1.1. Purpose of the Guide

This guide is designed to give you some general information about the CIPD Certificate in Training Practice (CTP) and provide you with advice on how you can successfully participate on the programme.

1.2. CIPD Standards for the CTP

The central purpose of the CTP is to develop competence in a range of core training related skills together with the necessary underpinning knowledge and understanding.

There is no specific entry requirement to the CTP.

This is a CIPD award, given on successful completion of an approved development programme covering the syllabus and an agreed assessment process. This qualification underpins level 3 NVQ/SVQ in Training and Development.

The programme is based on a minimum of 120 contact hours; this does not include time for all necessary assignment and project work.

1.3. Aims

The programme aims to present up-to-date knowledge on the background to training and development, generic training related processes and create the conditions for the application of these in the workplace. It will provide the opportunity to improve the professionalism of staff in key posts and encourage the ethos of continuous professional development.

The programme is aimed at staff working in the specialist area of Training and Development The programme will enable these staff to update their knowledge and skills in the HR field and gain membership of CIPD.

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1.4. Objectives

On successful completion of the CIPD Certificate in Training Practice, participants will have:-

•  developed competence in a range of core personnel and development skills
together with the necessary underpinning knowledge and understanding;

•  related this knowledge, understanding, skills and techniques to their
organisation's objectives and environmental context;

•  enhanced professionalism as managers/individuals involved in the HR
function. and

•  been encouraged to promote the HR function as a critical factor in strategic
and business planning.

1.5. Learning Outcomes

The programme will incorporate the learning outcomes as outlined by the CIPD, these are as follows:-

•  manage own personal and professional development;

•  specify and agree learning needs and priorities for individuals;

•  identify learning and development opportunities appropriate to individual
learning needs;

•  select and use appropriate analysis methods;

•  recommend training and development options to individuals;

•  agree and modify learning programmes to meet learners' needs;

•  define performance, training and learning objectives/outcomes;

•  structure a training and development session;

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give instruction to learners individually and in groups, using learning aids appropriate to their learning needs;

select relevant methods for delivery from a range of options using clear selection criteria;

select and/or develop relevant materials to support training and development sessions;

demonstrate practical skills to learners, individually and in groups to aid learning;

prepare, deliver and review practical learning activities for individuals and groups;

provide and promote learning opportunities for all learners within organisational constraints;

collect and analyse assessment information;

form assessment decisions on learner's achievements;

provide feedback to learners on assessments made;

use appropriate recording mechanisms;

select, plan and implement appropriate evaluation methods;

make recommendations to improve the organisation and delivery of training sessions; and

understand the role of the trainer as an internal consultant within the organisation.

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2.1. Programme Structure

The programme will be delivered over an 8 month period :-

1. Induction: 18th August

2. Training in Context: 15th/16th Sept

3. Identifying needs: 29/30th Sept

4. Active/participative training methods: 21/22nd October

5. Skills assessment 1: 27th October

6. Consultancy skills for trainers: 4th November

7. Project proposal Day: 18th November

8. Feedback skills: 1/2nd December

9. Skills assessment 2: 8th December

10. Project review day: 15h December 2009

11. Evaluation: 12th/13th January 2010

12. Delivery skills: 9th February 2010

13. Project Feedback day: 2nd March 2010

The modular workshops provide the opportunity for group learning and skills development. At these workshops you will make linkages between the theory and its application in the workplace. They will allow for maximum participation and will concentrate on skills development through, for example role play and syndicate exercises.

Over and above these modules, all programmes will include a half day Induction workshop. At the Induction, you will be given the opportunity to talk through any concerns you may have about the programme and the accreditation requirements.

2.2. Learning Strategies

To facilitate the achievement of objectives and learning outcomes, a variety of learning strategies will be employed. The programme will incorporate the following:-

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•  trainer input;

•  work based assignments;

•  skills-based assignments;

•  discussion;

•  guest speakers;

•  case studies; and

•  action planning and review.

