Vision Statement / 3
Teachers and Administrators / 3
Parents and Community / 4
Students / 4
Curriculum / 4
SY 2003-2004 Goals / 5
Welcome / 5
Tutorial Period Guidelines / 6
Attendance Policy / 7
Release of Pupils / 10
Returning to Class after being Absent / 11
Tardy Policy / 11
Closed Campus Policy / 12
Parking Policy / 13
Immunization and Health Services / 14
Admission Requirements / 14
Guidance / 15
Class Loads and Schedule Changes / 16
Chief Manuelito Scholarship Program / 18
General Rules / 29
Parents’ Responsibility / 31
School’s Responsibility / 31
Due Process Policy / 32
Ditching/Truancy / 33
Assault and/or Battery / 36
Intimidation / 36
Suspension / 38
Sexual Harassment / 39
Indecent Literature and Profanity / 40
Theft or Larceny / 40
Dress Code / 40
Gambling / 42
Fire and Emergency Drills / 42
Correspondence Credits / 43

Central Consolidated School District #22

Vision Statement

Purpose of Central Consolidated School District:

To prepare ALL students to be productive, contributing citizens of an ever-changing society.

The Mission of Central Consolidated School District:

The mission of CCSD is to prepare ALL students to be knowledgeable and productive citizens in an ever-changing society by providing challenging instruction in a safe learning environment.

Philosophical Beliefs

Teacher and Administrators

The primary responsibility of the district staff is to create an atmosphere where all people believe they are accepted, respected, and valued. Teachers and administrators will earn the respect of those they serve. Employee success will be based on student achievement and district staff will always strive to improve student achievement.

Parents and Community

Parent support is critical for student success in school. Parents will have the opportunity to select the best learning environment and curriculum option for their children.

Parents, students, business people, and interested citizens will have input into grade level and course outcomes.


Students realize they are responsible for their own level of education. High School students will see relevance and meaning in what is being taught. All students will be exposed to a wide variety of educational experiences in all areas of study at each grade level. Students will specialize in a specific area of study in which they are interested or in which they have a natural interest.


Grade level and course outcomes will be made available to parents and students. The curriculum will be culturally sensitive. Standardized tests are a necessary requirement according to State Department of Education (SDE) requirements. High test scores demonstrate to the public that we have done our job.

Central Consolidated School District

SY 2003-2004 Goals

Goal #1

Each student will increase skills in math, science, and oral & written language through improved instructional methods and the use of technology.

Goal #2

Each student will demonstrate positive behavior and will use non-violent conflict resolution techniques.

Goal #3

Each student will improve overall academic achievement as a result of increased parental involvement.


“I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Kirtland Central High School. It is a privilege, on our part, to guide and help develop the minds that will influence our future, as well as the opportunity for you to learn and experience all that we have to offer at KC. Share this handbook with your parents and read it carefully in order to become acquainted with the responsibilities and obligations that are expected of you during your stay at Kirtland Central High School. The staff and I are looking forward to knowing and working with each of you this school year.”

-William C. Noland, Principal

Handbook/ Day Planner

This handbook was developed for your personal and school use. The day planner will be used to record your daily assignments, due dates, and any other activities you may be involved in. The day planner will also be used as a tutorial or work release pass. To be released from tutorial class, the student’s handbook must be signed by the “requesting” teacher. KEEP YOUR DAY PLANNER WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES!

Tutorial Period Guidelines

One fourth (1/4) credit will be granted for the Silent Reading Period of tutorial, which is tied to the attendance policy. If a student does not exceed the allowable absences specified by the attendance policy while participating in the Reading period, as verified by the tutorial teacher, and takes advantage of the remainder of the tutorial period, he/she will receive a Satisfactory (S) grade. If any one of these requirements is not met, the student will receive an Unsatisfactory (U), resulting in the loss of the ¼ credit. The “U” will count as an “F” for eligibility purposes. Students who do not have homework should be reading library books or magazines. They should be busy during this time.

Specific times are set for tutorial activities. The schedule for tutorial will be as follows for all teachers and students to follow:

9:35 – 10:35 Silent Reading Period

10:35-10:40 Passing Period

10:40-1:25 Students with requests are allowed to leave to other classes


Bronco News/Channel One will run during the first 20 minutes of the reading period.

Foreign Exchange Students

KCHS has a limit of two (2) foreign exchange students per school year. Please do everything possible to make these students feel welcome in our school and community.

Attendance Policy

The purpose of this policy is to place responsibility for attendance upon the student and his/her parents. Attendance is taken each class period and reported to the office. Excused absences include but are not necessarily limited to the following: the student was sick at home, the student was at a professional appointment (doctor, lawyer), or the student was at a funeral of someone from his/her immediate family.

1)  A student will be in attendance forty (40) days for a semester to be granted credit for any class. All absences count toward the five (5) days per semester allowed for each student. “Unexcused” absences may not be appealed. “Unexcused” absences include, but are not limited to: out-of-school suspension, truancy, failure to provide evidence of the absence being excused.

2)  Upon acquiring the fifth (5th) absence during the semester, a student shall be placed on “no-credit” status. The “no-credit” status may be removed providing the following requirements are met:

  1. Students attend all future classes and complete all work.
  2. All future absences are appealed to the principal, or designee, for possible extension of the five day rule. Failure on the part of the student to have the “no-credit” status removed will result in loss of credit for the classes in question for the semester.
  3. Once a high-school student has lost credit in all classes, the student may be disenrolled. The student may still apply for admission in the District’s alternative programs.

