Attachment I:

Postsecondary Plan and Application Guidance

ATT I – Postsecondary Plan and Application Guidance

Five-Year Plan Guide:
Postsecondary Institutions



Under the

Carl D. Perkins

Career and Technical

Education Improvement Act of 2006

(P.L. 109-270)

Plan is due July 25, 2008

Bureau of Career Development, Room 266

New Hampshire State Department of Education

21 South Fruit Street, Suite 20

Concord, New Hampshire03301

April 2008

Statement of Nondiscrimination

The New Hampshire Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, marital status, national/ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability in its programs, activities and employment practices.

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:

Brenda Cochrane

Title IX/ADA Coordinator

NH Department of Education

101 Pleasant Street

Concord, NH03301-3860

(603) 271-3743

877-521-2172 TTY/V

Table of Contents


Instructions 5


  1. Cover Page Format12
  2. Nondiscrimination Statement Format/Content14
  3. Certifications and Assurances Form16
  4. Career Pathway Plan of Study Form18
  5. Perkins IV, Sections 134 and 13520
  6. Postsecondary Performance Indicators and Annual Goals Form26
  7. Definitions31
  8. Reviewing Checklist33


Five-Year Plan. The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) requires eligible recipients to submit a local plan for career and technical education. The State Plan covers the five years from Fiscal Year 2009 to 2013 and local plans must cover the same five-year period as the State Plan. Performance accountabilities as required by the Act will apply to the postsecondary eligible recipient and not to individual institutions or programs. This Guide provides directions, formats, and background information for submitting a Five-Year Plan to be supported with funds authorized by Perkins IV.

The Five-Year Plan will include the following:

  • Descriptions of how the recipient will carry out the required activities of Section 134 of the Act, and,
  • Descriptions of additional goals for the five-year period beyond those required by Perkins IV, including any goals that are adopted by the postsecondary consortium or particular colleges.

Annual Application. Before the start of each of the five years covered by the Plan, the eligible postsecondary recipient will need to submit and gain approval of an Annual Application in order to receive federal support under the Perkins Act. Funds will be granted for twelve-month periods, for program improvement purposes only as defined in the Plan. Guidance for submitting an Annual Application for FY 2009 is provided in a separate document.

Plan Amendments. The Five-Year Plan may be amended yearly, as part of the Annual Application for Perkins Program Improvement Grants. At a minimum, the Plan will need to be amended every two years; The Perkins Act requires that goals on all performance indicators be established for two-year periods as a result of negotiations between the New Hampshire Department of Education and the eligible recipient. Once statewide performance goals have been negotiated for two-year periods with the US Department of Education, negotiations between the postsecondary consortium and the eligible agency can begin. Negotiations with the eligible agency may begin with a written request submitted to the administrator of the Career Development Bureau. Beyond these necessary amendments, the eligible recipient may also propose amendments to the Five-Year Plan whenever submitting the Annual Application.

Staff from the New Hampshire Department of Education, Career Development Bureau, will be available to assist the eligible recipient in developing a plan.

  1. Deadline: 4:00 PM, July 25, 2008
  1. Submit one (1) unbound original and one (1) copy to:

John Varrill

Bureau of Career Development, Room 266

NH Department of Education

21 South Fruit Street, Suite 20

Concord, NH 03301

(603) 271-2452

Critical dates in the planning schedule are:

Task / Date
Release of FY 2009-2013 Five-Year PlanGuide / April 1, 2008
Deadline for submitting the 5-Year Plan / July 25, 2008
Notification of approval status of the 5-Year Plan / August 8, 2008

A complete plan will include the following forms and sections, in the order shown below:

  1. Cover Page--(see Attachment A)
  2. Nondiscrimination Statement--(see Attachment B)
  3. Certifications and Assurances Form—(see Attachment C)
  4. FY 2009-13 Five-Year Plan (unlimited pages)

In narrative form, provide the information requested below for 1 through 12. Follow the directions in 13 to establish goals for each of the postsecondary performance indicators required by Perkins IV.

1.Planning, Coordination and Collaboration (Perkins IV Citation: Section 134 (b)(5))

Directions: Provide the names of all the individuals that were involved with the development of the Perkins IV Five-Year Local Plan. Include individuals listed on the Certificationsand Assurances form as well as academic and technical faculty, administrators, career counselors, guidance counselors and other stakeholders as appropriate. Summarize the extent to which all the individuals were involved with the development of the Perkins IV Five-Year Local Plan and how they will be involved with the implementation of the Plan.

  1. Size, Scope and Quality (Perkins IV Citations: Section 134 (b)(6), Section 135 (b)(8))

Directions: Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will ensure that all programs, activities and services assisted with Perkins IV funds are of the size, scope and quality necessary to improve the career and technical education programs of the postsecondary consortium.

