Volunteer Involving Organisation Registration Form

Organisation Type
Is your organisation: / Voluntary / Community / Public / Private
Please select ALL of the boxes that describe your organisation. / Not Yet Formed / Club / Community Group
Unincorporated Voluntary Org / Limited Company / CIO
Registered Charity / Community Interest Company
Other – please specify:
Organisation Details
Group Name:
Group Description (Your description can be up to 75 words):
Postcode: / Is this a home-based organisation address? Yes No
Initial Point of Contact Details
Contact Name:
Job Title:
Contact Email:
Contact Tel No.:

Details of Services / Activities

As we develop our online community database, one of the things we are looking to do is include details of different services provided on a regular basis across Slough by VCS groups. At this stage, we can’t include every service / activity your group may provide, but if you could provide details below of one or two services / activities your group provides that take place in Slough we’d love to feature these.

Details of Activity 1
Activity Name:
Date of Next Session: / Start / Finish Times:
Description of Activity (Your description can be up to 100 words):
Activity Venue: / Postcode:
Suitable for Ages From: / To:
Please provide details of how often this activity takes place (e.g. every Tuesday or on the first Wednesday of each month etc.):
Details of Activity 2
Activity Name:
Date of Next Session: / Start / Finish Times:
Description of Activity (Your description can be up to 100 words):
Activity Venue: / Postcode:
Suitable for Ages From: / To:
Please provide details of how often this activity takes place (e.g. every Tuesday or on the first Wednesday of each month etc.):
Does your organisation have a volunteer policy? / Yes / No / Would like help to develop
Does your organisation have an equal opportunity / diversity policy? / Yes / No / Would like help to develop
Does your organisation have a health & safety policy? / Yes / No / Would like help to develop
Does your organisation have a safeguarding policy? / Yes / No / Would like help to develop
Does your organisation have public liability insurance? / Yes / No / Would like help to develop
Does your organisation have a business plan? / Yes / No / Would like help to develop
Has your organisation achieved any quality / accreditation standards? / Yes / No / Would like help to develop
By registering our organisation’s details we agree for the details provided to be held on the Slough Get Involved online community database and made publicly available. (Please be aware that this will include the address and contact details given.)
Print Name: / Position:
Signature: / Date:
If submitting by email please click box to agree to the terms of use.

Once completed, please email this form to info@sloughgetinvolved.org.uk