Comm 455HK Syllabus Page XXX
Internet Advertising & Promotional Communications
COM 455 HK/SPACE -- Summer 2007
Instructor: Dr. Kuen-Hee Ju-Pak, Department of Communications, CSUF
Office Hours: TBA
Course website:
Required Textbook and Readings
1. Robbin Zeff and Brad Aronson (ZA book from here on), Advertising on the Internet, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (New York, NY), 1999. ISBN 0-4713-4404-4 (paperback)
2. David Shumann & Esther Thorson, Internet Advertising Theories and Research, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (LEA), 2007: ISBN 0-8058-5109-7.
2. Reading materials available at the Announcement section of the course site (Com455HK, Password is 1455 for download/print)
Other Requirements
Access to the Internet, e-mail, and a PC with MS Frontpage 2000 or later version (or any webpage editing software you have) installed
Course Description
Exploration of Internet advertising and marketing issues and ideas. Students learn to evaluate, develop, and execute Internet-based advertising and promotional campaigns. Each class will consist of a discussion of Internet advertising and marketing theories, research, and/or issues. There are two lab sections where students will learn to use webpage editing software and run tutorials.
Course Objectives
The course is designed to help students develop understanding and skills to use the Internet for effective advertising and marketing communications. The specific objectives of the course are:
1. to provide an understanding of the Internet as an advertising and marketing communication medium;
2. to provide an overview of the processes and elements considered in the conceptualizing and production of integrated brand communication campaigns;
3. to create knowledge on how to develop, promote, and manage Internet-based integrated communication campaigns;
4. to explore and discuss important issues in the Internet brand communications in general and advertising in particular.
Course Requirements & Grading
Course grades will be assigned on the following points-basis. There will be a maximum of 1,000 points
Journal 300 points
Book (10 entries) 250 (Due August 14)
One Exercise Report & Presentation 50 (EX 1-4: July 21 & EX 5-7: July 28; Ex. 8-10, July 29)
Internet Advertising Theory & Research (ST Chapter) Summary & Critique 100 points
Theory & Literature Review 300 points
Topic & Theory Summary 50 points (Presentation on July 28)
The Complete Paper 250 300 points (Due August 2128)
Final Exam (July 29): 200 points
Participation 100 points
Journal (See course site for more info) 300 points
The Book (10 reports @ 25 points each)
At the end of each lecture, you will be asked to participate in one or more activities, called Experiential Exercises (see Announcement sectionJournal link in the Com455HK page for details). These activities are designed to provide you an opportunity to experience the Internet as an advertising and marketing communication medium and to critically think about certain topics discussed in the lecture and their practical implications. For each exercise, you are to write a 1-2 page, single-space report (in MS Word or in html) to describe your experience and ideas in as much detail as the space allows. You will put all of your ten reports in one file with a table of content, save it as Com455HKJournal_Your Name, and submit it by August 14.
In-class Presentation of One Exercise (50 points)
Of the above ten exercises you are going to do, you may choose one (e.g., Ex 1a, when there’s a or b, do either one, not both) to complete and present in class on the designated date (Ex 1-5 4 on July 21 or Ex 65-7 on July 28; Ex. 8-10 on July 29). You should email me your (top three) choices as soon as possible. It’s first come, first serve. When I receive your choices, I will put your name for your first choice, if it is still available; if not, I will assign among what’s available. Check out the course site (under Announcement) for the sign-up status. The last day to sign up for the presentation is June 30. The presentation should be in 7-10 minutes and both your report (in MS Word) and presentation material (in Power-point or html) should be submitted on the date of presentation.
Internet Advertising Theory & Research (ST Chapters) Summary 100 points
You are required to choose a chapter from the ST text to write a critical summary of the chapter content. You must review the book and email me your (top three) choices as soon as possible but no later than June 30. The assignment of the chapter will be done in 2-3 business days after the receipt of your choices. (Note: Due to the delay in the book arrival, students were assigned a chapter by the order of their last name.) Only one person will beis assigned per chapter except for Chs. 3, 7, 10, and 18 which are split into two. For the chapter chosen, students will write and bring in a 3-4 page (single-space) summary and evaluation of the content as a handout to class (Make 23 sets). in MS Word) and present it in Power-point (in 15 minutes, no more than 17 - practice your presentation).
