RBI Bibliography 2003 (projects 2002-)

In the summer and autumn of 2002, 121 new projects from RBI received grants by the Ministry of Science & Technology. Several research groups received grants for the first time, while for others the new grants represented an increase in the research support.In the summer and autumn of 2002, 121 new projects were granted to the RBI by the Ministry of Science & Technology. Several research groups received projects for the first time, while for others the new grants represented increased support for consumables.

Working with the benefit of new project financing, scientists from the RBI published 408 research articles in journals indexed in Current Contents (CC) in 2003. This is a 39% increase on the average productivity for the period 1996-2002 (the period of previous project grants, see Figure 1. Similar increases were also observed for articles published in other journals (33%) and books and book chapters (21%).

Working with the support of the new projects, scientists from the RBI published 408 research articles in journals indexed in Current Contents (CC) in 2003. This is a 38.7 % increase when compared with the average productivity for the period 1996-2002 (the period of previous project granting, see Figure 1 NUMBER OF CC PAPERS ON TH FIGURE SEEMS TO BE BELOW 400, COULD YOU CHECK IT? OTHERWISE, AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FIGURE THERE IS AN ADDITIONAL FIGURE’S TOP WHICH I COULD NOT OPEN OR REMOVE).. Similar increases were also observed for articles published in other journals (33.3%) and books and book chapters (20.6% of increase above average).

While the use of a simple (CC-based) publication count is not a complete criterion for the productivity assessment of either the Institute or an individual research group, it does offer an important insight into the Institute’s achievement. We expect that the significance of educational and commercial contributions, which is not reflected in the publication numbers, is apparent from the contents of the appropriate sections of this report.

While the use of a simple (CC-based) publication-counting procedure is far from an ideal criterion for the productivity assessment of an Institute or an individual research group, it does offer some insight. That is, such a procedure takes very little account of the quality or importance of a given publication and completely neglects contributions such as educational and commercial activities. Nevertheless, we hope that the importance of these activities is apparent from the contents of the remainder of this report and that the following data may thus be interpreted in the appropriate context.

Table 1 shows the number of (CC-indexed) publications produced by the subset of those fundamental research projects carried out at the RBI that, in terms of publications, were ranked among the top 10 projects in Croatia in their respective research fields. It is clear from the table that, according to this criterion, the RBI projects were among the most prominent in all fields of science during 2003. This is especially pronounced in the case of chemistry, oceanology & geology and physics where 7 to 9 of the 10 to 11 most productive Croatian projects were carried out at the RBI. However, excellence in publishing papers in CC journals at the RBI was also evident for the fields of biology (5/10) and biomedicine (4/10). This latter achievement is particularly noteworthy given the sheer number of projects (399) funded in this field by the Ministry. In addition to the tabulated presence of projects from the RBI within the top 10 Croatian projects, it should be mentioned that according to the same criterion many other projects carried out at the RBI rank among the top 20 in their respective fields.

Although the prominence of the RBI in Croatian science was not a new factor in 2003, the large increase in CC-indexed publications was, and thus deserves some brief comments. One factor contributing to this increase was certainly the significant quantity of research equipment granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology to the RBI during the last three years. This equipment enabled scientists at the Institute to participate in fields of research that were previously not accessible. In addition, 2003 was a year of promotions and re-elections for about 130 scientists at the RBI. As the criteria for these procedures were based primarily on the number of articles published in CC journals, this was quite likely a significant factor in the increased publication output.

Our experts were invited to give 85 scientific lectures in 2003, almost twice the annual average for 1996-2002 (46 lectures per year). At the same time, the number of patent applications in 2003 (6) represented a slight increase from the analogous annual average (4). This data, combined with that in Table 1, confirm the high reputation of the RBI. Concomitantly, the data can also be taken to indicate that the focus of our activities is currently oriented towards excellence in fundamental research, with less emphasis placed on commercial and applied sciences.

Table 1 shows the number of (CC indexed) publications produced by the subset of fundamental research projects carried out at the RBI that were ranked among the top 10 projects in Croatia, in their respective research fields. It is clear from the table that, according to this criterion, the RBI projects are among the most prominent in all fields of science. This is especially obvious in the case of chemistry, oceanology & geology and physics where 7 to 98 of the 10 to 11 most productive Croatian projects are carried out at the RBI. However, excellence in publishing papers in CC journals at the RBI is also evident for the fields of biology (5/10) and biomedicine (4/10). This latter achievement is particularly noteworthy given the sheer number of projects (399) apparent in this field. In addition to the tabulated appearances of projects from the RBI in the top 10 Croatian projects (in terms of publications), it should be mentioned that many other projects carried out at the RBI are listed, according to the same criterion, among the top 20 projects in their respective fields of science.

