



July 10-11, 2006

A synopsis of the activities of NSPE President Kathryn A. Gray, PE, F.NSPE since the spring Board meeting in April of 2006 is only a glimpse of the types of involvement all ExCom members have engaged in on behalf of NSPE and its members this administrative year. We have accomplished much this quarter to round out a great year of change. NSPE state and national leaders, both volunteer and staff, have been working together on the many issues involved with implementing the Board approved Action Plan and providing valuable input to the successful implementation of the NSPE Association Management System. Additional progress will continue throughout the months ahead and the revitalized NSPE will become a reality.

President Gray continues to promote improved communications with key NSPE staff and ExCom members through frequent emails, phone calls and weekly teleconferences. There have been numerous other meetings and teleconferences to advance the implementation, communicate the progress, and coordinate the activities of committees and task forces to strive for our newly defined goals. On a personal note, many of the activities included travel to state and chapter meetings and I can't thank the members of this society enough for their thoughtfulness, graciousness and hospitality.

As this year comes to an end we realize the first assembly of the House of Delegates. This important gathering of leaders from all states and territories will join to enhance communication, set policy and direction, and elect leaders with vision and appreciation of the direction our profession and organization are heading. At the Board and HOD meetings we will hear updates from key committees and task forces on progress toward our new goals.

This year has included great successes and tremendous challenges and we have learned from both to move forward with our mission, vision and goals. Our challenge in the year ahead will be to continue our primary PE/EI focus and work together on enhancing our state-centric mode of operation. NSPE volunteer leaders as well as NSPE staff are committed to ensuring a strong state-national partnership.

A summary of the numerous trips taken by the NSPE president in the last three months to state and liaison society meetings will be included in a separate report distributed in Boston.

(continued on following pages)







July 10-11, 2006

As mentioned in the President’s Report in the Board book some details of the activities at state and sister society meetings attended by NSPE President Kathryn A. Gray, PE, F.NSPE since the spring Board meeting in April of 2006 are highlighted below. This is only a glimpse of the types of involvement all Executive Committee members have engaged in on behalf of NSPE and its members this administrative year.

April 2006

D.C. Society Annual Banquet, Washington, D.C. April 22, 2006. After the April Board meeting in D.C., Bob Miller and Kathryn Gray attended the D.C. Society Annual banquet where Kathryn addressed over 30 members and potential members about the importance of promoting the engineering profession and encouraging young women and minorities to consider engineering as a career choice. She also presented the first Fellow designation after Board approval to a very deserving member of the D. C. Society. D.C. is a small society and has had to recycle their leaders, but they are active and energetic and looking forward to working as partners with NSPE under our new focus and goals. Membership growth is a concern and an area where NSPE may be of assistance.

Action Items:

1)Assist D.C. society with membership recruitment efforts.

2)Provide links to accounting and newsletter templates.

3)Log-in names of members we should encourage to serve on NSPE TF and Committees.

ASCE Opal Awards Banquet, Washington, D.C. April 26, 2006. Kathryn was accompanied by Carl to attend the “Emmy Awards of Engineering” at ASCE’s premier annual event. A number of well deserving engineers received awards from ASCE, many of them also distinguished members of NSPE. ASCE provides an elaborate setup for this premier event to honor these exceptional members of our profession in the Civil Design field.

Action Items:

1)Work in concert with ASCE in promoting NSPE membership for licensed members of ASCE and visa versa.

2)Promote better, more formal recognition of award winners in NSPE.

ACEC Annual Convention - ACEC Board of Directors Meeting, Engineering Excellence Awards Banquet, Washington, D.C. April 26, - May 2, 2006. Kathryn and Carl Gray attended the ACEC annual meeting where Kathryn was introduced and later addressed Board members on the direction, focus, vision and goals of the new NSPE. She met to follow-up with ACEC leaders on adopting an improved memorandum of understanding (MOU) on issues with which we have common understanding and agreement. The NSPE Alliances TF drafted a revised MOU for consideration by ACEC, which has since been through a few additional iterations with both NSPE and ACEC leadership and will be reviewed by the NSPE ExCom Saturday, July 8 for final approval. Kathryn and Carl also attended the Engineering Excellence Awards, which is considered the “Academy Awards of Engineering.” This annual event draws national recognition and showcases the most prominent projects completed in the past year. ACEC also held their legislative days in conjunction with their convention where Kathryn visited with congressional and senatorial members and staff on the Hill addressing issues affecting both ACEC and NSPE members. Although we heard presentations and addresses by General Carl Strock and Newt Gingrich, the highlight of the convention was a live personal address by President George Bush on matters of interest to the engineering profession. While Carl and I didn’t get to shake the President’s hand, being there close to the front of the room for his address was a truly memorable experience.

