Year 3/4 Mini Homework Project (Autumn term 1 2017)
During this term, we will be studying the topic called “What Lies Beneath”. This mini homework grid is based on this topic, along with the science we are also learning. You should chooseoneactivityfrom each row, each week. Please complete the homework in your homework book, which should be handed inon the following Wednesday.
Set on 15/09/17(Englishbased learning)
To be handed in 20/09/17
Choose 1 activity from this row / Choose a ‘rock pool creature’ to research. Present your creature on a poster, containing 3 sentences to describe it. Add a ‘did you know?’ box with an interesting fact about the creature! / If you could be a marine animal or fish for a day, which one would you choose? Explain your reasons for choosing your animal or fish, and explain how you would spend your day! / Create a glossary of ocean vocabulary. Include at least 10 words and their meanings. E.g. Current, coral reef, etc.
Set on 22/09/17
(Topic based learning)
To be handed in 27/09/17
Choose 1 activity from this row / Use an atlas and write a list of all the seas and oceans. How many can you find? / Find out the names of 7 seas or oceans across the world. Put these into a word search and ask a friend or grown up to find your words! / Choose 3 seas and/or oceans and write 5 facts about each. e.g. How deep, big, what creatures live there. etc.
Set on 29/09/17
(Maths based learning)
To be handed in 4/10/17
Choose 1 activity from this row / Ask your teacher for sea themed maths problems to solve! / Write your own ‘sea creature word problems’ involving addition and subtraction. Don’t forget to include the solutions! / Find the average temperature of each of the world’s 5 oceans. Write the temperatures in order from hottest to coldest. Looking at your results, can you create your own 1-step word problem?
Set on 6/10/17
(Art based learning)
To be handed in 11/10/17
Choose 1 activity from this row / Design and label your own sea creature, you may choose different parts of creatures you know to create a hybrid or use your imagination to create something new. / Draw or paint a rough or calm seascape. You could use water colours or try a different style of painting. e.g. Pointillism.Try to consider the colours you might use. / Create a sculpture of a marine creature or plant. e.g. A crab, seaweed, octopus, polar bear, penguin, etc.
You could use clay, salt dough, papier mache, junk or any other materials of your choice. Try to be creative!
Set on 13/10/17
(Science based learning)
To be handed in 18/10/17
Choose 1 activity from this row / Create a poster to explain how to protect your eyes in bright sunlight. / Show using photographs how a shadow changes over the course of a day. Remember to include a sentence to explain your findings. / Create your own concept cartoon to show how shadows are formed. Your teacher will give you an example to help you.
Please remember that we expect you to keep up your reading at home, learn and explore your spellings and spelling patterns and keep practising your number bonds within 100 and times tables. All of these will help your learning in school and help you to make good progress.