Board of Trustees Meeting

January 9, 2003




JANUARY 9, 2003

The meeting was held on Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 8:30 a.m., at the Ammerman Campus in Selden, New York.


Michael V. Hollander Trustee/Chair

M. Vicki Wacksman Trustee/Vice Chair

William D. Moore Trustee/Secretary

Walter C. Hazlitt Trustee

George Kane Trustee

Kevin S. Law Trustee

Jim Morgo Trustee

Frank C. Trotta Trustee

Russell Ainbinder Trustee

Salvatore J. La Lima President

James Canniff V. P. for Academic & Campus Affairs

Eric Ricioppo V. P. for Marketing & Public Affairs

Steven Schrier V. P. for Legal, Planning & Infor. Services

Charles Stein V. P. for Business & Financial Affairs

Michael Weissberg V. P. for Student Affairs

Joanne Braxton Executive Dean, Western Campus

William Connors Executive Dean, Eastern Campus

David Bergen Dean of Student Services

Dr. Peter Katopes Dean of Faculty


Dennis McCarthy Trustee


Hon. Vivian Fisher, Suffolk County Legislator

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Chairperson’s Report

·  There will be a Board of Trustees meeting on January 23, 2003, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., at the Selden campus

·  May 5 – 9, 2003 will be a period dealing with the final presidential candidates

·  May 8, 2003 will be a regular Board Meeting, and an additional board meeting has been scheduled for May 9, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

·  There will be a full investigation about one of the college exhibits that was done by the Art Department.

·  The following directive is given to the administration regarding the preparation of the 2003-2004 budget. Certain areas are not included in this directive since the amounts to be budgeted are determined by collective bargaining and other factors. The total amount requested for the 2003-04 budget may not exceed the total expended in the 2000, 3000 and 4000 object series for 2001-2002. Each unit will then prioritize how it would allocate these resources among the 2000, 3000 and 4000 object series.

·  Litigation reports will go to Kevin Law.

·  Trustee Bill Moore will work on L. Murray case with Vice President Steve Schrier

·  Dr. Parilla of our Academic Search was introduced. Dr. Parilla gave his personal background and went over the calendar for the search, the prospectus, and advertising placement. He reiterated that the week from May 5th to the 9th is the week that we will have finalist and finalist spouses invited.

·  Minutes will be approved after the pledge, before the approval of the resolutions.

·  Trustee Frank Trotta and Trustee Jerry Kane will work on the land issue (Bayport property).

·  Recommended a goal of 63/37 ratio for full time adjunct ratio and an 88% utilization rate. President La Lima will put together a policy on this for the January 23 Board Meeting and provide information on Nassau’s goals.

·  Trustee Dr. Wacksman presented a progress report on the Wellness Committee.

·  Vice President Charles Stein explained how a new line on the tax bill for Suffolk County Community College would work.

·  President La Lima will write a sabbatical review policy resolution that will incorporate SUNY policy on the president’s role in awarding sabbaticals.

·  Paul Cooper, Executive Director of Facilities explained the Master Plan, Capital Plan and contract process. (President La Lima will amend the existing policy on the contract process.) A resolution will be offered in February on the approval of the capital program.

·  Trustee Jerry Kane will be liaison to capital projects.

·  Trustees Bill Moore will be working with Plan C.

·  Trustee Dr. Wacksman handed out a packet from CC Benefits. This firm proposes to conduct an economic impact study. Dr. Wacksman serves on a task force that will consider funding the study. Otherwise, the College would have to pay $5-6,000.


Finance Report

(Charles Stein)

We are projecting our revenues will exceed the budget for the year by about $780,000. On the expenditure side, not taking into consideration the early retirement, which has not been calculated yet, we are $1-1.3 million to the good at this point. Of course that will change with respect to appointments of personnel and other things.

The enrollment increase for the spring semester right not looks to be in the five percent range.

Vice President Stein will give a report at the January 23rd Board Meeting as to how many are faculty in the 51 that retired.

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Foundation Report

Bob Walther, 1st vice-chair of the SCC Foundation Board of Directors apprised the Board of the following:

·  Planning for April 4th – Salute to Excellence event @ Wyndham Wind Watch Hotel in Hauppauge.

·  Foundation directors will be attending the State Board training consortium sponsored by the Leadership and Management Institute of the Council of Community Services of New York State January 9 and 10, 2003.

·  Another meeting will be held on Monday, January 13, at the Eastern Campus involving the Eastern Campus athletic facility project.

·  Honorees for this year for the salute to excellence thus far are Al LeGrow of Long Island Street Rod Association, Edna Gerrard of St. Gerard Printing and HVAC industry leaders.

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The following resolutions (No. 2003.1 through 2003.16 were approved unanimously (except Resolution No. 2003.15 was duly moved, seconded, and was approved by a vote of 6 in favor, Walter Hazlitt opposed).


