Retirees Club Minutes for July 14, 2015

The UTA Retirees Club met on Tuesday, July 14, 2015, in the Human Resources second floor conference room. 10am-11am was a social Meet & Greet with refreshments. The program began at 11am.


President Rita Thompson welcomed everyone and made the announcement that Bob Wegner, VP for Programs, tendered his resignation due to ill health. Rita asked for volunteers to be on the committee and Shirley Theriot volunteered. The vacant position will be filled in September. The next meeting will also be in September. A post card listing the meetings for the 2015-2016 year will be mailed out.


Yvette Rodriguez, Benefits Specialist, introduced her team and showed a video highlighting the 2015-2016 health benefits through Blue Cross Blue shield. A benefits brochure, complimentary bag, and pen were handed out. Everyone will receive a pin number and explanation letter via UTA e-mail by July 15th. Changes can be made July 15-31st. If you don’t make any changes, no action is required. Your same health elections will carry forward.

The Benefits Fair will be Friday July 17, 2015, 9am-noon in the MAC second floor lounge. Representatives from HR in Austin and vendors will be on hand to answer questions.

Some changes include an increase cost for dependents, reduction in cost of vision care, last year to elect long term care, increase in Emergency Room cost, dental cost remains the same and per your ID card you should call before having an MRI or CT scan to avoid $100 co-pay. Your insurance billing will remain the same unless you change it. Yvette thought that you might be able to now charge it to a credit card whereas only personal check or bank draft were available before. Packets on long term care were made available.

The meeting was adjourned shortly before noon.

Submitted by Rosanne Minyard, secretary