Although the prominence of the RBI in Croatian science was not a new factor in 2003, the large increase in CC indexed publications was, and thus deserves some brief comments. One factor contributing to this increase was certainly the significant amount of research equipment granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology to the RBI during the last three years. This equipment enabled scientists at the Institute to participate in fields of research that were previously not possible. In addition, 2003 was a year of promotions and re-elections for approximately more than a one hundred scientists at the RBI (ACCTUAL NUMBER IS SOMEHWRE BETWEEN 120 AND 140). As the criteria for these procedures were based primarily on the number of articles published in CC journals, this was quite probably a significant motivating factor for the increased publication output.

Our experts were invited to give 85 scientific lectures in 2003, almost twice the annual average for 1996-2002 (46 lectures per year). At the same time, the number of patent applications in 2003 (6) represented a slight increase from the analogous annual average (4). This data, combined with that in Table 1, confirms the high reputation of the RBI. Concomitantly, it can also be taken to indicate that the focus of our activities is currently oriented towards excellent fundamental research, with less emphasis placed on commercial and applied sciences.


TABLE 1. Overview of productivity of fundamental research projects carried out at the RBI that were ranked among the top 10 Croatian projects in 2003 in their respective fields of science. The list was prepared according to National Bibliography database - only research articles published in journals indexed in Currents Contents were included.

Field of Science - Number of National Projects in the Field /

Project Title

/ Principal Investigator / Rank of the Project in the National Bibliography for 2003 / Number of CC Articles Published in 2003


/ Gensko liječenje tumora korekcijom tumor-supresorskih gena / Jasminka Pavelić / 1 / 13
399 / Utjecaj transdukcije gena/proteina na signalne puteve transformiranih stanica / Krešimir Pavelić / 2 / 12

Oksidativni stres i zloćudne bolesti

/ Neven Žarković / 6 / 7
Neurofarmakologija serotoninskog sustava / Dorotea Muck-Šeler / 8 / 5
BIOLOGY / Dinamika i genetika bioaktivnih molekula / Volker Magnus / 2 / 11
55 / Studij gena i genoma evolucijski sačuvanih i gospodarski važnih organizama / Vera Gamulin / 4-6 / 6
Regulacija rekombinacije i rekombinacijskog popravka / Mirjana Petranović / 4-6 / 6

Endemske i reliktne fitocenoze Hrvatske i njihova mikoflora

/ Andrija-Željko Lovrić / 4-6 / 6
Stanični odgovor na fizikalne, kemijske i biološke nokse / Maja Osmak / 8 / 5
GEOLOGY & OCEANOLOGY / Priroda i reaktivnost organskih tvari u moru i okolišu / Božena Ćosović / 1-4 / 6
52 / Fizikalna i biogeo-kemija tragova metala u vodenim sustavima / Marko Branica / 1-4 / 6
Perzistentna organohalogena zagadivala u nekim obalnim podrucjima Dalmacije / Mladen Picer / 1-4 / 6
Programirane biosinteze i genotoksični rizik / Renato Batel / 5-7 / 5
Mehanizam dugoročnih promjena u ekosustavu Jadranskog mora / Danilo Degobbis / 5-7 / 5
Geokemija recentnih i starih sedimentacijskih sustava Jadranske platforme / Goran Kniewald / 5-7 / 5
Istraživanje plimne i dužeperiodične dinamike sjevernog Jadrana / Milivoj Kuzmić / 8 / 4
Multidisciplinarna sedimentološka istraživanja / Halka Bilinski / 9 / 3


/ Utjecaj defekata i nanostruktura na svojstva poluvodiča / Branko Pivac / 1 / 19
80 / Lake atomske jezgre: klasteri, nuklearne molekule, reakcije ... / Đuro Miljanić / 3 / 13
Eksperimentalna fizika visokih energija / Krešo Kadija / 4 / 11
Temeljne interakcije u fizici elementarnih čestica i kozmologiji / Branko Guberina / 5 / 10
Fizika teških iona / Zoran Basrak / 6 / 9
Istraživanja nanofaznih slojeva i nanokompozitnih čvrstih elektrolita / Aleksandra Turković / 8-11 / 8
Fizika i primjena nanostruktura / Krešimir Furić / 8-11 / 8


/ Stereoselektivna sinteza i kataliza / Vitomir Šunjić / 1 / 14
70 / Reaktivni meduprodukti u osnovnom i pobudenom stanju / Mirjana Maksić / 2 / 13
Reaktivnost i reakcijski mehanizmi / Leo Klasinc / 3 / 11
Nuklearna magnetska rezonancija i proračuni bioorganskih molekula / Dražen Vikić-Topić / 4 / 10
Struktura i dinamika (bio)molekula / Biserka Kojić-Prodić / 6-7 / 9
Strukturna i biološka istraživanja novih kompleksnih spojeva / Ljerka Tušek-Božić / 6-7 / 9
Supramolekularna organizacija u gelovima, molekulsko prepoznavanje i kataliza / Mladen Žinić / 8-10 / 8
Fizičko-kemijski učinci ionizirajućih zračenja / Dušan Ražem / 8-10 / 8