If a student chooses not to attend one of the alternative programs, he/she may reenroll in any district high school at semester.

1)  The building administrator reserves the right to review final decisions on a case-by-case basis for further consideration. If any absences are unexcused the student will not be granted an extension. Failure on the part of the student to have the “no-credit” status removed will result in the loss of credit for the semester.

2)  Procedure for notifying parents on absences:

  1. After the second (2nd), fourth (4th) and fifth (5th) absences during the current semester, parents will be notified by form letter.
  2. After the sixth (6th) absence, during the current semester, students will lose credit in the class in which the absences occurred.
  3. Prior to the end of each semester, student on “no-credit” status and their parents should meet with school personnel to determine the student’s credit status.
  4. Consideration will be given in cases of serious illness or accidents only when accompanied by medical confirmation.
  5. All arrangements to do make-up work will be the sole responsibility of the student and must be made on the first day the student returns to school. All teachers will arrange to give make-up assignments and tests to the students.
  6. School-sponsored activities will not count as absences for the student.

Area Vocational School (A.V.S. ) Attendance Policy

In addition to being subject to regular school rules at KCHS, AVS students are responsible for meeting and adhering to the rules of San Juan College. The San Juan College attendance rules for AVS include the following:

1)  A student is allowed 7 absences per semester.

2)  After the fourth (4th) absence the “home” school and the student’s parents are notified.

3)  Upon acquiring the eighth (8th) absence, the student is placed on “no-credit” status and disenrolled from the AVS program.

4)  AVS Students are required to ride the AVS bus unless prior arrangements are made through their “home” school administration.

Release of Pupils

If a pupil needs to leave school during the day, guardians must contact the office and have the student called out of class. If the guardian is unable to come to the school, please send a note to the school prior to the student’s checking out. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE SIGNED OUT IN THE OFFICE. This includes those students who are 18 years of age, or older. KCHS will not release a student to anyone except the legal guardian unless there is a signed note from the guardian. Students will be release to any legal guardian unless there is a custody notice or court order forbidding contact.

Returning to Class after Being Absent

In order for an absence to be excused, the student must provide a note from the parent/guardian stating the date and reason for the absence or the student must provide evidence of a professional appointment (doctor’s slip, etc). All excuses will be placed in the basket on the Front Office counter upon the student’s return to school.

Tardy Policy

It will be the teacher’s responsibility to report tardies to the Attendance Office. Tardies will be reported on the standard disciplinary referral form so that students do not miss instructional time.

Upon receiving the third tardy in any class, the student will be referred to the office for a conference with an administrator. A second referral can result from a 4th class tardy or a third tardy in another class. The third referral can be a combination of three tardies in one class or extended tardies for a class that a referral has already been made.

The 3rd offense will result in 3 days ISS and a mandatory parent conference.

The 4th offense will result in a 1 day out of school suspension and a parent meeting prior to a return to school.

The 5th offense will result in a two-day out of school suspension and a parent conference for an attendance contract signing.

The 6th offense will result in an immediate out of school suspension and a long-term suspension hearing being held

Closed Campus Policy

The Board of Education of Central Consolidated School District #22 enacted the closed campus policy, which means:

1)  Once a student has arrived on campus, he/she is required to remain on campus for the entire day unless released by a school official.

2)  Lunch is available in the cafeteria or a student may bring a sack lunch. There will be no permission to go off campus for lunch.

3)  A student must obtain a pass from the office in order to leave the campus. Parent permission is required even if the student is 18 years old or older. Only students with scheduled doctors’ appointments, religious release, work/study, etc. will be granted a pass to leave. A doctor’s appointment card or note from the parent/guardian is required before a pass to leave will be issued.

4)  Students who drive to school are not to return to the parking lot during the school day.

5)  High school students are not to enter the middle school campus without permission.

6)  Students who disregard the closed campus policy will be subject to suspension and parent/guardian notification.

7)  When a student leaves the campus without permission, the school is no longer responsible for that student in any way.

Parking Policy

1)  All vehicles must be registered in the Main Office.

2)  Speeding, reckless operation, or any other activities which are hazardous to others or disruptive to the educational process may result in a police citation and loss of parking privileges. The speed limit on all CCSD properties, unless otherwise stated, is 10 m.p.h.

3)  Only students with a valid driver’s license will be permitted to drive on CCSD property.

4)  Vehicles must be licensed and insured before permits will be issued.

5)  Student vehicles are subject to search if there are reasonable grounds to suspect drugs, alcohol, or other contraband is present in the vehicle.

6)  Sitting in cars before and during school is not permitted.

7)  No vehicle will be parked outside designated spaces.

8)  The southwest lot (front of the school) is reserved for staff and visitors, only. Student violators risk losing their parking privileges.

9)  Students are not to park on the East side of the building or in the area southwest of Bronco Arena.


1st Offense-Warning

2nd Offense-$15.00 Fine

3rd Offense- Vehicle towed at owner’s expense

Immunization and Health Services

It is unlawful for any student to enroll in school unless he/she has been immunized, as required under the regulations of the New Mexico Health Department, and can provide satisfactory evidence of such immunization.

The school nurse serves as liaison between the home, school, and the community resources for health services. Education, prevention, and protection are used to keep the students healthy and in school each day.

Admission Requirements

Individuals may enroll in Kirtland Central High School on the following bases:

1)  Students shall be admitted upon satisfactorily completing the preceding grade level or subject matter. Other students may be admitted by the principal when admittance is judged to be in the best interest of the student.

2)  Student immunization records must be presented and up to date; in compliance with State law.