Coalition for the Homeless

of Houston/Harris County

Board of Directors Meeting

June 20, 2016


Present: Wendy Adair, Kent Grubbs, Bryce Kennard, Lynn Lohr, Amber Rabo, Johnette Rosenbalm, Dr. Steven Schnee, LaRence Snowden, Andy Teas, Alan Watkins and Marilyn Brown.

Absent: none

Staff: Eva Thibaudeau, Mark Cox, Anne Budill, Monica Montoya

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Coalition for the Homeless was held at 2000 Crawford Street, Suite #950 Conference Room on June 20, 2016, pursuant to proper notification of all Board of Directors members.


·  Chair Andy Teas called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm.

·  Board Member Spotlight – Dr. Steven Schnee was spotlighted this month.

Meaningful Conversation

·  Teas opened Meaningful Conversation by presenting the board with a question- What are we looking for in our Board Members? In an effort to formalize the commitment each Board Member makes when joining the Board, a Board of Directors Commitment draft was distributed. Discussion was held around the roles and responsibilities, participation level and financial commitment of each board member. Rosenbalm suggests talking points/bullet points for Board Members as well as invitations to trainings, meetings, webinars and other important events.

Fiduciary Oversight

·  Finance/Audit Committee

o  Lohr announced that the Finance Committee had met and reviewed the June – March financial statements that were presented in May but whose approval was contingent upon committee review. Snowden made a motion which Adair seconded to approve the financial statements as presented and reviewed.

o  Lohr presented financial statements as of April 2016 for approval. Grubbs called for approval of financial statements as presented. Watkins seconded, all were in favor. Financial statements were approved.

o  Lohr presented the FY 2017 budget stating that the Finance Committee had reviewed it thoroughly.

Brown called for a break into Executive Session.

o  Following a discussion of the budget, Lohr recommended its adoption. Teas made the motion and Watkins seconded. The FY 2017 budget was approved as presented.

o  Brown stated that the organization was making a grant application to Touchdown Houston which is the granting arm of the Super Bowl. The grant requires Board approval. Adair made the motion and Watkins seconded. The Board approved the application to Touchdown Houston for funding.

·  Approval of Minutes

o  Adair presented the minutes from the May Board of Directors meeting. Watkins made the motion to approve as presented. Adair seconded. The May Board of Directors meeting minutes were approved.

Committee/Task Forces Update

o  Fall 2016 Luncheon– Adair, Rabo and Rosenbalm presented an update from the Luncheon Task Force meeting held on May 10th. The Task Force encourages full participation and ticket/table sales commitments from every board member. The Task Force discussed venue options, speaker update, award possibilities, guest details/save-the-date, and the need for 5-10 people to form the Host Committee. Teas encourages board members to step up and support this event, make phone calls, reach out to contacts to drum up support.

o  (Re)Create a By-Laws Review Task Force

§  Brown requested a By-Law Review Task Force for any changes that need to be addressed. These areas to review can be done at one meeting. Volunteering for the task force were Grubbs, Adair, and Watkins. Brown will reach out to former board members who sat on the last task force to help provide historical information.

o  Nominations Committee Report – Committee recommended not all open seats be filled to build back in a more balanced turnover. The Nominations Committee presented three names for consideration. Bios for each were in each person’s packet. Candidates are:

§  Alan Dettlaff

§  Kathleen Sauve

§  Thomas Verhagen

o  Ballots for 2016-17 Board Member Nominations were handed out and all voted. Votes for each new board member were unanimous. Schnee motioned to add Dettlaff, Sauve and Verhagen to Coalition Board. Lohr seconded the motion, all approved.

o  The slate of officers for FY 2017 was then presented:

§  Chairman – Alan Watkins

§  Vice Chair – Wendy Adair

§  Treasurer – Lynn Lohr

§  Secretary – Amber Rabo

o  Ballots were distributed for the slate of officers. All were elected unanimously.

o  The Board then expressed its thanks to Dr. Steven Schnee for his service completing two terms for a total of six years of board participation.

o  Watkins then offered his thanks to Andy Teas for his service as Chair for the last two years.

Strategic Review

·  CEO Report- Brown

o  Brown reported on growing staff needs, and acknowledged encouragement from Board in this time of growth.

·  Program Dashboard - Thibaudeau

o  Thibaudeau presented the Programs Dashboard and highlighted Point in Time results.

·  Private Fundraising Report

o  Budill presented updates on Private Fundraising. Brown met with Super Bowl contact about Barrier Busters.

o  Budill has arranged meetings with local law firm for pro bono work for The Coalition. Budill presented on other connections she has made to raise awareness/funding/networking for The Coalition. Budill asked Board to continue with references for the Coalition.

·  Board Dashboard

o  Brown presented updated Board Dashboard which highlights Board involvement, attendance and personal gifts. Brown notes this is the last month to hit 100% giving.


·  The August Board of Directors meeting will take place to Monday, August 15th from noon to 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held at 2000 Crawford Street – on the 9th floor.

·  Board Orientation/Retreat is scheduled for July 15th, location to be determined. Meeting will be from 8am – noon.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Approved:


Wendy Adair, Board Secretary Andy Teas, Board Chair


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