An thesis should not normally exceed 500 words andbetypedwithMSWord on Ukrainian, Russian or English and then to e-mailtoOrganization Committee. For thesis isuseda pageofA4 with upper margin2,54 cm, bottom2,54 cm, left3 cm, right2 cm; font - Times New Roman, 11 pt. AlltablesshouldbecreatedwithMicrosoftWord. The figures should be clear, easy to read and of good quality. Styles and fontsshould match those in the main body of the article. Lettering and lines shouldbe of uniform density and the lines unbroken.In-line equations should be created with MicrosoftEquation. A complete reference shouldgive at single paragraph, 10 ptand authors with italic type. Completeness of references is the responsibility of the authors.To begin a (new) paragraph of text should use of 0.5 cmindention. At the end of text write name of authors and title of thesis on English and so academic degree, post, organization, address and e-mail of author. Template and example of thesis can find on http:/

Blank of application

Title of paper (max. 90 symbols)
Name / Organization
Speaker / Coauthors
Academic degree, post of speaker
City, country
Phone / Fax / E-mail
scientific-practical conference /



Geology Department


March 2013

organizers oF conference

  • KyivTarasShevchenkoNationalUniversity (KNU)
  • Earths’ Science Branch of NationalAcademy of Science of Ukraine (NASU)
  • GeologyStateServiceofUkraine (GSSU)
  • Union of Geologist of Ukraine (USU)
  • Ukrainian branch of Carpathian-Balkan Geology Association
  • LvivIvanFrankoNationalUniversity (LBU)
  • IvanFrankoNationalTechnicalUniversityofOilandGas (IFNUOG)
  • OdesaIlyaMechnikovNationalUniversity(ОNU)
  • Geology department of Moscow State University (MSU)
  • Institute of Geology Sciences of AS of Armenia (IGSASRA)
  • Institute of Geology Sciences of DebrecenUniversity (Hungary)

Cooperation with:

  • Faculty of ScienceMasarykUniversity(Brno, Czech Rpublic)
  • Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering of University of Zagreb (Zagreb, Republic Croatia)
  • Faculty of Natural Science of ComeniusUniversity in Bratislava (Bratislava, Slovakia)

Organization Committee

Chairman / HozhykP.F. – acad., Dir. Institute of Geology Sciences of NASU
Acting director / TolstoyМ.I. –Prof, acad. ofAESU, KU
Co-chairman / ProskuryakovО.А. – Headof GSSU
KravchenkoD.V. – Associate professor, acting dean of Geology Department KNU
Executive secretary / ShabaturaO.V. – Sc. as., KNU
Acting secretary / ZhukovaS.V. - As.,KNU

members ofOrganization Committee

shestopalovV.М. – Acad. of AESU, Acad.-secr.Earths’ Science Branch of AESU;

SHCHerbakM.P. – Acad. of AESU;

PONOMARENKOO.M. – Corresponding member of AESU, Dir. Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore-Genesis of Dir. Institute of Geology Sciences of NASU;

StarostenkoV.I. – Acad. of AESU, Dir. Institute of Geophysics of NASU;

SobotovichE.V. – Acad. of AESU, Dir. Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NASU;

PavlyukМ.I. – Corresponding member of AESU, Dir. Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of combustible minerals of NASU;

KryzhanivskyЕ.I. – Prof., Rector of IFNUOG;

ZagorodnyukP.O. – Associate professor, Head of USU;

HoshovskyS.V. – Prof., Dir. of Ukrainian State geology research Institute;

MatkovskyО.I. – Prof., LNU;

ShevshukV.V. – Prof., KNU;

BortnikS.Y. – Prof., Head of Facultyof KNU.

KoronovskyN.V. – Prof.,Head of faculty of MoscowStateUniversity;

MeliksetyanH. – HeadofLab. Institute of Geology Science of Armenia.

main problems of conference

  1. Geologic-geophysical peculiarities of forming and position of neovulcanites of Eastern Europe.
  2. Structural-geological types of main genetic varieties of neovulcanites of Eastern Europe.
  3. Characteristics of composition and physical properties of neovulcanites of Eastern Europe.
  4. Comparison and correlation of main type of neovulcanites of Eastern Europe and other areas.
  5. Criteria and features of outlook of neovulcanites of Eastern Europe.



KyivTarasShevchenkoNationalUniversity, Geology Department, r. 108, Vasylkivska, 90, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022

Phone: (044)259-70-23, E-mail:


Conference will take place March, 1–2, 2013 inKyivTarasShevchenkoNationalUniversity, Geology Department (Vasylkivska, 90, ).

Deadline message application and thesis is 1 December, 2012 (). Organization committee may declinesthe reports if its not proper conference’ problemsotherwise accepted reporters will to enter on the program.

The best materials of conference selected Organization committee will be printed in “VisnykKievUniversity. Geology”


Organization committee not provides transport, food and value of residence.