Things I Need to Know about Myself and Assistive Technology


Questions I need to answer / Yes / I can answer that and the answer is….. / No / I don’t know. Here is my plan to find the answer. / This is who I need help from. / This is when I will do this.
Questions about Me and My Learning Style
Do I know what classes are easiest for me?
Do I know why I like these classes?
Do I know what my strengths are?
Do I know what classes are most difficult for me?
Do I know why I have difficulty with these classes?
Do I know what my weaknesses are in school?
Do I know my preferred learning style(s) and what learning environments work best for me?
Can I explain my learning style to others?
Can I explain my disability to others?
Do I have any long-term goals?
Do I have any short term goals?
Am I completing the goals on my IEP?
Is there something I would like to improve or accomplish in school or work?
Questions about My Technology
Do I have any favorite pieces of technology and why?
If I’ve used technology, do I know what type is most helpful to me in reading?
If I’ve used technology, do I know what type is most helpful to me in writing?
If I’ve used technology, do I know what type is most helpful to me in organization?
If I’ve used technology, do I know what is most helpful to me in math?
Do I have other assistive technology needs?
Is there technology I’ve used before that didn’t work for me? Why not?
Are there other types of technology I would like to try to help me with tasks I find difficult?
Do I know what I want this technology to do?
Do I know how to find out more about this technology?
Do I know my rights related to AT?
Can I explain why I need AT and when I need AT to my teachers, peers, family and employers?
Do I have specific career goals?
Have I thought about what AT I will need to meet my career goals?
Do I know where to go to get the AT I need?
Do I know how I will pay for it?
What should I do if my AT breaks? Do I have a back up plan?
How will I get my AT repaired, cleaned or maintained when needed?
What is my plan for learning about new technology advances?
Do I have a plan for organizing all of this information?

From Thoma, C. & Wehman, P. (2010). Getting the most out of IEPS: An educator’s guide to the student directed approach.

(p.149). Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.