Generic Terms of Reference – Chapter Publicity Committee


This Committee is a standing committee and is required to conduct its responsibilities each year in accordance with the Chapter Bylaws and this Terms of Reference. This Committee establishes ways of publicizingand raising the visibility of the Credit Institute of Canada (“CIC”) and various Chapter activities, always keeping in mind the Vision and Mission of CIC. From a strategic perspective, marketing and revenue generation activities maybe considered functions of this Committee and Chapters are encouraged to include those functions.

A volunteer in this role has multi-faceted and inter-connecting responsibilities. The volunteer is a Chapter Director and acknowledges that he/she is bound by all the conditions and responsibilities set out in generic chapter governance documents titled “Role of the Chapter Director” and “Generic Terms of Reference for the Chapter Board” in addition to this governance document.

Where the volunteer holds the position of an officer, or chair of a committee or task force, or as a committee or task force member, he/she is also bound by all the conditions and responsibilities set out in the prescribed respective generic chapter position descriptions, and committee and task force terms of reference.

All generic governance documents for chapters, as may be amended from time to time, are reviewed beforehand by the National Governance and Bylaws Committee (“NGBC”) and receive final review and approval by the National Board.

Appointment and Composition

  1. The President appoints the Chair immediately after the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) but no later than the first regularly scheduled Board meeting following the AGM.
  2. If necessary, the President shall appoint one or more other members of CIC.
  3. While itis preferable for the Chair to be a member of the Board, the Chair and other committee members are not required to be members of the Board. However, atleast one member of the committee must be a member of CIC.
  4. The President and Vice President(s) are ex officio members with a vote.

Term of Office

The Chair and all other members of this Committee shall serve on this Committee concurrently with the one-year term or the remaining term on the Board. Members of this Committee shall serve for a term of one year between each AGM. The Chair may be appointed for consecutive one-year terms.


The President shall fill any vacancies by appointing a member for the balance of the remaining term of the Board until such time as the incumbent returns to active duty or the AGM is held, whichever is first.


This Committee, through the Chair, shall be responsible to the Board.


Any funding needs and expenses contemplated by this Committee must be approved beforehand by the Board through the budget process. Since the Chapter is a “not-for-profit” entity, it conducts its affairs with a Board of volunteers without any remuneration. The Board is both a policy-making and working entity.


  1. Meetings by this Committee and with volunteers may be conducted in person, by telephone, or electronically.
  2. The Chair or itsrepresentative attends monthly Board meetings and the AGM.

Responsibilities(in random order including but not limited to the following)

  1. Complies with both the National and Chapter Bylaws, and the National Code of Professional Ethics for the Credit Profession.
  2. Recognizes that marketing and revenue generation activities may befunctions of this Committee.
  3. Determinesimmediately in the new term,with the assistance of the Board and input from all Committees, a complete list of Chapter activities for the ensuing term.
  4. Follows the “Chapter Communications Style Guide” as may be amended from time to time and issued by the National Board.
  5. Seeks input from the National office when required.
  6. Works with the Committee Chairs to develop appropriate and timely communiqués for circulation to predetermined groups of recipients.
  7. Works with Membership Committee to develop, promote and advertise CCP program to the community at large.
  8. Develops a promotion package for all uses.
  9. Develops a catalogue of outlets to use for promoting Chapter activities.
  10. Develops a strategy for raising corporate awareness.
  11. Works on trade shows promoting the CCP program.
  12. Work with school boards to create awareness of CCP program.
  13. Monitors Chapter and National websites for accuracy.
  14. Posts events on Chapter and National websites advising of upcoming events.
  15. Plans and implements any other initiatives that will promote CIC and the Chapter within the community including but not limited to Corporate Community Relations.
  16. Submits articles for the Chapter Newsletter.
  17. Submits a budget for Board approval.
  18. Submits a committee report prior to each Board meeting.
  19. Submits an annual committee report to the AGM.
  20. Carries out such other relevant tasks as requested by the Board.

Note to Chapters: This generic form has been developed by the National Board of Directors to provide a standardized format for use by all Chapters for their governance. Revisions to this form are permissible to suit individual chapter needs so long as responsible governance, prudent management, sound financial stewardship and internal controls are not compromised in any way, shape or form. While Chapters are in possession of various assets, both financial and otherwise, ownership of those assets rest with CIC. Since Chapters are not incorporated separately, CIC at the national level is ultimately responsible to ensure it apprises Chapters of the necessary requirement of providing and engaging only the best practises for responsible governance.

This form was approved by the National Board of Directors on February 13, 2012 and it supersedes all previously approved forms.

Revised November 23, 2011