Chapter 21 Study Guide (H) – A New Civilization in Europe

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____ Who was the first ruler to unite many of the Germanic kingdoms in the early Middle Ages?

____ Which people became the most powerful force in Western Europe in the early Middle Ages?

____ Charlemagne’s empire was ended by what agreement?

____ Viking invaders from this place caused great disorder in Western Europe after Charlemagne’s empire collapsed.

____ The geography of which region of Europe would most likely have made it the least attractive as a home for migrating Germanic tribes?

____ The first Christian monasteries developed in what country?

____ Which geographic feature was most important in encouraging some Eastern European peoples to migrate into the Roman Empire and settle there?

____ Which group became the boldest and most successful raiders in Europe following the collapse of Charlemagne’s empire?

____ How did the manor system help bring order to Europe?

____ Which of the following was NOT a reason for the Catholic Church’s great power in medieval Europe?

____ Which group became the boldest and most successful raiders in Europe following the collapse of Charlemagne’s empire?

____ How did the manor system help bring order to Europe?

____ A British monk who helped to establish the Catholic Church in Germany and the Netherlands.

_____ A person who pledged his loyalty and support to a lord in return for land and protection was called what?

_____ On a manor, the who collected taxes from the peasants and served as judge when the lord was away?

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_____ The Catholic Church’s control over these was a powerful tool in keeping its authority in medieval Europe.

_____ The first Christian secluded communities where monks focused on prayer and scripture, developed in Egypt were called?

_____ What role did religion and education play in Charlemagne’s efforts to unite Western Europe?

_____ Contrast the climate of Europe’s Mediterranean countries and the climate of Western Europe. What is the reason for the difference in climates?

_____ Describe Charlemagne’s approach to ruling his empire.

_____ Besides being places of religious devotion, how did monasteries and convents benefit early medieval European society?

_____ Explain how daily life in medieval Europe centered around the Catholic Church.

_____ Explain how feudalism brought order to Europe.

_____ Describe the effect the Vikings had on Western Europe.

_____ Describe the system of land, loyalty, and protection on which feudalism was based.

_____ What was the difference between medieval peasants and serfs? How were their roles in society similar?

_____ Explain how daily life in medieval Europe centered around the Catholic Church.

_____ Summarize how the Catholic Church gradually became very powerful force in medieval Europe.