Program Objectives:
La GrangeMain Street wishes to maintain and improve the quality of life for the citizens of La Grange by fostering an economically viable downtown district. Customers want to shop in an attractive and inviting environment, not in one that is run down and uncared for. Property owners want to generate adequate rents from their buildings while creating a sense of pride in their investment. All of this is to be accomplished while preserving and protecting the historical integrity of the downtown historic district.
In order to help achieve this goal, La Grange Main Street has established a Paint & Sign Assistance Program. The program is administered by the La Grange Main Street Advisory Board and obtains funding in part, from the City of La Grange. To receive assistance under this program, qualified applicants must complete the application and conduct their project under the guidelines of the Main Street program.
Financial Assistance:
Applicants who qualify may receive up to $1,000Paint Assistance for one building or multiple buildings upon completion of the approved project after presentation of receipts
Up to $500 Sign Assistance whether one building or multiple buildings upon completion of the approved project after presentation of receipts.
Consultation Assistance
Through its association with the Texas Main Street organization, La Grange Main Street provides access to specific design services for properties within the designated Main Street District to assist with basic restoration and rehabilitation information. These services include: building examination for evidence of historic materials; assistance in determining the historic character of a building and making historically sensitive design decisions; façade renderings prepared to indicate how a building might look if restored; sign design assistance; consultation to select colors; consultation as to federal tax credit and consultation as to Americans with Disabilities Act and Texas Accessibility Standards.
Grant Guidelines:
- Grants will be administered on a first come, first servebasis dependent upon the availability of funds.
- No grant will be awarded for work that has already been initiated or completed. Building or business owners must apply for the grant before work has begun.
- Applicants have 60 days from the date of approval of the application to complete the project and turn in all receipts for approval and reimbursement. If the project is not completed within this time frame the grant will not be awarded unless a written extension of the grant period is approved by Main Street.
- Applications should be presented which take into account the standards promulgated by Texas Main Street and the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.
- Preference will be given to those buildings located within the designated Downtown Historic District. The Main Street Design Committee hasdiscretion to approve funds for buildings located outside of the historic district.
- Paint Grants will only be issued for wooden facades with the exception that painting of brick or stone exteriors may receive approval if the surfaces have been previously painted.
- Sign Grants will only be issued for exterior signage.
- All design plans (e.g. paint color, sign size, colors, shape, and proposed placement) must be approved by the Main Street Design Committee prior to receiving funds.
- Grants will be administered as reimbursements once projects have been completed as agreed upon and receipts are shown for work completed.
- Projects not completed according to the application will be denied funding.
- Complete the Grant Application
- Make certain that all requested attachments to the application are provided as requested. A complete application will expedite the application process.
- Receive approval from building ownerfor sign design and location of sign placement on the building. Form for building owner’s approval is on the last page of this application.
- Receive approval from building owner for paint color(s) and areas of building to be painted. Form for building owner’s approval is on the last page of this application.
- Submit the Application, requested attachments, the Application Agreement Formand Building Owner’s Approval of sign and paintto the La Grange Main Street Manager. Consult with the manager as to the expected time for Committee or State Agency action.
Part One
Name of Applicant(s) ______
Name of Business ______
Mailing Address ______
Day Phone ______Cell Phone ______
Project Address ______
Email Address ______
Fax ______
Part Two
This application is for:
( ) Sign Assistance( ) Paint Assistance
Part Three
If you desire input from the Main Street Manager or Consultation Services before finalizing your plans, complete Part Three. If you are ready to submit FINAL plans, skip Part Three and complete Part Four.
_____ Yes, I would like to request a consultation with the Main Street Manager.
- What are your plans and ideas and how can we specifically assist you?
- What is your projected start and completion date?
- What is estimated budget?
Part Four(Complete for Paint Application)
Building Features to be Painted:
Building Façade______Awning/Canopy______
Building Trim ______Other (specify) ______
Amount & Color of Paint:
ColorGallons Needed
*********IMPORTANT **********
- Attach a color sample for each color
- Attach a photo or drawing of the building showing where each color will be used
Part Four (Complete for Sign Application)
Type of Sign ______
Location of Sign ______
Size of Sign ______
Colors in Sign ______
Attach a detailed sketch of the proposed sign, including colors to be used in the sign, along with the proposed placement on the building
Labor will be ______HIRED ______Myself ______Volunteer
Date of Completion ______
Applicant Signaturedate
Main Street Design Committee
Date Approved ______Chairman ______
If more information is needed, contact Main StreetLa Grange, 155 EastColorado, La Grange, Texas78945 or telephone 968-8701 for the Main StreetManager.
All projects must comply with City of La Grange Ordinances and Building Codes.
Ads images with text that takes up more than 20% of the image may not be approved
La Grange Main Street
Paint & Sign Grant Program
I have met with the Main Street Manager and I fully understand the procedures established by the Main Street Design Committee and intend to use this grant for the aforementioned exterior renovation project which supports the La Grange Main Street program of activity.
I understand that if I am granted a Paint or Sign Grant by the Main Street Design Committee, any deviation from this agreement may result in the withdrawal of the Grant.
I understand that the Paint or Sign Grant will be administered as a reimbursement once the project has been completed as agreed upon, receipts are shown for the work completed and a photo is provided showing the completed project.
I agree to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the La Grange Main Street Advisory Board, the City, and their officers, agents and employees from and against any claims for injuries or property damage caused by myself and my agents or employees during the course of this agreement.
I understand that the Paint or Sign Grants will be administered on a first come, first serve basis as long as funds are available. All decisions of the Design Committee are final.
I understand that all projects must comply with the City of La Grange ordinances and building codes and that I must have a sign permit from the City of La Grange before installing signage. I understand that latex paint must be used in the downtown historic district.
Applicant Signaturedate
Building Owner’s Approval/Permission to paint and install signage
I have seen a copy of the proposed signage that will be installed on my building. I approve the signage and its proposed location.
Building Owner’s SignatureDate
I have seen a drawing/sketch of the building and the proposed paint color(s) the applicant intends to apply.
I approve of the color(s) and the areas on the building that will be painted.
Building Owner’s SignatureDate