Curriculum Vitae

1.  Name


Rajendra Kumar Jain


2.  Designation


Lecturer (Selection Scale)

3.  Department


Economic Administration and Financial Management

4.  Educational Qualification:

Level / Name of University / Year / Title/ Remark/ Medal
P.G / University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / 1982 / First Div., 3rd in Merit List
M.Phil. / University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / 1983 / First Div.
Ph.D. / University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / 1996 / Awarded

5.  Teaching / Research Experience:

UG / 32 Yrs / PG / 20 Yrs / Research / 3 Yrs

6.  Membership (Academic Bodies): NIL

7.  Academic Courses Attended:

Course / Place / Sponsoring Agency / Duration
Orientation Course / Academic Staff College ,
University of Rajasthan,
Jaipur / UGC / 23rd July 1989 to 19th Aug.1989
Refresher Course / Academic Staff College ,
University of Rajasthan,
Jaipur / UGC / 24th Feb. 1997 to 15th March 1997
Refresher Course / Academic Staff College
Saurashtra University,
Rajkot / UGC / 15th Sep. 1997 to 5th Oct. 1997
Refresher Course / Refresher Course Centre,
Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur / UGC / 10th July 2001 to 30th July 2001

8.  Seminar/ Conference attended

Name of Seminar/ Conference / Internat./ National/ Regional / Attended/ Paper Presented / Title of Paper / Date
1 / National Seminar on Indian Capital Market and Investor Protection, Saurashtra University, Rajkot / National / Presented / Indian Capital Market and Investor Protection / 2nd to 3rd Oct. 1997
2 / National Seminar on Nutrition Health and population Links MDS University, Ajmer / National / Presented / Capability Poverty-Sharper Focus on Human Health / 30th to 31st Dec. 1997
3 / National Seminar on Indian Economy: Performances Challenges and Alternatives MDS University, Ajmer / National / Presented / Capital Account Convertibility of Rupee: Implications / 7th to 9th Jan.1998
4 / Workshop on Research GuideTraining,
MDS University, Ajmer / Regional / Attended / ------ / 24th to 26th Sept. 1998
5 / National Seminar on Emerging Issues in Financial Sector, M.S.J. College, Bharatpur / National / Presented / Banking Sector Reforms in India: Issues and Implications / 23rd to 24th Dec.1998
6 / National Seminar on Indian Economic System : Trends and Challenges, M.S. College, Bikaner / National / Presented / Capability poverty: An Analytical Study (With Special Reference to Tonk District in Rajasthan ) / 25th to 26th Nov.1999
7 / State Level Seminar on Linkages between Trade and Human Development, Harish Chandra Mathur,,RIPA, Jaipur / State / Attended / ------ / 4th Dec. 2004
8 / National Seminar on Globalization: Myth or Reality, University Commerce College, Jaipur / National / Presented / Globalization and Growing Unemployment / 17th to 18th Oct. 2005
9 / Seminar on Global Convergence of Commerce Education, Center of ESBM and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Ajmer / Regional / Attended / ------ / 4th to 5th Feb.2006
10 / SPSS Faculty Development Programme, SPSS South Asia and MDS University, Ajmer / Regional / Attended / ------ / 18th Jan. 2007
11 / Seminar on Panchayati Raj and NREGS: Ensuring social Audit and Transparency, MDS University, Ajmer and Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Sansthan , Jaipur / National / Attended / ------ / 7th to 9th March 2009
12 / 62nd All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association, MDS University, Ajmer / National / Presented / Global Recession and Resilience of Indian Economy / 10th to 12th Oct.2009
13 / National Conference on Management of Higher Education, Government College, Ajmer / National / Presented / Management of Higher Education / 8th to 9th Jan. 2011
14 / National Seminar on FDI in Multi Brand Retail, Government College, Ajmer / National / Presented / FDI in Multi Brand Retail will Facilitate in Taming inflation / 1st to 2nd March 2012
15 / National Conference on Sustainable Rural Development in India, Government College, Ajmer / National / Presented / Sustainable Development in Rural India / 10th to 11th March 2012
16 / Workshop on achieving Excellence through E- Governance in Higher Education, Government College, Ajmer / Regional / Attended / ------ / 16th Feb.2015
17 / 43rd RGA, National Conference on Urban Growth: Environmental Challenges and Responsibilities with special reference to Rajasthan, Government College, Ajmer / National / Presented / Urban Growth: Boo and Bane / 26th to 28th Oct. 2015

