Purpose of this guide:

The Department of Education and Training is committed to working with its employees to create and maintain a work environment that ensures the principles of diversity and equity and the elimination of unlawful discrimination apply for all employees, including equal employment opportunity target groups.

These guidelines and the roles and responsibilities outlined, are applicable to all staff employed within the Department of Education and Training.

Key terms of this guide:

Diversity is the positive acknowledgement of the ways in which we are all different. This includes variations across gender, age, disability, religious and cultural background and the diverse commitments of employees’ work and life responsibilities.

Equity means making sure everyone is treated in a fair and equal manner in the workplace and includes the concepts of equal employment opportunity and unlawful discrimination.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) refers to the establishment of conditions which enable pre-determined EEO target groups to be considered for and compete equally for recruitment, selection, promotion and transfer with the general workforce. According to the Public Service Act 2008 EEO target groups refer to the following:

a)  people of the Aboriginal race of Australia or people who are descendants of the indigenous inhabitants of the Torres Strait Islands;

b)  people who have migrated to Australia and whose first language is a language other than English, and the

c)  children of those people;

d)  people with a physical, sensory, intellectual or psychiatric disability, whether the disability presently exists or previously existed but no longer exists;

e)  women, irrespective of age; and

f)  a group of people prescribed under a regulation.

Guiding principles:

The guiding principles the Department of Education and Training is committed to uphold include:

·  Fair and equitable treatment for all.

·  Recruitment, selection, promotion and transfer based on merit.

·  A concern for staff welfare.

·  Valuing people for their diversity.

·  Ensuring our workforce reflects the diversity of the Queensland population it serves.

·  Compliance with legislative requirements.

·  Prompt resolution of grievances and complaints.

Guiding legislation, regulations and substantive policy:

Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 Ch1 to 9 http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_SLs/Acts_SL_A.htm

Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 ss14-19 http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_SLs/Acts_SL_C.htm

Industrial Relations Act 1999 ss34-37 http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_SLs/Acts_SL_I.htm

Public Service Act 2008 ss30-32, 187 - 192 http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CURRENT/P/PublicServA08.pdf

Whistleblower Protection Act 1994 ss3, 7, 8, 14, 15, 18,19 and 29 http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_SLs/Acts_SL_W.htm

Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 ss18-31 http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/Acts_SLs/Acts_SL_W.htm

Public Service Commission Directive Number: 11/07, 8/10, 05/11


Code of Conduct 2011 http://www.psc.qld.gov.au/library/document/catalogue/equity-ethics-grievance/qps-code-conduct.pdf

Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwth) Chapter 3 http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/C2011C00580

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cwth) s15 http://www.comlaw.gov.au/comlaw/management.nsf/lookupindexpagesbyid/IP200401654?OpenDocument

Racial Hatred Act 1995 (Cwth) s3 http://www.comlaw.gov.au/comlaw/management.nsf/lookupindexpagesbyid/IP200403793?OpenDocument

Sex Discrimination Act 1984(Cwth) ss14-28L http://www.comlaw.gov.au/comlaw/management.nsf/lookupindexpagesbyid/IP200401301?OpenDocument

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwth) ss5-11 http://www.comlaw.gov.au/comlaw/management.nsf/lookupindexpagesbyid/IP200401406?OpenDocument

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cwth) ss19A, 30 http://www.comlaw.gov.au/comlaw/management.nsf/lookupindexpagesbyid/IP200401635?OpenDocument

Actions and Responsibilities:

The Department aims to ensure the guiding principles, legislation, regulations and policies are implemented to achieve a diverse and equitable workforce by providing clarity on the roles each employee is required and expected to take:

Role / Responsibilities
Department of Education and Training / ·  Provide policies, practices and systems that support the principles of diversity and equity and are developed in consideration of the needs and circumstances of all employees.
·  Develop strategies which support members of EEO groups to compete for recruitment, selection, promotion and transfer as effectively as the general workforce.
·  Consult regularly with all stakeholders in regards to diversity and equity issues.
·  Collect statistical information associated with diversity and equity within the department.
·  Take reasonable steps to prevent the occurrence of unlawful discrimination or harassment.
·  Provide employees with formal avenues for grievance and support (all grievances are to be managed in accordance with the Public Service Commission Directive Number 8/10, Managing employee complaints.
Managers and Principals / (the following responsibilities are in addition to the responsibilities of employees outlined below)
· Model appropriate workplace behaviour and promote the principles of diversity and equity.
· Ensure that staff members are aware of the department’s expectations of the required standard of behaviour.
· Ensure that the needs and circumstances of targeted EEO groups are considered in any decisions or processes related to employment.
· Monitor the workplace for incidences associated with inappropriate behaviour and take appropriate action in this regard.
· Handle all complaints in a serious and confidential manner and in accordance with dispute resolution processes.
Employees / ·  Treat all people with dignity and respect.
·  Carry out duties in an honest, safe and diligent manner.
· Behave in a manner that is consistent with the guiding principles of workplace diversity and equity.
· Comply with guiding legislation, regulations and policy, in particular the Public Service Commission, Code of Conduct: Principle One, Integrity and Impartiality and the department’s Standard of practice.
· Understand that the department encourages the resolution of workplace issues informally before undertaking the formal grievance process outlined in the Managing employee complaints (Directive 08/10).
· Understand that if an employee is found to be in breach of the Workforce Diversity and Equity policy that they may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the relevant award and agreement provisions.

Support and Assistance

The Employee Assistance Service has been established to provide a specialised service of confidential counselling for all Department of Education and Training staff. This service is provided free of charge throughout different district and central locations across the state, and is available to all department employees with work-related or personal problems they would like to discuss.

To access assistance from an Employee Advisor in your area, please follow the link below:


For further advice or information regarding diversity and equity practices in the workplace, please contact Workforce Relations, Human Resources via:


Phone: (07) 3247 5261