  1. Secondary Postsecondary Linkages (CPPOS) (Perkins IV Citations: Section 122 (c)(1)(A)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv), Section 134 (b)(3)(A), Section 135(b)(2))


  1. Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will develop a Career Pathway Plan of Study (CPPOS) for at least three state-approved career and technical education programs in partnership with at least one secondary institution by the end of the five-year planning period.
  1. Describehow each postsecondary institution within the consortium will more effectively link secondary career and technical education to postsecondary education including registered apprenticeship programs during the period covered by the Perkins IV Five-Year Local Plan. Note: this is an appropriate place to utilize the CPPOS.
  1. Academic and Technical Integration (Perkins IV Citations: Section 134 (b)(3)(B), Section 135 (b)(1))

Directions: Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will improve the academic and technical skills of students participating in career and technical education programs by strengthening the academic and technical education components of such programs through the integration of coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic and technical education standards to ensure learning in core academic courses and the technical education courses.

  1. Initiate, Improve, Modernize and Expand Career and Technical Education Programs including Adding Relevant Technology (Perkins IV Citation: Section 135 (b)(4), (6) & (7))


  1. Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will initiate, improve and/or expand career and technical education programs (including adding relevant technology, which may include providing students enrolled in career and technical education with the academic and technical skills (including the mathematics and science knowledge that provides a strong basis for such skills) that lead to entry into the technology fields.
  1. Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will, if feasible, collaborate with technology industries to offer voluntary internships and mentoring programs, including programs that improve the mathematics and science knowledge of students.
  1. All Aspects of the Industry (Perkins IV Citations: Section 134 (b)(3)(C), Section 135 (b)(3))

Directions: Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will incorporate all aspects of the industry in career and technical education programs.

  1. Special Populations. (Perkins IV Citations: Section 3, Section 113, Section 134 (b) (2), Section 134 (b) (8), Section 134 (b) (9), Section 134 (b)(10), Section 135 (b) (9))


  1. Describe the process that each postsecondary institution within the consortium will use to identify and adopt strategies to overcome barriers to students enrolling in, and retained in, career and technical education programs that would prepare them for careers that would be nontraditional for their gender.
  1. Describe how individuals who are members of each individual special population in each postsecondary institution within the consortium will be provided with equal access to activities assisted under the Perkins IV, and how individuals who are members of special populations will not be discriminated against on the basis of their status as members of special populations. In addition, describe how individuals who are members of each individual special population will be provided with services designed to enable the special population to meet or exceed each Core Indicator.
  1. Career and Academic Counseling (Perkins IV Citation: Section 134 (b)(11))

Directions: Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will provide career guidance and academic counseling to students enrolled in career and technical education.

9.Recruitment and Retention of Faculty, Career Guidance and Academic Counselors (Perkins IV Citations: Section 134 (b)(12), Section 135 (5)(B))

Directions: Describe the efforts that each postsecondary institution within the consortium will make to improve the recruitment and retention of technical faculty and career guidance and academiccounselors, including individuals in groups underrepresented in the postsecondary teaching profession and those transitioning to teaching from business and industry.

10.Rigorous and Challenging Courses (Perkins IV Citation: Section 134 (b)(3)(D)(E))

Directions: Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will ensure that students enrolled in career and technical education programs are taught to the same coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards that are taught to all other students.

11.Professional Development (Perkins IV Citations: Section 134 (b)(4), Section 135 (b)(5))


  1. Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will plan comprehensive pre-service and in-service professional development for staff who are involved in career and technical education programs (technical faculty, academic faculty, administrators, career and guidance counselors) for the period covered by the Perkins IV Five-Year Local Plan. Include a description of how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will ensure that the professional development provided over the five-year period will cover:
  1. effective integration and use of challenging academic and technical knowledge and skills provided jointly with academic and technical faculty to the extent practicable;
  2. effective teaching skills based on research that includes promising practices;
  3. effective practices to improve community involvement;
  4. effective use of scientifically based research and data to improve instruction;
  5. knowledge and skills in all aspects of the industry i.e., health and safety, technical, embedded academic, employability, management and entrepreneurship (planning, finance, business ethics, labor relations, community and environmental), and technological;
  6. internship programs that provide relevant business/industry experience; and
  7. training faculty in the effective use and application of technology to improve instruction, which may include distance learning.
  1. Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will ensure that all professional development funded with Perkins IV funds during the entire period covered by the Perkins IV Five-Year Local Plan will be high quality, sustainable, intensive, and focused in order to have a positive and lasting impact on instruction and learning.
  2. Describe how each postsecondary institution within the consortium will ensure that all professional development funded with Perkins IV funds during the entire period covered by the Perkins IV Five-Year Local Plan will include follow-up activities and/or deliverables.