The programme will be practical in approach and emphasis will be placed on the transfer of best practice into the workplace.

2.3. Roles and Responsibilities

Programme Manager

The Programme Manager has overall responsibility for the oversight of the award within Transform – Russell Associates. They act as the point of contact with CIPD and as such ensure that all procedures as agreed with CIPD are implemented effectively and that subsequent changes or additional requirements are met. They provide the final point of arbitration on any CTP related matter.



The Moderators are appointed by CIPD and provide a quality assurance role. Russell Associates are required to make available to the Moderators all records and information relating to this award.

2.4. Tutorial Support

An informal and ongoing process of tutorial support has been built into the programme.

The Consultants will use the modules and any other agreed time to support and advise the participants, specifically to discuss any issues and provide feedback where necessary.

2.5. Materials

All workshops will be supported by handout material.

The CIPD supply a recommended reading list this provides the main theoretical base for the programme.


Assessment will be based on assignments set during the programme, through practical exercises built into several of the modules, 2 written assignments, main management, a project and presentation of this project. Details of the formal assessments are attached .

Assessment will only be carried out with the prior knowledge of the participants. As this is considered to be part of the learning process, written and verbal feedback will be given to the participant.

Attendance at all workshops is mandatory. All work submitted must be the participant's own and satisfy the principles of currency, relevancy, validity and authenticity.

All course work (including assignments, exercises and feedback pro forma) should be retained in a portfolio. This can be used as evidence by the participant should they wish to consider an NVQ (or other award) at a later date.

3.1. Summary of Assessments

Module 1 - Training in Context

A written assignment assessing the influences on training & the implications of managing them.

Module 2 – Identification of learning needs

A written assignment where you are required to investigate how needs are identified in your organization.

Module 4 - Participative Training Methods

An individual skills development exercise on the selection and use of participative

training methods.



Module 5 - Feedback

An individual skills development exercise on the use of feedback skills.

Management Project

A written project, terms of reference agreed with line manager, which will focus on all elements of the training cycle. The report will demonstrate analysis, findings, conclusions and recommendations.


Project Proposal Assessment

By the end of the first quarter of the programme, every student should have

submitted a project proposal, outlining precisely what their project will cover and

why they have chosen this as their project. The project proposal will be assessed

by the CIPD moderator against the Project Proposal Assessment Criteria and feedback will be given to students as to whether it issatisfactory' or 'not yet satisfactory'. .

Students are permitted to resubmit ONCE ONLY. If their project proposal is not satisfactory after resubmission, they should complete the assignment elements of the programme and re-register with the next or later CTP group in order to complete the work based project element.


The process of assessment is essential in ensuring that CIPD standards and quality requirements are both met and maintained. The assessment processes must be objective, valid, reliable and consistently applied.

While Russell Associates will, at all times, ensure these criteria are met, in the event of an appeal against an assessment decision, the following procedure should be followed:

Stage 1 - Assessor and Candidate

If you disagree with an assessment, you must first discuss your reasons with the Assessor as soon as possible. Normally this will be immediately after the assessment decision is given.

The assessor will consider your reasons and re-examine the assessment. He or she must respond to you within 5 days. The response will be:-

•  . a clear, written explanation of the assessment decision; and

•  a new decision or confirmation of the original decision.

If you are satisfied with the Assessor's response, the appeal stops at this point.

If you are still dissatisfied you must write to the Assessor within 5 working days, outlining your reasons

Stage 2 - Internal Verifier

The Assessor will give the Internal Verifier the following information, in writing, within 24 hours of the Appeal reaching Stage 2 - the original assessment record, the written explanation and confirmation of the assessment decision; and your letter of appeal.
The Internal Verifier will reconsider the assessment decision, taking account of the following :-

•  the participant's reason for appeal;

•  the assessor's reason for the decision; and

•  the opinion of another Assessor.

