March 2015 SpringCommittee Newsletter

Hello and welcome to a new year. We also welcome all new families starting at St Mary’s this term.

Christmas fair 2014 update

Please can we take this opportunity to thank all the parents and guardians who donated items to the Christmas fair. Your generosity was greatly appreciated.

Also, a huge thank you to those who attended on that cold but sunny day in December. The Pre-school managed to raise over £1500.

The Pre-School is a registered charity and therefore they rely heavily on fundraising to allow them to reinvest into the School.

In light of this, St Mary's next big fundraising event will be the Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Monday (6th April 2015). Further details regarding this will follow shortly. In the meantime, if you wish to be involved in the hunt or the organisation in any way, please pass your details to Louise or Tina.

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers

St Mary’s pre-school are collecting these vouchers which are available for each complete £10 you spend. Vouchers to be issued until 05.05.15. Please say ‘yes’ when they ask if you collecting and bring them into pre-school. Staff have a box for them to be slotted into, and most children love to do this!

Dates for diary

Easter Monday – Easter Egg Hunt on The Old School Field South Holmwood.

Wednesday 10 June – St Mary’s Pre-school outing to SSME Train Leatherhead. Free

Time tbc but approx. 10:30 – 3:00. (No normal pre-school session, instead open day for new and prospective parents. Staff will join when this finishes). More details nearer the time. SSME is located in Mill Lane in Leatherhead, KT22 9AA. Open to all St Mary’s families and younger siblings

Help Always Wanted

Please consider helping in any way you can. Speak to Louise/Tina if you are interested in helping.

Please remember that St Mary’s Pre-school is a registered charity and all profit we make is reinvested in the preschool.

Term Dates for rest of academic year

Spring Term – Finishes 27th March 2015

Half Term – 16th February 2015 – 20thFebruary 2015

Summer Term - 13thApril 2015 – 10th July 2015

Half Term - 25th May 2015 – 29th May 2015

Contact details

The landline for St Mary’s is 01306 740135

The staff email is

The mobile telephone number for staff 07557 198867. This is an alternative way to contact preschool to notify sickness etc. You may also receive a text reminder with the date you are being parent helper.

The committee email is

St Mary’s Pre-school Committee

St Mary’s Pre-School, Parish Room, Betchetts Green Road, South Holmwood, Surrey, RH5 4LT Registered Charity No 802182