Name ______Date _____ Hr ___

Cell Organelle Structure Functions


  1. Go to
  2. Click on “plant cell”
  3. Scroll over each part of the plant cell and record in the column “What Does it do?”
  4. Put a check mark for each organelle found in a plant cell.
  5. Click on “animal cell”
  6. Scroll over each part of the animal cell and look for differences between the plant and animal cell.
  7. Record in the column “What does it do?”
  8. Put a check mark for each organelle found in an animal cell.

Organelle / What does it do? / Draw the organelle / In
Plant Cell? / In
Animal Cell?
1 / Cytoplasm / Material that surrounds other organelles, provides support and nutrients to the cell / X / X
2 / Centrioles
(Cytoskeleton) / Helps with cell division / X
3 / Chromosomes / Packages of DNA which contain information that is passed from parent to offspring / X / X
4 / Cell Membrane / The structure that forms a boundary between the cytoplasm in the cell and the outside of the cell / x / x
5 / Mitochondrion / Uses oxygen to process food molecules to make energy in the form of ATP. / x / X
6 / Nucleus / The structure that contains all the information a cell needs to function. (DNA) The information is sent to the ribosomes. / x / X
Organelle / What does it do? / Draw the organelle / In
Plant Cell? / In
Animal Cell?
7 / Endoplasmic
Reticulum / Processes materials it gets from ribosomes and uses them to modify proteins and makes parts of the cell membrane. / x / X
8 / Golgi Apparatus / Takes materials from the ER and finishes processing them. / x / x
9 / Lysosome / Holds chemicals which break down materials taken into the cell. Breaks down old cell parts. / x
10 / Central Vacuole / Stores water for support and other materials. Other vacuoles can transport materials into or out of a cell. / X / Contains
many small vacuoles.
11 / Chloroplast / Energy from sunlight is used to make high energy sugars. / X
12 / Cell Wall / The structure that forms the tough outer covering just outside the cell membrane. It supports and protects the cell. / X
13 / Vesicle / A structure that breaks off from the ER and transports materials made in the ER to the Golgi Apparatus. / X / x
14 / Ribosome / Structures on the ER and in the cytoplasm that use information from the nucleus (DNA) to make proteins. / x / x

Follow Up Questions:

  1. What is an organelle (in your own words)? A structure that has a specific function within a cell

  1. What organelles are found ONLY in PLANT cells? Cell Wall Chloroplast and Central Vacuole
  1. What organelles are found ONLY in ANIMAL cells? Centrioles and Lysosomes
  1. What organelles are found in BOTH plant and animal cells? Cell membrane. Mitochondrion, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, vesicle, ribosome


  1. Which organelle contains the directions for making proteins? Nucleus (contains DNA)
  2. Which organelle receives the directions for making proteins? Ribosome
  3. Once the protein is put together, which organelle modifies the protein by adding carboyhydrates and lipids? Endoplasmic reticulum (rough, not smooth)
  4. Which organelle packages proteins so they can begin working in the body? Golgi apparatus
  5. List the organelles required to make a protein (in the correct order):

Nucleus à Ribosomeà Endoplasmic reticulum à Golgi Apparatus