2015- 2016Course Syllabus

Instructors: Katherine Nealis

Course Title: Environmental Science


School Web Page:

Course Content:

Environmental Science, a composite science that incorporates aspects of biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and meteorology, emphasizes understanding of environmental problems and the ramifications of their solutions. It also includes sociology and economics in the study of environmental problems and their solutions. Major themes include the physical and biological interactions found in ecosystems; the problems of overpopulation; the problems of energy use including pros and cons of fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and alternative energy sources; the problems of overuse of such resources as water, soils, and minerals; the loss of biodiversity; the problems of agriculture and food supplies; and the problems of pollution including air, water, soil, chemical, and solid waste.


The textbook for this class is Holt Environmental Science, by Karen Arms, 2008. Textbook checkouts are optional. If issued they become the responsibility of the student. Students are expected to bring the textbook to class daily. If the book is not returned or if it is damaged the replacement cost is $67.00. Additional textbook resources are available on my school web page.

Course Materials:

Please note that this syllabus is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion in order to meet the needs, interests, and ability of students.

  • Laptop
  • College ruled notebook paper
  • Pens (blue or black only)
  • # 2 Pencils or Mechanical Pencils
  • Flash drive (recommended)

Please note that this syllabus is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion in order to meet the needs, interests, and ability of students.

Students, please ensure that you bring the necessary materials to class daily. You will not be excused to retrieve items from your locker.

Course Expectations:

  • Students should arrive to class on-time
  • Students should be prepared each day (assignments, notebook, paper, pencil, textbook, etc.)
  • Students be respectful to the teacher, their peers, and any visitors in the classroom
  • Students are expected to put forth effort and be active participants in the learning process

Discipline Procedures:

Students will typically be given a verbal warning if their behavior is a minor disruption to the learning environment. However, disruptions that are severe in nature will result in immediate removal from the classroom.

Cell Phones and Headphones:

There will be no cell phones or headphones allowed in class this year. If your student is caught using a cell phone the phone will be picked up and placed in a locked cabinet until the end of the period.


Please note that this syllabus is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion in order to meet the needs, interests, and ability of students.

Practice Work – 40%Grading Scale:

Classwork/ Homework – 15%100 – 90 = A

Quizzes – 25% 89 – 80 = B

79 – 74 = C

Assessment Task – 60% 73 – 70 = D

Labs/Projects/ Case Studies – 25% Below 70 = F

Unit Tests – 35%

------Practice Work & Assessment Task = 85% of Overall Grade

Summative Assessment Tasks – 15%

Final Exam– 15%

Grades Reports:

Progress reports are provided at 9-week intervals. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to monitorprogress via Infinite Campus. If you have concerns about your child’s progress please feel free to email the teacher or schedule a conference by contacting your child’s counselor.


Labs coincide with reading and lecture content. Students will participate in both traditional laboratory settings and outdoors field research. Students complete several projects during the course. These projects include experiments done at home, research, computer presentations, and model building. Participation in all lab exercises and field research are mandatory; failure to participate will result in a grade of zero for the lab task.

All assignments are expected to have the following information so that appropriate credit can be awarded. Failure to include the following information may result in a deduction of points or a grade of zero (0) for the assignment.

  1. Your name (first and last)
  2. Subject and period (Env. Sci, Period #)
  3. The title of the assignment

Make-up Work:

It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for make-up work, not the teacher’s. These arrangements should be made at a time that does not disrupt instructional time (before or after school only; not during class. Do not ask, you will not get make up work nor will I discuss make-up work during instructional time). All assignments will be posted on schoology.com daily. If your child is absent they should check schoology to see what they missed.

If a student receives an assignment but is absent on the day it is due then the assignment should be submitted immediately upon their return. Projects submitted after the due date may result in a deduction of points. Please make prior arrangements with the teacher if you know additional time may be needed to complete an assignment. Exceptions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis; however, additional time is not guaranteed. Please make an effort to submit all assignments on time.

It is essential that students are present on lab days. Depending on the lab, availability of materials, and the number of students that are absent a make-up session may or may not be offered. An alternate assignment may also be substituted for that lab grade.

Please keep in mind the following: (Additional information may be found in the Henry County Schools Parent/Student Handbook)

Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) will prevent a student from making up ANY work missed during the suspension; including major exams and projects. NO EXCEPTIONS, unless a disciplinary hearing is pending.

A student who has been absent (EXCUSED) is responsible for meeting with his teachers within two days of returning to school to arrange for makeup work. The time during which makeup work must be completed should not exceed the number of days missed by the student. For example, a student who was absent (excused) for three days will have two days (maximum) to arrange for makeup work and three days (maximum) to actually make up work - a total (maximum) of five days. Makeup work for this student is eligible for maximum credit for correct work.

Lab Equipment policy: Students are responsible for checking off equipment at the beginning of lab and reporting missing or damaged equipment. Students are responsible for full payment for any lab equipment that is broken or missing from their lab group.

Laboratory Safety:

A separate Lab Safety Contract will be provided for review and signature by both the student and parent. It must be signed and returned before you can participate in lab. Failure to return a signed Lab Safety Contract or adhere to the safety contract during lab will result in removal from the lab activity and/or removal from the classroom in addition to a grade of zero (0) for the assignment.

Academic Honesty:

Students are expected to do their own, original work. If a student has submitted work that is not their ownor committed the act of plagiarism, the county policy regarding academic honesty will be followed, whereas the student will receive a grade of zero (0) on the assignment in question as well as disciplinary actions. In the event of academic dishonesty, no make-up assignment or re-do will be permitted.

Please note that this syllabus is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion in order to meet the needs, interests, and ability of students.