The Internal Verifier will give the reconsidered decision, in writing, within 10 days of receiving the Appeal.

If you are satisfied with the Internal Verifier's response, the appeal stops at this point.

If you are still dissatisfied you must write to the Internal Verifier within 5 working days, outlining your reasons.

Sage 3 - Programme Manager

The Internal Verifier will give the Programme Manager the following information,

in writing, within 24 hours of the Appeal reaching Stage 2:-

•  the original assessment record, the written explanations and confirmations of
the assessment decision;

•  your letters of appeal; and

•  any written comments of the Internal Verifier.

The Programme Manager will make a decision on the appeal. The decision will be sent to the participant, the Assessor and the Internal Verifier within 15 working days.

The decision of the Programme Manager is final.


CIPD's recommended reading list for Certificate and Professional Qualification Scheme Candidates

The lists that appear here contain the titles of those books recommended by the examiners in each subject. You will need to budget accordingly in order to buy a good selection of books as you will not be able to rely on borrowing all the books you will need from your Centre library or public library. Your Centre tutors can also give some guidance about which are the most appropriate books for study.

Some of the titles listed are CIPD publications. These can be bought at a reduced rate by CIPD members. Greater savings can be made through bulk purchase, and this can be arranged through course tutors.

Candidates are advised to keep up-to-date by reading relevant journals regularly.

Candidates may, in some cases, find that certain recommended books are out of print. In such a situation, the examiner has recommended the books because they are very important or useful and, even if unavailable for purchase, should be borrowed from your provider Centre or public libraries.

Certificate in Training Practice

Penny Hackett Training Practice CIPD 2008 ( recommended)

BEE, F. and BEE, R. Training needs analysis and evaluation. London, Institute of Personnel Management, 1994. xvi, 301pp.

BOYDELL, T. and LEARY, M. Identifying training needs. London, Institute of Personnel and Development, 1996. 202pp.

BUCKLEY, R. and CAPLE, T. The theory and practice of training. 3rd ed. London, Kogan Page, 1995. 300pp.

BUCKLEY, R. and CHAPPLE, J. One to one training and coaching skills. 2nd ed. Kogan Page, 1996. 144pp.

MEIGHAN, M. How to design and deliver induction training programmes. London, Kogan Page, 1995.130pp.

NEWBY, T. Cost-effective training: a management guide. London, Kogan Page, 1992. 112pp.

RAE, L. How to measure training effectiveness. 3rd ed. Aldershot, Gower, 1997. x, 219pp.

ROE, L. Using Training Aids in Training and Development. London, Kogan Page, 1998. 240pp.



Certificate in Training Practice

Written Assignments (1,500-2,000 words)

Assignment: I

Module: Training in Context

• What are the key factors needed to make training effective within your organisation? How do your organisation's current practices fit with these key factors? How could the practices be improved? Show evidence that you have benchmarked your organisation against at least one other training provider in either the public or private sector.

Assignment: 2

Module: Validation and Evaluation

• Identify how training may be evaluated from training provided to organisational effectiveness. Consider this against the current practice within your organisation. Make recommendations for improvement. Show evidence that you have benchmarked your organisation against at least one other training provider in either the public or private sector.


Certificate in Training Practice

Skills-based Assignments

Assignment: I
Module: Delivery

• An individual skills development exercise, assessing the trainer's presentation skills, including their choice and use of visual aids as well as their ability to use a Q&A approach to delivery.

Assignment: 2
Module: Feedback

• An individual skills development exercise, assessing the use of direct and elicitive feedback to facilitate a learning experience in the training environment.


Certificate in Training Practice

Management Project (minimum 3,500 words)

A written project, terms of reference to be agreed with the line manager and assessed by the CIPD moderator. The project will focus on a work-related problem or issue that will require some or all elements of the training cycle to be exercised in order to find a solution or improvement. The written report will demonstrate analysis, findings, conclusions and recommendations.