WHEREAS, the following employee has submitted a letter of resignation, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the resignation of the following employee, effective date as noted, is hereby accepted:

Classification Area Effective Date


Raymond Delgado Custodial Worker II Plant Operations (A) 12/14/02

* * * * * * * * * *


WHEREAS, there are vacancies in the civil service classification, and the positions listed below are provided in the College budget, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the appointments of the following civil service employees are hereby approved at the rate and title designated:

Annual Effective

Area Classification Salary Date


Gail Kunes Registrar(A) Clerk Typist $24,012 01/21/03

Coni Lorenzen Payroll (C) Senior Acct.Clerk $37,219 01/13/03

* * * * * * * * * *


WHEREAS, the following professional staff member has requested an unpaid leave of absence, and

WHEREAS, the campus Executive Dean recommends that the leave of absence be granted, and the College President concurs, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the following professional staff member be granted an unpaid leave of absence, as noted:

NAME Rank Area Period of Leave

Sam Ligon Assoc. Prof. English (A) Spring 2003-Fall 2004

* * * * * * * * * *


WHEREAS, Stilwyn Brown had submitted a letter of retirement effective 12/31/02 which was approved in Resolution No. 2002.219, and


WHEREAS, Stilwyn P. Brown has withdrawn her letter of retirement, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 2002.219 is hereby amended to exclude Stilwyn Brown from the retirement list.

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WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the campus executive dean and the Vice President for Academic and Campus Affairs that these individuals be granted temporary appointments, and the College president concurs, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the following individuals are hereby granted temporary appointments as noted:

Rank Area Period


James Frost Instructor Speech Comm. (E) Spring 2003

Claudia Kuehnl Assistant Professor Visual Arts (A) Spring 2003

Dr. Roberta Marpet Assistant Professor Nursing (A) Spring 2003

Wallace Sadoff Assistant Professor Counseling (E) 1/7-6/16/03

Judith Stone Assistant Professor Biology (A) Spring 2003

* * * * * * * * * *


WHEREAS, the following members of the professional staff are presently serving on term appointment for the 2002 – 03 academic year, and

WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Vice President for Academic and Campus Affairs, that these individuals be reappointed, and the College President concurs, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the following individuals are hereby appointed for the 2003 – 04 academic year, on a one-year term basis, as noted:


Date of Rank Area



Dr. Joni Al-Hihi 09/01/00 Ass’t. Prof. Math (W)

Dr. Jean Anastasia 09/01/99 Ass’t. Prof. Biology (A)

PhilipArmato 09/01/00 PA II Physical Ed. (W)

Malika Batchie 05/01/99 Specialist Admissions (A)

C. Beard-Moose 09/01/99 Ass’t. Prof. Anthro./Soc. (A)

Dr. Michael Belanich 09/01/00 Instructor Nat. Sci.(W)

Thomas Bovino 09/01/00 Instructor Communications (A)

Joann Brandes 09/01/00 Instructor Business (W)

Steven Brodsky 09/01/00 Instructor English (E)

Darryl Butkos 01/24/00 Ass’t. Prof. Earth/Space Sci. (A)

Paul Caffrey 09/01/00 Instructor Physical Educ. (A)

J. Carlson (Black) 01/29/01 P. A. II Biology (A)

Dr. Xingbin Chen 09/01/00 Ass’t. Prof. Computer Science (A)

Ed Chropufka 09/01/00 P. A. II Educational Tech.(W)

Stephen Clark 06/01/99 P. A. II Net.&Telecomm.(C)

Dr. E. Colon-Mallah 09/01/00 Instructor Vet. Sci. (W)

Chris Cosenza 09/01/00 Instructor Physical Educ. (A)

Maureen David 05/15/00 P. A. I Corp.Tng.Center (C)

Chris Demetriou 05/13/02 P. A. I Comp.Supp.Serv.(C)

Danielle Dorgan 04/26/99 P. A. I Comp.Supp.Serv.(C)

RaeEllen Doyle 09/01/99 Ass’t. Prof. Communications (A)

Michelle Egan 09/01/99 Instructor Occ.Ther.Asst.(W)

Dr. Candace Foley 09/01/99 Assoc. Prof. Chemistry (A)

Jodi Gaete 09/01/99 Ass’t. Prof. Communications (A)

Dr. Anindita Ghosh 09/01/99 Ass’t. Prof. Physics (A)

Kathleen Graves 09/01/00 Instructor Computer Art (E)

Stephen Green 09/01/99 Ass’t Prof. Theatre (A)

Denise Haggerty 08/18/01 P.A. I Honors Program (C)

Dr. Jane Hayes 09/01/00 Ass’t. Prof. Geography (A)

Alphonse Heraghty 09/01/99 P.A. II Aquatics&Fit.(W)

Kerry Hoffman 09/01/99 Ass’t. Prof. Physical Therapy (A)

Dr. Douglas Howard 09/01/00 Inst./Coord. Writing Center (A)

Joseph Imperial 09/01/99 Instructor Auto Tech (A)

Dr. Lauri Hutt Kahn 09/01/01 Ass’t. Prof. Foreign Lang. (A)