9.  Research Publications

Title of Paper / Name of Journal with Impact factor &ISSN No. / Volume and No. with Year / Citation Index
1 / Jain Rajendra Kumar (July 1989): Increase in Administered prices and Inflation, 19-20 / Southern Economist
(ISSN 0038-4046) / 28:5
(July 1989)
2 / Jain Rajendra Kumar (Oct. 1989):Agricultural Cooperative Credit Movement in India: Progress and Problems, 151-152 / The Cooperator / 27:7
(Oct. 1989)
3 / Jain Rajendra Kumar (Sept. 1990): Counter Trading-An analytical Study, 16-18 / Southern Economist
(ISSN 0038-4046) / 29:10
(Sept. 1990)
4 / Jain Rajendra Kumar (1997-99):Human Development: A Qualitative Shift , 46-49 / Commercia. Annual Journal of Faculty of Commerce / (1997-1999)
5 / Jain Rajendra Kumar (Jan. 1998): Full convertibility of Rupee: An Annalysis, 21-23 / Earth Darshan / 3:3
(Jan. 1998)
6 / Jain R. K. (1999): Infrastructural Challenges, 37-41 / The Economic Challenger / 1:2
7 / Jain Rajendra Kumar (Jan.1999): Banking Sector Reforms: Issues and Implications, 13-15 / Southern Economist (ISSN 0038-4046) / 37:18
8 / Jain R. K.: Corporate Risk(Oct. 1999) : Concept and Annalysis, 729-731 / The Management Account(ICWAI) / 34:10
(Oct. 1999)
9 / Jain Rajendra Kumar and Jain Bharti (2000): Capability Poverty in Rajasthan : Not very Encouraging, 53-57 / The Economic Challenger / 2:6
10 / Jain Bharti,Saraswat B.P. and Jain R. K.(2011):Entrepreneurship development through soybean processing and value addition for upcoming entrepreneurs, 72-77 / Entrepreneurship Business Review ISSN 2229-7294 / 1:2

10.  Research Projects

Title of the Project / Year / Name of funding agency / Fund available/ utilized / Present status
1.  Capability Poverty : An Assessment and Establishing its Relationship with Income Poverty / 1998-1999 / UGC / 26000 / Completed
2.  Human Deprivation: Measurement and Annalysis / 2000-2001 / UGC / 33000 / Completed

11.  Research Supervision

·  Basic Field of specialization:

v  Ph.D.: NIL

Name of Student / Title of thesis / Present status / Date and Year of Award, if so
- / - / - / -

v  M.Phil.

Name of Student / Title of Dissertation / Present status / Date and Year of Award,
if so
Mukesh Nagarwal / हिन्दुस्तान मशीन टूल्स लिमिटेड, अजमेर का वित्तीय विश्लेषण / Completed / 1999
Hemlata Kishnani / भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम का वित्तीय विश्लेषण / Completed / 2000
Rudra Pratap / Financial Analysis of Life Insurance Corporation of India / Completed / 2002
Harlal Bairwa / ग़रीबी उन्मूलन कार्यक्रमो की आलोचनात्मक व्याख्या(अजमेर जिलेके विशेष संदर्भ में) / Completed / 2003
Vijay Kumar / कुक्कुट-पालन उद्योग के लिए लेखांकन पद्यति / Completed / 2004

12.  Monograph/ Book / Chapter (in Edited Book) Writing

·  Book (Single Author)

Title of Book / ISBN/ ISSN No. / Publisher with Place / Year of Publication

·  Chapter(s) in Book (Edited / multi-author)

Title of Chapter / Authors / Editors / Name of the Book with ISBN/ ISSN No. / Publisher with Place / Year of Publication
- / Jain Rajendra Kumar and Jain Bharti / Human Development: Capability Poverty-Assessment and its Relationship with Income Poverty ISBN:
978-81-7233-544-1 / Scientific Publishers (India) Jodhpur / 2008

13.  Awards and Honors, if any:

14.  Recognition, if any:

15.  Any other relevant information: