Loudoun Valley Vikings Athletic Association Scholarship Application
Thank you for your interest in applying for the LVVAA Scholarship. This application has three components each of which may take some time to complete. The first part requires information from the career center and about your LVHS athletic participation, extracurricular activities, and volunteer activity including LVVAA volunteer activities of parents. Please complete the form as provided, do not attach a resume. Applications not completed correctly will not be considered. Part 2 containsan essay related to your educational goals and athletic experiences while at Loudoun Valley. Part 3 is a coaches’ recommendation. The more complete your answers are the more competitive your application will be. Good Luck!
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
How many scholarships are awarded and how much is the Scholarship? LVVAA awards four $1,000 scholarships (two boys and two girls) and two $1,500 scholarships (one boy and one girl).
Are only varsity level athletes eligible to apply? No. Participation in LVHS athletics at some level OR participationas aLVHS team manager, trainer, scorekeeperor coach’s assistant is required.
What if I only played one season of a freshman sport?You are still eligible to apply.
How can I use the scholarship?LVVAA puts no restrictions on the use of the scholarships it awards. The only expectation is that the successful applicant will use the funds for college expenses.
Do I have to report the Scholarship on my Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form? It is the responsibility of the student and parents (or guardians) to report scholarships on FAFSA forms. LVVAA does not track or monitor such reporting.
Who makes the scholarship decisions? A Scholarship Committee established of LVVAA members (volunteers and parents) and the LVHS Athletic Director make final selection decisions. Parentswho have a student applying for a LVVAA Scholarship may not serve on the Committee.
Do my parents’ volunteer activities help my application? If your parents actively supported LVVAA activities (described in the application) then their time is favorably consideredand weighted as part of the application scoring process.The more a parent volunteers the greater the weight.
May I still apply if I don’t plan to go to college? No. Only those students who will be attending a college, university, or institution of higher learning are eligible.
What are my odds of getting a scholarship? The number of applicants will determine your odds but because LVVAA offers a total of six scholarships, your odds may be better than other scholarship competitions which award only one. Ultimately the quality of your application will determine your success.
If I am successful, when will I get my scholarship money? Scholarship winners receive their award as a check at either the LVHSNight of Honors or the Senior Awards Assembly.
Loudoun Valley Viking Athletic Association
Scholarship Application
Student Name: ______
City/Town:______Zip: ______
College you will be attending: ______
Athletic Participation: List all LVHSsports and levelsor capacity in which you participated (including team manager/trainers) during the past four years. Include whether you were a captain or co-captain, an All Academic Athlete, a Letterman, Viking Team Honors, and Conference, District, Regional or State Honors and Recognitions.
Senior:Fall______Winter ______Spring ______
Athletic Honors, Awards, and Recognitions: ______
Junior: Fall______Winter______Spring______
Athletic Honors, Awards, and Recognitions: ______
Sophomore: Fall______Winter______Spring______
Athletic Honors, Awards, and Recognitions: ______
Freshman: Fall______Winter______Spring______
Athletic Honors, Awards, and Recognitions: ______
Other LVHS Athletics Information: ______
Non-LVVAA Volunteer Activities:List and describe your volunteer activities as a LVHS student and the approximate number of hours associated with each. Include achievements, accomplishments or goals attained through your volunteer activities.
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
Organization ______Volunteer Hours ______
Nature of volunteer activities and notable achievements, accomplishments or goals attained:
LVVAA Volunteer Activities:Identify the LVVAA activities that either you and/or your parents actively supported. Examples include Waterford Fair parking, Loudoun Hunt Pony Club event parking, golf tournament, LVVAA Boardof Directors or Committees, concessions (opener, closer, coordinator), spirit wear sales, obtaining sponsors, team parent, etc. Estimate the approximate hours for these activities.
Freshman ______
Other information you wish to provide: ______
Part 2 Essay. Please reply to the following prompt in essay form.
How has Loudoun Valley High School athletics, academics, and volunteer activities helped you grow as a person?
Coach’s Recommendation
Provide your personal input to the Student Scholarship Application form. Coach input should include information pertaining to the applicant’s ability, sportsmanship, leadership qualities, attitude or other attributes you wish to highlight. Upon completing the Coach’s Recommendation form please return to Mrs. Krone by May 2, 2016, in a sealed envelope.
Applicant Name:______