12. Consortium/College Five-Year Goals

Directions: Describe any additional goals adopted by the consortium or by particular colleges that are to be completed by the end of the five-year planning period. For each goal, describe the initiatives that will implemented to achieve these goals

13. Core Indicators of Performance (Perkins IV Citations: Section 134 (b)(4), Section 135 (b)(5))

Directions: The timeline for establishing performance goals will differ from the rest of the timeline for approval of local Five-Year Plans. By no later than July 25, 2008, performance goals for Academic Years 2008 - 20009 and 2009 – 2010 should be established. When postsecondary performance goals have been established and added to Attachment F, the document will become part of the plan for the first two years of the five-year planning period. Thereafter, performance goals for each indicator will be negotiated for two-year periods. Definitions of each indicator are provided in Attachment F.


  1. Cover Page
  2. Nondiscrimination Statement Format and Content
  3. Certifications and Assurances Form
  4. Career Pathway Plan of Study Form
  5. Perkins IV, Sections 134 and 135
  6. Postsecondary Performance Indicators and Annual Goals Form
  7. Definitions
  8. Reviewing Checklist

Attachment A:

Cover Page Format

Cover Page

Postsecondary Career and Technical Education

Five-Year Plan

FY 2009-2013




2.Signature of Chief Administrative OfficerDate


3.Name of Project ManagerTitle

Project Manager Address:





E-mail Address

Submit one (1) original and one (1) copy by July 25, 2008 to:

John Varrill

Bureau of Career Development, Room 266

New Hampshire Department of Education

21 South Fruit St., Suite 20

Concord, NH03301

(603) 271-2452


ATT I – Postsecondary Plan Guidance

Attachment B:


Nondiscrimination Statement
  1. (Insert statement(s) here. Use a separate sheet if the space provided here is inadequate.)

Recommended wording for Nondiscrimination Statement:

The [name] School district/RA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation or marital status. This statement is a reflection of the [name] School District/RA and refers to, but is not limited to, the provisions of the following laws:

Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The age Discrimination Act of 1967

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1975

NH Law against Discrimination (RSA 354-A)

The Title IX Coordinator is: [enter name, address and telephone number]

The Section 504 Coordinator is: [enter name, address and telephone number]

Inquiries may also be directed to the:

  • US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 33 Arch St. Suite 900BostonMA02110-1491 (617-289-0111);
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, JFKFederalBuilding, Room 475, GovernmentCenter, BostonMA02201 (617-565-3200)
  • NH Commission for Human Rights, 2 Chennell Drive, Concord, NH03301 (603-271-2767)

Attachment C:

Certifications and Assurances Form

Certifications and Assurances

I, ______

(Typed Name and Title of Chief Administrative Officer)

______, hereby certify and assure that:


  1. The programs, services, and initiatives described in this plan will be conducted in accordance with the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV), New Hampshire Statutes, and the New Hampshire Administrative Rules.
  1. Student, program, and performance data, information, and reports as may be reasonably required by the NH State Department of Education will be submitted as requested, and in a timely fashion.
  1. All career and technical education programs offered by the eligible institution will conform to the definition of career and technical education stated in Sec. 3(5) of Perkins IV.
  1. Students who are members of special populations will have equal access to and equal opportunities for success in CTE programs.
  1. The Institutional Advisory Committee for the Consortium is operational and the Advisory Committee has had an opportunity to participate in development of the postsecondary Program Improvement Five Year Plan. Members of this Committee include representatives of the general public including at least one representative each of business, industry, and labor, and the Committee has an appropriate representation of both sexes, as well as racial and ethnic minorities.

I certify that all information contained in this plan is true and correct.


(Signature, Chief Administrative Officer) Date

Attachment D:

Career Pathway Plan of Study



ATT I – Postsecondary Plan Guidance

This Career Pathway Plan of Study can serve as a guide. Courses listed within this plan are only recommended coursework and should

be individualized to meet your educational and career goals.

Bold – College Entrance RequirementBold & Underlined – Articulated Credit BOLD, UNDERLINED & ALL CAPITALS -
Black – High School RequirementItalic – Imbedded Academic Core Credit Transcripted Dual Enrollment Credit

Grade / English/
Arts / Math / Science / Social Studies
/Sciences / Other Required Courses (R)
Recommended Electives (E) / *Career and Technical
Courses and/or Degree
Major Courses / SAMPLE
Occupations Relating
to This Pathway
/ 9 /
/ 12
Associate Degree:
13 /
Bachelors Degree:


Attachment I – Postsecondary Plan and Application Guidance

Attachment E:

Perkins IV, Sections 134 and 135


(a) LOCAL PLAN REQUIRED.—Any eligible recipient desiringfinancial assistance under this part shall, in accordance withrequirements established by the eligible agency (in consultation with such other educational training entities as the eligible agencydetermines to be appropriate) submit a local plan to the eligibleagency. Such local plan shall cover the same period of time asthe period of time applicable to the State plan submitted undersection 122.

(b) CONTENTS.—The eligible agency shall determine therequirements for local plans, except that each local plan shall—

(1) describe how the career and technical education programsrequired under section 135(b) will be carried out withfunds received under this title;