Post Remediation Soil Management Plan

Site Name, Address, Plat & Lot

This Soil Management Plan (SMP) has been prepared to establish procedures that will be followed should future construction/maintenance activities at the (Site Name) property require the need to manage soils (ground water if applicable) excavated from the subsurface or when existing site surfaces / Department approved engineered controls (asphalt, concrete, landscaping and/or foundations) are disturbed. The plan serves to supplement, and will be initiated by, the RIDEM notification requirement established by the Environmental Land Use Restriction (ELUR) for the property.


The Property, located at (address), was formerly (background info / history). The property was found to contain (contamination info) during a site investigation performed at the property. More recently, the site has been (remediated or) developed with a (current use). The Department approved remedy included (…brief remedy description). The regulated site soils are covered with Department approved engineered controls, consisting of building foundations, asphalt pavement, and landscaping (or other as applicable) in order to prevent direct exposure to regulated soils and/or infiltration through soils which exceed the Department’s Method 1 (GA or GB) Leachability Criteria.

Applicable Area

This SMP and affiliated ELUR, which restricts the property to (Residential or Industrial/Commercial) use, pertains to the (entire or portions) Property. See attached site figure.

Soil Management

The direct exposure pathway is the primary concern at the site. Individuals engaged in activities at the site may be exposed through incidental ingestion, dermal contact, or inhalation of vapors or entrained soil particles if proper precautions are not taken. Therefore, the following procedures will be followed to minimize the potential of exposure.

During site work, the appropriate precautions will be taken to restrict unauthorized access to the property.

During all site/earth work, dust suppression (e.g. watering, etc) techniques must be employed at all times. If it is anticipated due to the nature of the contaminants of concern that odors may be generated during site activities, air monitoring and means to control odors will be utilized, as appropriate (e.g. odor-suppressing foam, etc).

In the event that an unexpected observation or situation arises during site work, such activities will immediately stop. Workers will not attempt to handle the situation themselves but will contact the appropriate authority for further direction.

In the event that certain soils on site were not previously characterized, these soils are presumed to be regulated until such time that it is demonstrated to the Department, through sampling and laboratory analysis that they are not regulated. (For example, presumptive remedies or locations of previously inaccessible soil.)

If excess soil is generated/excavated from the Property, the soil is to remain on-site for analytical testing, to be performed by an environmental professional, in order to determine the appropriate disposal and/or management options. The soil must be placed on and covered with polyethylene/plastic sheeting during the entire duration of its staging and secured with appropriate controls to limit the loss of the cover and protect against storm-water and / or wind erosion (e.g. hay bales, silt fencing, rocks, etc).

Excavated soils will be staged and temporarily stored in a designated area of the property. Within reason, the storage location will be selected to limit the unauthorized access to the materials (e.g., away from public roadways/walkways). No regulated soil will be stockpiled on-site for greater than 60 days without prior Department approval.

In the event that stockpiled soils pose a risk or threat of leaching hazardous materials, a proper leak-proof container (e.g. drum or lined roll-off) or secondary containment will be utilized.

Soils excavated from the site may not be re-used as fill on residential property. Excavated fill material shall not be re-used as fill on commercial or industrial properties unless it meets the Department’s Method 1 Residential Direct Exposure Criteria for all constituents listed in Table 1 of the Rules and Regulations for the Investigation and Remediation of Hazardous Material Releases (Remediation Regulations). Copies of the laboratory analysis results shall be maintained by the site owner and included in the annual inspection report for the site, or the closure report if applicable. In the event that the soil does not meet any of these criteria, the material must be properly managed and disposed of off site at a licensed facility.

Site soils, which are to be disposed of off-site, must be done so at a licensed facility in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws. Copies of the material shipping records associated with the disposal of the material shall be maintained by the site owner and included in the annual inspection report for the site.

Best soil management practices should be employed at all times and regulated soils should be segregated into separate piles (or cells or containers) as appropriate based upon the results of analytical testing, when multiple reuse options are planned (e.g. reuse on-site, reuse at a Department approved Industrial/Commercial property, or disposal at a Department approved licensed facility).

All non-disposable equipment used during the soil disturbance activities will be properly decontaminated as appropriate prior to removal from the site. All disposable equipment used during the soil disturbance activities will be properly containerized and disposed of following completion of the work. All vehicles utilized during the work shall be properly decontaminated as appropriate prior to leaving the site.

At the completion of site work, all exposed soils are required to be recapped with Department approved engineered controls (2 ft of clean fill or equivalent: building foundations, 4 inches of pavement/concrete underlain with 6 inches of clean fill, and/or 1 foot of clean fill underlain with a geotextile liner) consistent or better than the site surface conditions prior to the work that took place. These measures must also be consistent with the Department approved ELUR recorded on the property. Any clean fill material brought on site is required to meet the Department’s Method 1 Residential Direct Exposure Criteria or be designated by an Environmental Professional as Non-Jurisdictional under the Remediation Regulations. The Annual Inspection Report for the site, or Closure Report if applicable, should include either analytical sampling results from the fill demonstrating compliance or alternatively include written certification by an Environmental Professional that the fill is not jurisdictional.

Groundwater Management

(if applicable)

Worker Health and Safety

To ensure the health and safety of on-site workers, persons involved in the excavation and handling of the material on site are required to wear a minimum of Level D personal protection equipment, including gloves, work boots and eye protection. Workers are also required to wash their hands with soap and water prior to eating, drinking, smoking, or leaving the site.

Department Approval

In accordance with Section A iii of the ELUR, no soil at the property is to be disturbed in any manner without prior written permission of the Department’s Office of Waste Management, except for minor inspections, maintenance, and landscaping activities that do not disturb the contaminated soil at the Site. As part of the notification process, the site owner shall provide a brief written description of the anticipated site activity involving soil excavation. The notification should be submitted to the Department no later than 60 days prior to the proposed initiation of the start of site activities. The description shall include an estimate of the volume of soil to be excavated, a list of the known and anticipated contaminants of concern, a site figure clearly identifying the proposed areas to be excavated/disturbed, the duration of the project and the proposed disposal location of the soil.

Following written Notification, the Department will determine the post closure reporting requirements. Significant disturbances of regulated soil will require submission of a Closure Report for Department review and approval documenting that the activities were performed in accordance with this SMP and the Department approved ELUR. Minor disturbances of regulated soil may be documented through the annual certification submitted in accordance with Section H (Inspection & Non-Compliance) of the Department approved ELUR. The Department will also make a determination regarding the necessity of performing Public Notice to abutting property owners/tenants concerning the proposed activities. Work associated with the Notification will not commence until written Department approval has been issued. Once Department approval has been issued, the Department will be notified a minimum of two (2) days prior to the start of activities at the site. Shall any significant alterations to the Department approved plan be necessary, a written description of the proposed deviation, will be submitted to the Department for review and approval prior to initiating such changes.