Action Items:

1)Revise the ACEC MOU for review by ACEC. DONE

2)Meet with ACEC Leadership to sign the new MOU.

3)Update Quickbase to follow-through on action items in the agreement.

May 2006

Sally Ride Science Fair, Washington, D.C. May 7, 2006. Kathryn was a special judge at the Sally Ride Toy Competition during E-week in Washington, D.C. As a judge Kathryn was asked to attend the Sally Ride Science Fair in D.C. in May to increase awareness in young minority females about the engineering profession. Kathryn held two classes reaching 30+ young minority women and used the Zoom-into-Engineering activities to inform and excite the girls about the profession. Prior to the sessions only TWO of the young women knew what an engineer does. After the session all were enlightened about how engineers affect their daily lives and help to serve and protect the public.

NAE Convocation, Washington, D.C. May 8, 2006. Al Gray and Kathryn Gray attended the Convocation to learn and provide input on what we as a profession can do to increase the number of youngsters interested in the engineering profession in an attempt to keep the USA in the forefront of technology. The report “RISING Above the Gathering Storm” was the basis of the deliberations with a focus on “Challenges to US Engineering Societies: Internal Opportunities and External Responsibilities.” Kathryn and Rich Anderson, representing NSPE and ABET respectively, were chosen to provide a summary of the first panel discussion on the Role of Engineering Societies in Enhancing Advanced Engineering Education.

Lockheed Martin MATHCOUNTS National Competition, Arlington, VA May 11-12, 2006. Through the support and encouragement of MATHCOUNTS Executive Director Larry Jacobson, NSPE played a key role in the National MATHCOUNTS Competition this year in Washington. Kathryn Gray kicked off the Countdown round and addressed the first gathering of the entire assembly of Mathletes, coaches, teachers, parents, engineers and sponsors, and presented the first place team awards. In her address she focused on the need for support and encouragement by teachers, guidance counselors and parents for young students, especially young women, to consider the engineering profession. Immediately following the awards presentation Kathryn bolted for the airport to attend her son Timothy’s graduation from PurdueUniversity in Construction Engineering Management. Bob Miller was invited to give an address to the assembled at the banquet the following evening. NSPE was recognized as a key sponsor.

Washington Society of Professional Engineers Annual Meeting, Blaine, WA May 19-20, 2006. Kathryn and Carl visited what appeared to be the furthest northwest city in the continental U.S. for meetings with WSPE. This is a state society divided by a geographical boundary with differing topographies, weather conditions and engineering requirements in each; they almost operate as separate societies. It would be good to evaluate best practices in other states with similar geographic issues. The main areas of activity included their keen interest in progress with mobility between the US and Canada, input from other states on continuity and cooperation when dealing with a physical or other state divides, and how to best track member data and improve recruitment efforts. Kathryn spoke on these and other issues related to the NSPE Action Plan. WSPE uses an Association Management firm that provides vast knowledge and service at a reasonable fee. Their best practice of a successful joint legislative body with AIA, WSPE, ACEC, ASCE and other technical organizations should be shared with all states and territories. They are very interested in the outcomes of the Student Evaluation TF for future state programs.

Action Items:

1.)Report on best practices to WSPE on ways to improve continuity and cooperation in their society.

2.)Provide an accurate list of “dropped members”.

3.)Assist with funding issues.

4.)Report on best practices.

5.)Send report and recommendations of the Student Evaluation TF.

6.)Log-in names of members we should encourage to serve on NSPE TF and Committees.

June 2006

CCPE Annual Meeting, Whitehorse, Yukon, June 1-3, 2006. President Colon Smith, P.Eng. invited Kathryn to address the CCPE Board and delegates to help promote a better cooperation and understanding between our organizations. Kathryn provided an update on NSPE activities, including NSPE’s new direction focused on (1) PE/EI interests and (2) a strengthening of the national staff and leadership relationships with and serving as a resource to our state and territorial societies. Also noted was the importance NSPE, in cooperation with NCEES, is placing on mobility between states, and how this may help lead to better mobility between Canada and the USA. Five Canadian province Boards of Registration signed a mobility agreement among them for ease of cross border practice; others are expected to follow. It would be great if we could achieve something similar between and among the states.

They offered numerous outstanding seminars and panel discussions including topics like globalization, volunteerism, accreditation changes, and growing the engineering profession by attracting more women and minorities to the field – sound familiar? During their opening reception and their awards banquet they welcomed and toasted their international guests and played our anthem; a best practice for NSPE to consider with our partners. The most noteworthy practice was the six-page newspaper spread about engineers, engineering, and highlights of their eight 2006 national award winners in the Canadian Globe and Mail. Kathryn initiated discussions of a partnering agreement between CCPE and NSPE (perhaps in cooperation with NCEES) and CCPE leadership was excited to pursue it. We hope to invite CCPE to meet with NSPE to discuss areas of common interest that may prove beneficial to our members. Ken McMartin, P.Eng., the newly installed President, and Marie Lemay, P.Eng., Executive Director, will be our contacts.

