Format of theVPoutput file

November 11, 2015

Hitoshi Irie

1. File name





2. Format





DN:day number

SZA(deg):solar zenith angle in degrees

CI:mean color index I500nm/I380nm for off-axis measurements in 30 min.

sd:standard deviation of CI

MeanI:mean intensity I between 380 and 500 nm for off-axis measurements

CI0:mean color index I500nm/I380nm for reference measurements in 30 min.

sd:standard deviation of CI0

MeanI0:mean intensity I between 380 and 500 nm for reference measurements

Maxcnt:maximum count in the fitting window for O4

MeanO4:mean O4 DSCD

MeanRelRdc:mean relative radiance

RMS_res(O4SCD):RMS of residuals of O4 DSCD

RMS_res(Relrdc):RMS of residuals of relative radiance

RMS_res(gasSCD):RMS of residuals of trace gas DSCD

RelRes(O4):relative residual of O4 DSCD

RelRes(Relrdc):relative residual of relative radiance

Nitr1:# of iteration for the aerosol retrieval

Nitr2:# of iteration for the trace gas retrieval




AOD:aerosol optical depth

er:error in AOD

VCD(cm-2):vertical column density of trace gas

er:error in VCD

VCD1:VCD, retrieved with AOD biased low by 30%(476nm) or 50% (354nm).

VCD2:VCD, retrieved with AOD biased high by 30%(476nm) or 50% (354nm).

GasSCDmax:maximum trace gas DSCD

SCDer:mean error in gas DSCD

N2:# of parameters used for gas retrievals

Z1(km):altitude above sea level in km

Z2(km):altitude above surface in km

AEC(km-1)aerosol extinction coefficient in km-1 (for each 100 m)

er(km-1)error in AEC (for each 100 m)

Gas(cm-3)number density of trace gas in molecules cm-3(for each100 m)

er(cm-3):error in trace gas number density (for each 100 m)

Gas1:trace gas number density, retrieved with AOD biased low (for each 100 m)

Gas2:trace gas number density, retrieved with AOD biased high (for each 100 m)

VMR:volume mixing ratio of trace gas (for each 100 m)

er:error in VMR (for each 100 m)

VMR1:VMR, retrieved with AOD biased low (for each 100 m)

VMR2:VMR, retrieved with AOD biased high (for each 100 m)

AEC_lyr(km-1)aerosol extinction coefficient in km-1 (for each 1 km)

er(km-1)error in AEC_lyr(for each 1 km)

Gas_lyr(cm-3)number density of trace gas in molecules cm-3(for each 1 km)

er(cm-3):error in trace gas number density (for each 1 km)

Gas1_lyr:trace gas number density, retrieved with AOD biased low (for each 1 km)

Gas2_lyr:trace gas number density, retrieved with AOD biased high (for each 1 km)

VMR_lyr:volume mixing ratio of trace gas (for each 1 km)

er:error in VMR_lyr (for each 1 km)

VMR1_lyr:VMR, retrieved with AOD biased low (for each 1 km)

VMR2_lyr:VMR, retrieved with AOD biased high (for each 1 km)

Horiz_d(km):horizontal distance of measured air mass within a 1-km layer

Horiz_d_accum(km): accumulated horizontal distance from the surface

DAMFmax:maximum AMF

Fa1:a priori of F1 for aerosol retrieval

Fa2:a priori of F2 for aerosol retrieval

Fa3:a priori of F3 for aerosol retrieval

Fg1:a priori of f1 for gas retrieval

Fg2:a priori of f2 for gas retrieval

Fg3:a priori of f3 for gas retrieval

apAOD:a priori AOD

er:error in a priori AOD

apVCD:a priori VCD

er:error in a priori VCD

apAEC:a priori AEC (for each 100 m)

er:error in a priori AEC (for each 100 m)

apGas:a priori trace gas number density (for each 100 m)

er:error in a priori trace gas number density (for each 100 m)

apVMR:a priori VMR (for each 100 m)

er:error in a apriori (for each 100 m)

apAEC_lyr:a priori AEC (for each 1 km)

er:error in a priori AEC (for each 1 km)

apGas_lyr:a priori trace gas number density (for each 1 km)

er:error in a priori trace gas number density (for each 1 km)

apVMR_lyr:a priori VMR (for each 1 km)

er:error in a priori (for each 1 km)

ds1:degree of freedom for aerosol retrieval

ds2:degree of freedom for trace gas retrieval

RelRes(gasDSCD)relative residual of O4 DSCD