If the chapter introduces a research investigation on a topic, Discussion your discussion will include but not be limited to: a) the topic and its importance to Internet advertisers, b) key issues (or research questions or hypotheses) studied/discussed, c) if and how a theory is appliedand/or the studies in the relevant literature were applied, d) methods used (the sample studied, measures used, and procedures taken to conduct the research, de) key findings & conclusions, and ef) practical, theoretical and/or research implications for Internet brand communication, and g) your evaluation of the chapter (what was good or bad). If the chapter is a commentary or review of theories and the literature on an area or topic of importance, then just follow their organization of content. And provide your evaluation of what is good or bad about the chapter.
If a collection of theories is introduced and discussed, your summary may include for each major theory, some or all of a) the Core Assumptions/Predictions/Statements (what is to be observed or if and how certain things/variables are related, according the theory), b) its application to studies & examples (e.g., If and how it has applied across situations, time, culture, and/or national boundaries), c) practical Implications (e.g., according to the theory or research findings, what is or is not to be done in practice, If and how it can apply to interactive advertising or brand communication practices in your cultural and national context – use specific examples whenever possible), and d) strengths/weaknesses (your own evaluation - of what makes or doesn’t make send and why - to be included). Students will turn inalso email the summary report (in MS Word) to me and present it (in Power-pointusing some visual aids) to class (in 15 – 20 minutes, using visual aids, power-point preferred but not required), on the designated date (see NEW course outline in this syllabus).
(Theory &) Literature Review for an Internet Advertising/Brand Comm Topic 300 points
Each of you will find a topic to explore and write a review of the literature (any relevant and updated information & research findings in the literature) concerning the topic. The first place to start in searching for your topic is by reading the ST text to see what kinds of topics have been researched (and what theories have been applied to study the topic, if applicable). Referring to the reference section of each chapter would help you find a researchable topic and the topic-relevant literature (i.e., articles). See Literature Review Assignment link of the course site for potential topics and guidelines. More on the format will be discussed in class. There are two components to this course requirement:
The topic and theory summary (50 points, presented on July 28) (Note: this part of the assignment is no longer required; however, the information/guideliens below should help you pick your topic)
The topic & theory summary will be presented in class for instructor and student feedback. You are to introduce/discuss the topic area and its importance to Internet advertisers/marketers and, if applicable, any theory that can apply to a study of the topic. Here the topic should be specific (e.g., use and perceived effectiveness of Internet PR among PR practitioners), not too general (e.g., Internet PR).
The complete paper with the literature review (250 300 points, due on August 1428)
More information will be given in class for the literature review part of this requirement.
Final Exam (July 29) 200 points
The final exam, scheduled on the 12th class (July 29), is comprehensive and consists of two parts: Part I (100 points) includes 50 multiple-choice, true-false, questions & Part II (100 points) two essays. Questions in Part I will cover materials from lecture, textbook chapters, and supplementary reading materials. Potential essay questions for Part II) will be given by lecture topic under Announcement section of the course site (see Potential Essay Questions link in the course site).
Class Attendance & Participation 100 points
Class attendance and participation in class discussion and activities are required. You will get no participation grade if you missed four or more sessions. You should be prepared to ask and answer questions. Please be on time, and come prepared each day. Various class activities will be performed (including discussion of the journal exercise and evaluation of student presentations), and some of these will be graded as part of the class participation.
Grading Scale
Total Points Grade GPA Total Points Grade GPA
965-1000 A+ 4.0 865-899 B+ 3.3
935-964 A 4.0 835-864 B 3.0
900-934 A- 3.7 800-834 B- 2.7__
765-799 C+ 2.3 665-699 D+ 1.3
735-764 C 2.0 635-664 D 1.0
700-734 C- 1.7 600-634 D- 0.7__
<600 F 0.0
Course Policies and Requirements
· Regular participation is expected and necessary in this class. Tardiness or absences will affect your grade.
