Cell Processes, Energy and Mitosis Reflection

This is an opportunity to reflect on your performance for the December 22nd/23rd test. In order for this reflection to be a value to you, please be sure to answer the following questions honestly.

1.  Would you say that your science binder was neat and well organized? Why or why not?

2.  Do you feel that you effectively studied for this test? Why or why not?

3.  How long did you study for this test? Hours______days______

4.  What methods did you use to study for this test?

5.  What grade do you expect to get on this test?

What grade did you earn on this test?

1.  In your opinion, is your grade a reflection of the work that you have done for this chapter, and the knowledge you have gained from this unit? Why or why not?

2.  How can you improve your work and study skills before the next test?

Cell Processes, Energy and Mitosis Retest Requirements

Based on your performance on the December 22nd/23rd test you

______are required

______have requested

______other Explain:______

To take a retest during class time on Tuesday January 13th.


Student agrees to complete the following:

-  Reflection Document (see flip side of this form)

-  Pearson Interactive Workbook – All sections completed

o  Chapter 1: Lesson 4

o  Chapter 2: All Lessons

-  Cell Cycle Worksheets

-  Classwork and Home Learnings previously assigned for this chapter

Parent agrees to the following:

-  Support your child by providing a quiet place and adequate time to prepare

-  Understanding that the science workload will be greater this coming week

Mrs. Kraus agrees to the following:

-  Availability before school (8:00 AM T-F); after school (3:00-3:30 T-F) or by email to answer questions

-  Provide review of first test including offering exemplars of full scored responses

-  Review study strategies based on your reflection


The retest will be comparable material but different questions. Your final grade will be an average of the two tests.

Students who earned 71 or greater are not obligated to take the retest.

We will be moving to new content this week with home learning assignments. You are responsible to keep up with this work in addition to your preparation for the retest.

Student signature______

Parent signature______

Teacher signature______