Thursday, December 8, 2016, Westin Hotel, Waltham, MA

SIGN UP TODAY: Don’t miss the opportunity to get in front of the

best and the brightest in the employee benefits industry!!!
This dynamic conference features presentations of NEEBC’s “2016 Best Benefits Practice” Awards as well as compelling keynote speaker presentations. This important conference provides a unique opportunity for a select group of sponsors to network with peers in the industry, build your brand recognition and to feature your products and services in front of your target audience.

Gold Sponsor - $2,000(limited to 15)

*Resource table to display promotional materials & free registration for person staffing table

* Listing in the program brochure and on NEEBC website * Recognition in written material and from the podium

* The opportunity to distribute the brochure of your choice through inclusion in the conference "benefits resourceskit"

* Company name on signage * Recognition in the winter issue of the NEEBC newsletter, “Benefits Extra”

* Reduced registration fee of $125 for twopersons from your organization

Silver Sponsor - $1,000

*Listing in the program brochure and on NEEBC website * Recognition in written material and from the podium

* The opportunity to distribute the brochure of your choicethrough inclusion in the conference"benefits resources kit"

* Company name on signage * Recognition in the winter issue of the NEEBC newsletter, “Benefits Extra”

* Reduced registration fee of $125 for one person from your organization

NEW FOR 2016!!

Breakfast Sponsor - $1,500

* Listing in the program brochure and on NEEBC website * Recognition in written material and from the podium

* Approved materials on tables in conference room during breakfast

* Company name on signage at breakfast buffet and on large signs

* Recognition in the winter issue of the NEEBC newsletter, “Benefits Extra”

* Free registration for one person from your organization

Luncheon Sponsor - $2,000

* Listing in the program brochure and on NEEBC website * Recognition in written material and from the podium

* Approved materials on tables in conference room during lunch

* Company name on signage at lunch buffet and on large signs

* Recognition in the winter issue of the NEEBC newsletter, “Benefits Extra”

* Free registration for two persons from your organization

Networking & Cocktail Reception Sponsor - $2,500

* Address audience and welcome them to the networking & cocktail reception

* Listing in the program brochure and on NEEBC website * Recognition in written material and from the podium

* Approved materials on tables at networking & cocktail reception

* Company name on signage at tables and on large signs

* Recognition in the winter issue of the NEEBC newsletter, “Benefits Extra”

* Free registration for two persons from your organization


We hope you'll join us for what promises to be an exciting and informative conference! To participate please complete and this form, along with a 25 word description of your organization’s products and services. Please give us a call at 781-684-8700 with any questions.


Thursday, December 8, 2016, Westin Hotel, Waltham, MA


Yes, I would like to be a sponsor of NEEBC’s December 8th“Best Practices” conference!

Name______Title ______

Company______Email ______

Address ______


Telephone______Fax ______

_____ I have enclosed/will forward a check for $2,000 for a Gold Sponsorship

_____ I have enclosed/will forward a check for $1,000for a Silver Sponsorship

_____ I have enclosed/will forward a check for $1,500 for a Breakfast Sponsorship

_____ I have enclosed/will forward a check for $2,000 for a Luncheon Sponsorship

_____ I have enclosed/will forward a check for $2,500 for a Cocktail Hour Sponsorship

_____ Please charge to the following credit card:

__ American Express__ MasterCard__ VisaExp. Date______Security Code ______

Card # ______Name on card ______

Billing address ______

25 words (or less) description of your company’s products and services:




Please e-mail, fax or mail to:

New England Employee Benefits Council * 240 Bear Hill Rd., Suite 102 * Waltham, MA 02451

Fax: 781-684-9200 Email: Questions?781-684-8700

Thank you for your valued support and for partnering with NEEBC!