Jason Kankel 09/01/99 P. A. II Theatre (A)


Date of Rank Area



Allen Keener 09/01/00 Instructor Fine Arts (W)

Heidi Kiley 01/24/00 Ass’t. Prof. Mathematics (A)

Theodore Koukounas 09/01/00 Instructor Mathematics (E)

Laughlin Loud 09/01/00 P. A. II Theatre (A)

Dr. R. B. MacDonald 09/01/00 Instructor Psychology (E)

Edie MacPherson 09/01/00 Instructor Communications (A)

Susan McCabe 01/24/00 Ass’t. Prof. Nursing (A)

Kathleen McConnell 01/28/02 Assoc. Prof. ESL (E)

Timothy McHeffey 01/24/00 Assoc. Prof. Business (E)

James McHugh 09/01/00 P. A. II ETU (A)

Sarah Mackey 09/01/99 Asst. Prof. English (W)

Kathleen Massimo 03/06/00 P. A. II Inst.Res.&Ass.(C)

Dr. A.Menendez-Collera 01/28/02 Ass’t Prof. Foreign Lang. (A)

Dr. Iordan Michev 01/24/00 Assoc. Prof. Math. (A)

Richard Mizdal 09/01/00 Assoc. Prof. Photo.Imaging(E)

Florence Mullarkey 01/24/00 Ass’t. Prof. Nursing (A)

Dr. Margery Oldfield 01/29/01 Specialist Grants Dev. (C)

Angela Orefice 09/01/99 Ass’t. Prof. Phys. Ed. (A)

Susan Orlando 01/14/02 P. A. II Nursing (A)

Dr. S. O’Sullivan 09/01/01 Instructor Philosophy (A)

Matthew Pappas 09/01/00 Instructor Phys.Sci./Astronomy(A)

Smruti Patel 01/24/00 Ass’t. Prof. Math. (W)

Denise Price 01/24/00 Assoc. Prof. Nursing (A)

Lanette Raymond 01/03/00 Specialist Inst.Res.&Ass.(C)

Ray Roses 09/01/99 P.A. II Student Affairs (C)

Dr. Claire Rubman 09/01/00 Instructor Soc. Sci. (W)

Laurey Russo 09/01/99 Instructor Graphic Design (E)

Carol Rutigliano 01/15/01 P. A. I Events (W)

Frank Salerno 06/12/00 P. A. I Educational Tech. (W)

Gerald Schnal 09/01/99 P. A. II Physical Science (A)

Donna Serrano 12/17/01 P. A. II Financial Aid (A)

Michael Simon 09/01/99 Instructor Construction Tech (A)

Teresa Spillet-McKay 02/28/00 P. A. I Acad.&Adj.Serv.(C)

Laura Stoland 09/01/00 Instructor Fine Arts (A)


Date of Rank Area



Dawn Tracy-Hanley 08/18/00 P. A. II Reading (W)

Dr. Turhan-Swenson 09/01/00 Instructor English (A)

Dr. Joseph Vollaro 09/01/00 Instructor Psychology (A)

Julia Weisenberg 09/01/01 Instructor ASL (A)

Dr. Shonda Wilson 09/01/99 Ass’t. Prof. English (E)

Dr. Kenneth Wishnia 09/01/00 Instructor English (W)

Andrew Wittkamper 09/01/01 Instructor Theatre (A)

Dr. Thomas Woods 09/01/99 Instructor History (W)

Anthony Zajac 09/01/00 Instructor Hlth,Well.PE(W)

* * * * * * * * * *


WHEREAS, the following member of the professional staff has served on appointments supported by grants for the 2001-2002 year, and

WHEREAS, a grant funded position is available within the Entrepreneurial Assistance Program, (EAP), and

WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the vice president for academic and campus affairs that the following individual be granted a temporary appointment, and the president concurs, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the following individual is hereby appointed on a temporary basis for the following period:

Name Rank Area Salary Appt. Period

Daphne Gordon P. A. II EAP (C) $55,303 1/1/03-11/30/03

(12 mo.)

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WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint an Assistant Academic Chair to fill a vacancy, and

WHEREAS, the campus Executive Dean, and the Vice president for Academic and Campus Affairs recommend this appointment, and the College President concurs, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the appointment of the following individual, who shall serve without term at the pleasure of the College President, as Assistant Academic Chair of the area designated, is hereby approved effective January 23, 2003


Title Area Stipend

Dr. Jing Yi Chin Ass’t. Academic Chair Physical Science (A) $5,146

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WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint an Academic Chair to fill a vacancy, and

WHEREAS, the campus Executive Dean, and the Vice president for Academic and Campus Affairs recommend this appointment, and the College President concurs, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the appointment of the following individual, who shall serve without term at the pleasure of the College President, as Academic Chair of the area designated, is hereby approved effective January 23, 2003


Title Area Stipend

Laura Stoland Academic Chair Visual Arts (A) $8,116

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WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the academic administration resulting from recent retirements, and

WHEREAS, a qualified member of the College’s professional staff has expressed interest in this position, and