November 2004doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/1430r3
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: November 15, 2004
This document represents some early thoughts on a draft call for proposals.
The section immediately below is suggested text for the call and the following section is a summary of the schedule.
The Call
‘IEEE 802.11 Task Group “s” on ESS Mesh Networking hereby invites the submission of technical proposals to assist it in producing a draft amendment to 802.11 in accordance with the 802.11s PAR and 5 Criteria.Those wishing to submit a proposal must inform the 802.11s chair of their intent by email by noon Eastern USA time the Friday of the March 2005 Interim meeting, currently scheduled for 18 March 2005.
‘802.11s intends to provide opportunities for proposers who wish to do so to make brief overview presentations of their proposals or ideas from their proposals at the March and May 2005 802.11 meetings.
‘A submission or submissions describing the proposal in detail must be uploaded to the 802wirelessworld serverby noon Eastern USA time, 15 June 2005, or as soon thereafter as the server is up if it was down at that time. Proposers should note that document 11-04/1175r5, which TGs plans to use in evaluating proposals, requires that certain material be included with proposals.
‘Proposers must present their proposal to TGs and respond to questions at the July 2005 802.11 meeting. Such presentations should be within the scope of their submission or submissions uploaded by the deadline in the previous paragraph.
‘TGs reserves the right to establish and amend procedures for selecting among proposals, including the possibility of rejecting all proposals and/or soliciting further proposals. Proposers are reminded that any part or parts of their proposal submission documents will be available for the use of TGs in composing a draft amendment to the 802.11 standard. To assist them in producing their proposals, proposers are referred to the three classes of documents listed below and to the text below explaining these three classes.
‘[[The call will be issued in the name of the TGs chair and, at his request, the 802.11 chair.]]
‘Mandatory Conformance Documents
‘All proposals must conform to the 802.11 TGs PAR and 5 Criteria documents. Partial proposals need not provide all the capabilities called for.
- 11-04/54r2 “PAR for IEEE 802.11 ESS Mesh”
- 11-04/56r1 “Five Criteria for IEEE 802.11 ESS Mesh”
‘Planned Use in Evaluation Documents
‘Proposers should note that TGs plans to use the following submissions to assist the Task Group in evaluating proposals:
- 11-04/1174r7/8, Functional Requirements and Scope
- 11-04/1175r5, Comparison Categories and Criteria
- 11-04/662r11, Usage Models
- 11-04/1477r0, Draft Terms and Definitions for 802.11s
‘Recommended Reading Documents
‘The following submissions have no special status except that 802.11s has voted to include them in this list of recommended reading for those submitting technical proposals:
- 11-04/968r4, Issues for Mesh Media Access Coordination Component in 11s (v03)
- 11-04/981r0, TGs Reference Architecture Considerations’
Submissionpage 1Donald Eastlake 3rd, Motorola
November 2004doc.: IEEE 802.11-04/1430r3
Summary Schedule
- Notice of intent to submit proposal (Mandatory)
- By email to the TGs chair by noonEastern USA time the Friday of the March 2005 Interim meeting, currently scheduled for 18 March 2005.
- Opportunities for preliminary presentation of proposal (Optional)
- At the March and May 2005 802.11 meetings, currently scheduled for and Beijing, China.
- Deadline for submission of documents (Mandatory)
- Document(s) to be uploaded to the 802wirelessword server by noonEastern USA time, 15 June 2005.
- Presentation of proposal (Mandatory)
- At the July 2005 IEEE 802 Plenary Meeting currently scheduled for 13-18 July, San Francsico, California.
Submissionpage 1Donald Eastlake 3rd, Motorola