The Journal of Comparative Law in Africa is a peer-reviewed annual academic legal journal foundedin 2013 and published by the Centre for Comparative Law in Africa, at the University of Cape Town (South Africa). The Journal is presented as a bilingual journal (English and French)to address legal issues on the African continent. It encouragesscholars and jurists writing on all fields of law in Africa using a comparative approach or methodologyto submit their original writingsfor publication in both languages. The journal welcomes research, conceptual, practice and empirical papers. Book reviews and viewpoints will also be considered. Submissions which are not presented in the standard academic article format will not be considered. The Journal has an editorialboard made up of renownedscholars in comparative law, African law, legal philosophy, commercial law, and manyothersfrom different countries in Africa, Europe, and the United States.


The Journal of Comparative Law in Africa (JCLA) is published annually on November30th. We invite scholars and jurists to submit manuscripts of original articles for possiblepublication in any then-current issue of the Journal by June 30th fortheNovember issue.The final decision on whether the manuscript is accepted for publication in the JCLAis made by its Editorial Board, taking into consideration the results of two (2) anonymous referees’ review. Thedecision of the JCLA Editorial Board will be communicated as early as possible, usuallyno later than three (3) months from the submission. If any of the referees suggests possiblerevision or addition, the feedback will be conveyed to the author and a short periodwill be allowed for revision if the author wishes to do so.

Manuscripts should be written in English or French with a summary in the same language and also, if possible, in the other language, preferably in MS-word file, A4 12points, using Times New Roman. Please use footnotes (10 points font size) rather than endnotes. Manuscripts written in English or French should notbe longer than 12000 words,excludingsummary and citations. The summary should have a maximum word count of 350. Manuscripts longer thanthe recommended length will only be considered for publication on a special basis. The journal house style and the JUTA publication style will be made available on the Centre for Comparative Law website ( and upon request or submission of a paper.

Please email submissions to the Centre for Comparative Law in Africa:

Centre for Comparative Law in Africa