· You must type all work, unless you receive other instructions.
· All work must be original and completed by the student.
· All assignments must be turned in on time. I do not accept late assignments. Only severe medical problems are acceptable reasons for missing assignments, and it is your responsibility to make immediate arrangements with me for make-up work. Computer problems and crashed disks are not valid reasons for late work. If a medical emergency arises, you must provide verification in order to be excused and scheduled for make-up work.
· For your protection and my peace of mind, keep copies of all your completed assignments, including those handed in by electronic means.
· See me immediately if you have any difficulties in this course.
Comm 455HK Syllabus Page XXX
Course Outline and Readings
Note: ZA refers to the required textbook authored by Zeff and Aronson. ST refers to the textbook by Schumann and Thorson. Readings list (see the link) is organized by class and can be found under Assignment in the course site at Print and bring the Power-point lecture slides will be distributed in to each class. (See Announcement section). ST chapters below indicate student presentation of the chapters.
Class / Date/Time / Topic/ Activities / Reading/Assignment Due1 / Jul 17, 07 (Tue)
7-10 p.m. / Course Introduction
Internet as a brand communication medium / ZA Ch. 1; Readings List-Class 1;
ST Chs. 1 & 2 Presentations
2 / Jul 18, 07 (Wed)
7-10 p.m. / Internet Advertising: History, Industry Structure & Players; Integrated Brand Communication (IBC) / ZA Ch. 1;
ST Chs. 3 a, 3b & 6 Presentations
3 / Jul 19, 07 (Thu)
7-10 p.m. / Integrated Brand Communication (IBC);
Message / Content Issues I / Readings List-Class 3;
ST Ch. 4 Presentation
4 / Jul 20, 07 (Fri)
7-10 p.m. / Message / Content Issues II; Measurement/Research Issues
Message / Content Issues I / ZA Ch. 2 & 3
ST Ch. 9 Presentation
5 / Jul 21, 07 (Sat)
2:30-6:30 p.m. / Message / Content Issues II;
Web editing software: Tutorials in Lab / Readings List-Classes 5
Journal Ex 1-5 4 Presentations
6 / Jul 22, 07 (Sun)
2:30-6:30 p.m. / Internet Users and Targeting;
Media / Placement Issues Measurement/Research Issues / ZA Ch. 4
ST Chs. 8, 10a & 10b Presentations
7 / Jul 24, 07 (Tue)
7-10 p.m. / Legal, Ethical, and Managerial Issues; Global and Technological Issues
Internet Users and Targeting / ZA Ch.8, 5 & 6; Readings List-Class 7;
ST Chs. 5, 7a & 7b Presentations
8 / Jul 25, 07 (Wed)
7-10 p.m. / Other Issues
Media / Placement Issues / ZA Ch. 7, 9 & 10 (pp. 239-249 on
ly); Readings List-Class 8
ST Ch. 13 Presentation
9 / Jul 26, 07 (Thu)
7-10 p.m. / Legal, Ethical, and Managerial Issues
ST Chs. 1 & 2; Chs. 3 a, 3b & 6; Ch. 4; Ch. 9; Ch. 8 Presentations / ZA Ch. 13 & pp. 327-349
ST Chs. 11, 15, 18a & 18b Presentations
10 / Jul 27, 07 (Fri)
7-10 p.m. / Global and Technological Issues
ST Chs. 10a & 10b; 5, 7a & 7b; Ch. 13; Chs. 11 & 15 Presentations / ZA Ch. 12 & 14
ST Chs. 12 & 14 Presentations
11 / Jul 28, 07 (Sat)
2:30-6:30 p.m. / Other Issues;
ST Chs. 18a & 18b; Chs. 12 & 14; Chs. 16, 17 & 19 Presentations; Journal Ex. 5-7 Presentations / ST Chs. 16, 17 & 19 Presentations
Topic & Theory Presentation (by all students)
12 / Jul 29, 07 (Sun)
2:30-6:30 p.m. / Final Exam / Final Exam – online
Journal Ex 68-10 Presentations