Mr. Bootleggers Leather 2009 Contest

Produced by Heart of America Leather Productions & the KC boys of Leather

September 12 -14, 2008

Throughout this document the term CONTEST shall mean the MR. BOOTLEGGERS LEATHER CONTEST. The term PRODUCERS shall mean collectively and individually: Heart of America Leather Productions, Inc (HOALP or HOA) Executive Producer- Chad Neal, Associate Producers – Chuck Brackett, Brian Heinen, Richie Johnson, and any other producers or associate producers who may be designated in this document or assigned in the future.

Rules of contest

No entry fee required.

Must be over 21 years old

Application must be received by Friday, September 12, 2008 by 10pm.

At all times attire is at the contestant's discretion. HOWEVER, dress must fall within the legal limitations of the contest site. NO exposed genitals! "Bare-as-you-dare" jocks are allowed provided there is at least a one (1) inch strap up the back, as required by Missouri law.

The judges' decision is final. Contestants must receive 70% of total possible points to claim the title.

Expectations of Winner

Compete at International Mr. Leather (IML) 2009 in Chicago.

Attend Mid Atlantic Leather (encouraged not required)

Attend pride functions in the Kansas City area

Judge at the 2010 Mr. Bootleggers contest.

Participate, as Mr. Bootleggers Leather 2009, in a leather related event or fundraiser at Bootleggers bar

Participate in the hangover show fundraiser the Sunday after your step down contest.

Contest Events (all held at Bootleggers unless noted or notified otherwise)

Schedule is subject to change – Contestants and Judges will be notified of any changes


(11pm) Meet the contestants: (non-judged) Starting in alphabetical order, each contestant will introduce himself with a very brief introductory statement and draw a bag with their contestant number. Contestants will be in the stage area at 1030pm. Contestants will then participate in a fundraiser lasting until approximately midnight.


(1030am) at Bootleggers Interview. This is a judged event! There is no limit on subject matter or request. There will be a time limit for each interview. (Attire: casual/everyday wear)

(Noon) Lunch. Lunch will be provided for the judges, producers, staff and contestants of the contest. This will be an opportunity to socialize.

(8pm) Contest: Contestants are due back stage at 8:00pm. No visitors will be allowed. Den Staff will be provided to help you. Contest will begin at 8:30pm SHARP!

Contest has three major sections….

1)Leather Image and Introduction- Each contestant is introduced wearing the leather attire he feels best represents the leather image he wishes the public to see. This can be whatever you wish within the realm of legality (Strict Master, Hot Daddy, cute boy). IMPROVISE and strut your stuff. The judges are looking to see how well you can work the crowd.

2)Speech – While remaining in your full leather image, each contestant will give a speech on a subject of the contestants choice not to exceed 90 seconds. Do not go over the time limit. You will be brought out separately from the full leather image category.


3)Body Image and On Stage Question-This is your chance to show off your body to the best advantage. Contestants can choose to appear in casual/cruise wear or appear in, or strip to, a leather jock strap. Remember, the Missouri law requires at least a one-inch strap in the back. The judges want to know if you feel comfortable with yourself. Have fun and display your assets to the judges. You will be given a question and must give a brief answer on stage. This is your chance to show off your personality and be clever.

Victory Party (11pm- close) Party at Bootlegger’s!

Sunday Morning Hangover Show (11:30am –1 pm) brunch with the contestants, judges, producers and guests.


There are four categories in this contest. Each category will be scored from 0 to 100 points by each of the judges. Two of the categories will be weighted more heavily as the producers feel these categories are more important.

Interview100 pointsWeighted X 3=300 points

Full Leather100 pointsWeighted X 1=100 points

Speech100 pointsWeighted X 2=200 points

Jock/Question100 pointsWeighted X 1=100 points

Total700 points

Good Luck!

Mr. Bootleggers Leather 2009 Contestant Application


Use additional pages if necessary. Please include a copy of your government issued identification to prove age.


Name to be used on stage: ______

*Address: ______


*Phone #:______*Cellphone #______

*Email address:______

Date of birth:______Zodiac sign:______

Height: ______Weight: ______Eye color: ______


*Employer (optional):______

Past Titles held:______

Clubs/Organizations you belong to:______


Body Modifications (piercing, tattoos, brands, special markings):______


Hobbies (besides sex):______

Favorite piece of leather:______

Favorite toy:______

Favorite food:______

Favorite charity:______

Why are you entering this contest?______


How would you like to spend your year if you are Mr. Bootleggers? ______



What about leather do you like/enjoy?______


For and in consideration of my being allowed to compete, perform or, or otherwise appear upon stage during the CONTEST –


I understand that if I win I am obligated to participate in International Mr. Leather (IML). If I do NOT compete (participate in all required events), I will return my winnings or the cash value.

I understand that the sash is the property of the contest and will be returned by next years contest or I will pay for a replacement.


I, undersigned, hereby give the CONTEST and its PRODUCERS, their photographers, legal representatives, agents or assigns, the right and permission to copyright, use, reuse, broadcast and /or publish any and all Photographic Pictures of me, which shall be taken during the CONTEST or as a result of my preparation for the CONTEST, or as a result of my having participated in the CONTEST. The term "Photographic Pictures", as used herein shall include portraits, or reproductions thereof, including audio, videotapes and DVDs, made through any media. Further, such rights shall include the right to use such Photographic Pictures in conjunction with my name, and through any media, for any purpose relating to the CONTEST, promotion of the CONTEST or the promotion of the title. I HEREBY WAIVE any rights to inspect or approve the finished Photographic Pictures, or the method of their eventual use, including any related audio or printed copy which may be used in conjunction therewith. I HEREBY RELEASE, discharge and agree to save harmless the CONTEST and its PRODUCERS, their photographers, legal representatives, agents or assigns, including those publishing and/or distributing the finished product, in whole or in part, from and against any liability or claim as a result of the use or publication of said Photographic Pictures, including from any distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite from, either intentionally, or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking, procession or reproduction of the Photographic Pictures, their publication or distribution. I HAVE READ the foregoing Release and Waiver before signing my name below. I warrant my full understanding of its contents, and that I am of legal age to give my consent in this state.


I certify that I have attained at least twenty one (21) years of age and that I, based upon mutual covenants and considerations (including granting me the privilege of attending and participating in CONTESTS during the 2009 title year), will not hold Heart of America Leather Productions, Inc., the KC boys of Leather nor its individual or collective owners, officers, agents and employees thereof liable for any injury to my person or property during the period of the Mr. BOOTLEGGERS LEATHER 2009 Contest weekend and title year, and I further agree to indemnify and save harmless and hold harmless Heart of America Leather Productions, Inc., the KC boys of Leather, the individual and collective owners, officers, agents, and employees thereof from any and all liability, injury or economic loss or other damage.

I understand that Bootlegger’s, Missie B’s, and the contest producers (Heart of America Leather Productions, Inc), sponsors and staff are not responsible for any lost/stolen items or injury during the contest.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Contestant full legal name (PRINT) ______

Witness Signature ______Date: ______

Witness Name (PRINT) ______


Below are the contacts for the Heart of America Leather Productions.

These people can answer any questions you might have as you decide to compete or prepare for the contest.

Chad Neal

Executive Producer

Hm: 816-794-3710

Cell: 816-645-9373

Mail to: 800 E. 73rd. St., Kansas City, MO 64131

Or drop your application off at The Leather Shop, 2nd Floor, Missie B’s 809 W. 39th Street (by 10:00 pm Friday, September 12, 2008)