ATTENDANCE: Linda Hardgrave P.R.I.D.E., Cindy Pharis P.R.I.D.E., Patty Grill P.R.I.D.E., Charlie Bouzek P.R.I.D.E. Liaison/Principal Freer Elementary, Matt Gibson NCADA, Larry Michaels SRO, Cassandra Miller JCHD, Sarah Brockman JCHD, Ernie Howel JCSO, Dr. Joel Holland Asst. Superntendent, Dr. Bob Borman Superintendent, Sue Steffen Bayberry Farms Subdivision Association.
1. Welcome and Introductions. Introductions were done, several new faces. Linda acknowelged her appreciation to everyone for their attendance. It was great to have Dr. Borman and Dr. Holland, Ernie Howell and Larry Michaels back again.
2. Old Business
a. Basketball Camp – Linda Hardgrave reported that there were 32 kids in attendance. It was felt to be a success. Dr. Mayfield, Chiropractor who donated basketballs, attended Family Night on Friday. She enjoyed attending and appreciated what P.R.I.D.E. is doing with the youth. As far as the financial end of the event, it was negative $189.36 which is okay because we offered a good event to several district families. We had four parent volunteers that helped with coaching. Certificates were given to all participants and coaches. Refreshments and autographed basketballs on Family Night.
b. Smoking/Tobacco policy – Discussion regarding the signage around the district. Photographs were shown of areas that had no or little signage. Dr. Borman reiterated that it is definitely a smoke free campus but it is hard to police at all times especially during evening events. The biggest problem is usually at the middle school and high school because of the number of evening events both indoors and outdoors. P.R.I.D.E. asked if we could help get more signage up around the district to reiterated the policy. An RDF through NCADA could be written. Dr. Borman approved that we could help get this done and recommended we talk to the Maintenance Director to help with ordering through their resources and possibly be able to get them up before the beginning of school. Maintenance Director will be contacted ASAP for a
meeting for budgeting and ordering. Dr. Borman was appreciative of P.R.I.D.E. getting funding for this. Dr. Borman was asked if it was possible to have an announcement prior to football games regarding our school being a smoke free campus. He said that should not be a problem. Discussion was also had regarding P.R.I.D.E. having a presence at home footballs. It was decided we will get the dates and plan on having a presence at these games. Will figure out if we want to do anything as far as handouts or fundraiser, etc. Will decide later what we are going to do. Linda stated she would get the dates for the home games.
3. Calendar:
a. Registrations/Open Houses will be attended by P.R.I.D.E. representatives and will cover as many as possible at all levels. All of them are earlier to mid August.
b. Character Council Lock-In – August 6, P.R.I.D.E. has been asked to help with leadership building exercise again, have agreed to do so.
c. P.R.I.D.E. Night Out – Dates selected either 9-29 or 10-6, 6:30-8 p.m. To contact Tom Pacey Maintenance to get on the calendar. Discusson regarding the program – it was decided to do a Drug Trend event with JCSO MEG Unit doing presentations to include heroin, K-2, prescription drugs. Community organizations will also be invited to have informational booths. Will also be looking at education for the students during the time that the parents will be in assembly. Discussed also fingerprinting, Ernie Howell not sure what might be avaiable as DARE is gone. He also recommended contacting the Elks, they too have a program for Identication, finger printing, DNA, photo, etc. Elks will be contacted.
d. CASA Family Night – September 27. Discussion was had about trying to incorporate this even more into the buildings, i.e. tying in with Grandparent Days during the book fair time. Will give this some thought. Linda shared that WFPA would be discussing partnering on movie nights again and this was one of the times there was a Family Movie Night.
e. Energy Drinks – Discussion regarding education pertaining to energy drinks. P.R.I.D.E. is wanting to purchase items for display and put together a presentation. An RDF through NCADA will also be submitted. Discussion about outside beverages being brought into the school. Dr. Borman stated there is no policy regarding that but they are not allowed to be taken into the classroom. It was stated that is one of the items in the teachers handbook and is stressed during PDC day on return of teachers for the upcoming school year. Concern brought up by Patty that it is happening all the time. Dr. Borman stated it is another item that needs to be policed more by staff.
f. Nurture Your Noggin – Cindy handed out brochures and let everyone know about the program and that we are looking for alternative settings to do presentations to youth outside of the classroom, i.e. scouts, youth groups, etc. Anyone with a group they would like to refer for presentation to let us know.
g. Red Ribbon Rally hosted by NCADA. Hoping that some of our middle school students could attend. Linda H. stated she sent info to Mr. Rickermann, MS principal, regarding this. No reply as yet.
h. Newsletter – A draft of upcoming newsletter was handed out to get feedback. I It will be going out right about the time school starts. Articles to be energy drinks, neighborhood parties, prescription drugs, heroin, K2, evaluation, fundraisers, tobacco policy, and P.R.I.D.E. Night Out. Any other suggestions – Dr. Borman suggested that we contact Connie Podolosy, Head Nurse, and add a piece on Wellness, self medication and any other items of interest that Connie felt needed to stress on.
i. Neighborhood Parties – Parkton Block Party is scheduled for Saturday, August 28. Dan Dornsief is working with his neighborhood and coordinating through Patty Grill to get agency to attend. Sue Steffen from Bayberry attended and stated that they would like to have a Neighborhood Party on August 13. It will be done along with Freer Elementary. Dr. Bouzek stated they were going to make it kind of a meet and greet with teachers as well. A rep from the Village of Jefferson (a neighboring subdivision community) will be contacted to see if they want to partner with Bayberry and Freer. Patty Grill will be contacting community agencies to see if they want to participate. Subdivisions will be furnishing money for food and drinks.
j. COPS Grant – Cindy shared information regarding the grant that UMSL is
receiving and the collaboration with Windsor in doing meth. education at the
elementary level instilling healthy choices. The principals were contacted and
gave letters of support to incorporate this new program as a pilot program for
the county, more than likely will be done during health classes.
k. Safe Homes – Discussion regarding this project was tabled until the next meeting.
l. Trivia Night – Plan for January again.
m. Business Luncheon – Will plan on having it on November 9, possibly at Ponderosa again. It will return as a lunch event. Will look into ways to possibly cut cost, possibly use Chartwell’s, different location. This will be held in lieu of our regular November meeting.
4. Other discussion items
a. Outreach & Conversation – Discussion was
5. Meeting schedule – will continue to meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30
p.m., will try to schedule PDC Room. There are a couple of months that the date may
not be on the 2nd Tuesday due to other events. Next meeting – August 3, 2010, 6:30
p.m., will try to schedule the PDC Meeting Room at the IC. Calendar of activities will
be prepared as soon as dates are confirmed.
“You cannot do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all the good you can do.”