The Thirteenth International Conference on Jewish Names

Steering committee: Prof. Aaron Demsky


Dr Stephanie Ginensky, Prof. Yigal Levin and Dr. Tsvi Sadan

Monday August 7, 2017

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mt Scopus Campus, Jerusalem, Israel

1. Names in the Bible and in Rabbinic Literature

09:00-11:00 Chair: TBA

Elitzur, Yoel

Sharuhen-Shilhim-šrḥn (Hebrew)

Shai, Itzhaq

The Meaning of the Name of Amon son of Manasseh (Hebrew)

Fox, Harry

The Authenticity of Infrequently Mentioned Names in Rabbinic Literature

Keim, Katharina

From Rabbi Akiva to Rabbi Ze’era: Rabbinic names in Pirqei deRabbi Eliezer

2. Names in Jewish Communities 1

11:30-13:30 Chair: TBA

Schneidenbach, Esther

The Names of the Jews in Ancient Rome

Braverman, Nardo Bonomi

Nomen Omen. Onomastics as a Source for Understanding the Formation of the Modern Italian Jewish Population and Internal Migrations

Muñoz Solla, Ricardo

The Others Renamed: Identity and Anthroponomy in Judeo-Converso Contexts in 15th century

Damjanovic, Milos M.

Onomastics of Kosovo-Metohijan Jews

3. Names in Different Jewish Communities 2

11:30-13:30 Chair: Ber Kotlerman

Rosen, Jacob

A Chronological Survey of Baghdad Jewish Surnames (Hebrew)

Ovadia, Moshe

Moroccan Jewish Names: An Historical-onomastic-halakhic Source in Light of R. Yitzhak Hazan's Halakhic Oeuvre (Hebrew)

Kroizer, Refael

The Genre of Name Lists for Divorce Records: Its Creation and Meaning (Hebrew)

Lunch break

4. Jewish Names in Poland and Germany

15:00-17:00 Chair: TBA

Zurek, Aleksandra

The Surnames of Converts from Judaism to Christianity in Warsaw 1826 - 1850

Wrzosinski, Witold

Hebrew Family Names on Epitaphs of the Warsaw Jewish Cemetery

Czakai, Johannes

Jewish Reactions to the Adoption of Permanent Surnames in German Lands 1787-1849

Sliz-Marciniec, Malgorzata

Changing Names of Jewish Students at the Jagellonian University in Krakow in the 2nd Half of the 19th century

5. Modern Personal, Family and Street Names

15:00-17:00 Chair: Tsvi Sadan

Cohen, Adar

Transforming “Grin” to “Ben Gurion” and other Zionist leaders Hebraized surnames: A Socio-Political Perspective of a Socio-Linguistic Phenomenon (Hebrew)

Landman, Shlomit

"I am the only nun in Israel" – Naming Newborns in Several Jewish Communities in Israel as an Expression of Basic Values (Hebrew)

Dahamshe, Amer

Street Names in Maalot-Tarshiha (Hebrew)

Roginsky, Dina

Heritage Learners: First Names of Jewish-American Students in Hebrew Classes

6. Names in Hebrew Literature

17:30-19:30 Chair: Aaron Demsky

Be’er, Haim

How do I choose the Names of my Characters? (Hebrew)

Bar Asher, Moshe

A Community in the Light of its Names and Nicknames (Hebrew)

Heller, Erga

Re-naming as an Adaptation Norm in Hebrew Children’s Literature (Hebrew)