft Standards/Guidelines to compare with like libraries.
2.  We will survey students
3.  We will use any related results from the Noel Levitz survey.
Spring 2004-draft a PVCC Library survey re: resources & facilities to be used Fall 2004
Fall 2004-Combine resources/facilities survey with service survey
Fall 2004-Administer newly combined survey
(Do our surveys during the off years of Noel Levitz (Fall 2004, Fall 2006, etc.)
Fall 2004- ACRL standards comparisons of facilities, resources, staffing, etc.