Action Items:

1.)Invite President Ken McMartin, and Marie Lemay to the NSPE Convention. DONE

2.)Advise NSPE staff of the opportunity to welcome our international attendees. DONE

3.)Advise staff about pursuing an insert in the major newspaper of the HostState for the NSPE annual conference.

4.)Initiate an invitation to CCPE leaders to discuss areas of common interest.

5.)Work cooperatively with CCPE on recruiting more students into the profession.

6.)Follow-up with Colin Smith on the NSPE Fellows program.

Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers Annual Meeting, Franklin, TN June 8-10, 2006. TSPE/ACEC of TN held a joint meeting with Candy Toler as Executive Director for both societies. They had nice sponsorships for the programs and great attendance. There were seminars and meetings and Kathryn participated in and addressed the membership meeting, the TSPE meeting and the Joint ACEC/TSPE Board meeting. Art Schwartz attended to provide a seminar on Engineering Ethics. TSPE is strong in legislative activity and holds an annual auction to raise money for the PAC. This is no ordinary event – over $10,000 was raised. One item that sold for $1,000 was a football signed by UT Head coach Phil Fulmer. The bidding war was between a UT fan, and a rival who wanted to burn the football. Another auction item added to the end that sold for $3000 to a group of UT fans was to buy it back and make the rival display it prominently in his office for a year and return it unscathed to the next conference!

TSPE/ACEC of TN have office space in a premier location at the TN Engineering Center at the entrance to the renowned TN Science Center for Kids. They are looking for ways to encourage kids to enter into the engineering profession. TSPE would like to see demographic information on NSPE members to better plan their conferences and membership drives. They are concerned about the membership data and lack of invoicing by NSPE. They want to send a ballot to members to approve bylaws but don’t know the number of members to compute the 25% defined in the bylaws necessary to vote. The chapter leaders feel they need more to offer potential members.

Action Items:

1)Ask TSPE to provide ideas from their best practice to other states on setting up a successful fundraising auction.

2)Assist TSPE in sending out a survey to check demographic data of members.

3)Provide updated correct member information to TSPE.

4)Log-in names of members we should encourage to serve on NSPE TF and Committees.

Oklahoma Society of Professional Engineers Annual Meeting, Tulsa, OK June 15-16, 2006. This joint annual meeting with OSPE, ASCE and IEEE was a great success with over 150 in attendance. Regional VP Diana Dean attended, as well as Art Schwartz to provide an Ethics Seminar. Kathryn addressed the OSPE Board and answered questions. OSPE is regaining strength after management problems a few years ago. They are strong and growing, but need assistance in finding and hiring new managerial help. Diana Dean provided a detailed trip report, which you are encouraged to read and refer to in the Board book.

Action Items:

1)Provide updated correct member information to OSPE.

2)Provide assistance in hiring an appropriate management firm or Exec for OSPE

3)Log-in names of members we should encourage to serve on NSPE TF and Committees.

Tri-State Annual Meeting of Mississippi Engineering Society, Arkansas SPE and Louisiana Engineering Society, Choctaw, MS June 18-20, 2006. This is a very effective way to hold n annual conference, by combining state events and taking advantage of economies of scale. The three societies held joint meetings and seminars, and also met individually. Kathryn spoke to and installed officers of all three societies in a combined ceremony, but also met with them individually. Luckily Marc Selvitelli attended from NSPE staff since the meetings were concurrent.

LouisianaSPE: LES is very grateful to NSPE and all members who donated to the Katrina/Rita relief fund last year for the financial support to LES and its members. There are many job opportunities in LA and not enough engineers. They would like to have a link to the NSPE Job Board and visa-versa to increase exposure. In the September timeframe NSPE may be asked to name someone to serve on a nominating committee for a levee oversight committee. They are also thankful to NSPE for the letter sent to the President of Tulane University after the announced engineering school closings.

MississippiSPE: Major problems in MS relate to the AMS problems NSPE is facing. There is concern about the accuracy and completeness of their member data, late dues billings, loss of funds in their budget, chapter changes for members who move to another address, and invoices printed upside down on the standard forms. They will request funding from NSPE. They commented that NSPE Staff is not relating well to state staffs. MS Board recommends to NSPE staff that a post card of apology is sent to all members negatively affected by the late dues billings. They reported on their new successful scholarship program for upper level engineering students.