Tuesday, August 8, 2017- Forest Lake Presbyterian Church

Attendees: Mary McIntosh, Ann Yancey, Erich Miarka, Anne Palyok, Valerie Marcil, Judy Timmons and Tameria Warren.

I. Approval of Minutes-The minutes of the June 2017 meeting of the GCWA Education Committee meeting and August Agenda were approved.

II. Old Business.

A. EPA’s Environmental Justice Small Grant

Tameria Warren said that the follow-up meeting will be held today, August 8 at 5:30 pm at the Bible Way Church which is located at 2440 Atlas Road. Erich Miarka will speak and the fish studies video will be shown. The video is approximately 6 minutes long. The meeting has been publicized among the communities in the area. Erich will bring some snacks for the participants. The results of the fish studies indicate that there are 2 species of fish in Gills Creek of which consumption should be limited to one fish meal per week because of mercury content. These two species are largemouth bass and bowfin. The other fish species in Gills Creek do not appear to be as affected by mercury. The fish studies video will also be shown at the annual meeting and to the GCWA Board.


B. Sonoco Recycling Plant

Sonoco has offered to give GCWA a tour of their recycling plant. Ann Yancey called Sonoco about scheduling the tour. It will be September 12 starting at 1:00 pm. The tour should be finished at approximately 3:00 pm. The Sonoco Recycling plant is on the Bluff Road. This tour will be a member’s only event and will require an RSVP because of the parking situation. Erich will publicize the tour in The Big Splash.

C. Summer Celebration of Water

This event is rescheduled to September 16 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and GCWA has been invited to have a booth. It is taking place at the Riverfront Park and GCWA will bring the enviroscape. Erich has ordered give away items to have for the event. This event is taking place on the same day as the BeachSweep/River Sweep. Valerie Marcil and Mary McIntosh volunteered to work this event.

III. New Business.

A. Calendar for Education Committee Events

The Committee discussed establishing an events calendar for the 2017-2018 year. Tameria said that we had such a calendar in the past and she would email the 2013-2014 events calendar to Ann Yancey to use as a guide.

B. Films for Annual Meeting

The Committee discussed films and venues for GCWA annual meeting in early November or late October. The meeting will be an after work drop-in from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The Hunter Gather is a possible meeting place. GCWA plans to show several short videos that are 5 to 10 minutes in length at the meeting. These films will be showing in the background. The GCWA fish studies video will also be shown at the annual meeting.

C. Master Naturalist Class Presentation

Erich Miarka is planning on doing a presentation at a master naturalist program possibly in February, 2018. Master Naturalist get educational hours for these programs. Ann Yancey suggested that the presentation could take place at Whole Foods followed by a walk along a section of Gills Creek. Members of the Committee made several suggestions on which parts of the Creek would be most feasible to have the walk. Erich will make the arrangements with the SC Master Naturalist. There are approximately 170 master naturalists on their email list. The Master Naturalist program requires that Master Naturalists have 30 volunteer hours per year. They would be a great source of volunteers for GCWA.

D. Leadership South Carolina

Ann Yancey told the Committee that Leadership South Carolina takes requests for projects. It was suggested that GCWA could do a model project that could inspire other watersheds throughout the state. Leadership South Carolina focuses on statewide projects. Valerie proposed that GCWA have a focus project that lasts 2 to 3 years. Our current project is in the Crowson Road area. The Education Committee needs to try to focus as much as we can on that project. We could propose projects to Leadership South Carolina that are spinoffs to the Crowson Road project. The Committee decided not to follow up on Leadership South Carolina until we have such a targeted project(s) at which point the Committee can reconsider the manner.

E. Strategic Plan

Valerie Marcil spoke about the Ann Sinclair report that recommended that the GCWA strategic plan should drive our committee. The Education Committee goals should be educating people about where trash occurs, how to limit trash and other problems in the watershed. Our focus should be on achieving our mission by following the strategic plan.

III. Open Forum

The Education Committee decided the Sonoco tour would take the place of our regular meeting in September. The next meeting at Forest Lake Presbyterian Church will take place in October. Erich shared with the Group that he was doing a presentation for Tameria Warren’s USC class on October 13.

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 10 at Forest Lake Presbyterian Church.