Career Entry Profile and CPPD Records



A Guide to Your File

Personal Profile



Induction Centre Information

Relevant Experience

Study Centre

Teaching Placement 1

Teaching placement 2

Areas of strength

Priorities for further development

Action Plan 1

Action Plan 2

Observation, Support and Performance Management Processes

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Questions to consider at each stage of your career

Supporting Evidence

A Guide to Your File

Congratulations! You have now finished your programme and are embarking upon an exciting new chapter in your life and your career.

Whether you are going straight into employment, embarking on further study or taking some time out we highly recommend that you take time to become acquainted with this file and its purpose.

The aim of this file is to support you as you embark upon your new career. It is designed to be a brief and effective way of helping you to keep track of your experiences and evaluate your progress as a teacher in your first year of qualification and beyond. Many of the approaches in this file aresimply good practice and the kinds of simple activities that experienced teachers undertake consistently throughout their careers. The aim is to support, encourage and help guide positive habits that will benefit you now and in the future.

This file is not compulsory, it won’t be monitored or handed in for assessment; it is entirely owned by you and for your own benefit. It is important to remember that this file is a guide only and that you can adapt, add and change its content to meet your own needs, your own context and your preferred way of tracking your progress. In much the same way as you had control over the format, presentation and organisation of your ILP you also have control over this.

In this file you will also find information about:

  • key aspects of Teesside University support that are available to you after you have completed your programme
  • on-going support that you may receive from your study centre on completion of your programme
  • useful contacts, sites and resources where you can find advice and guidance on your next steps and as your career progresses.

It is strongly recommended that you keep copies of any supporting documents in the evidence section at the back of this file. You will find that keeping documentation organised and close to hand in this way will be invaluable when it comes to applying for new jobs, considering further study or as part of your appraisal/ performance management processes.

Good luck and do keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing!

Personal Profile



Date of Birth:

National Insurance Number:

Date QTLS achieved (if relevant):

DfE Number (if relevant):


Place of study / Dates (start and completion) / Qualification / Grade or classification
Brief details of background and reasons for training to be a teacher

We recommend that you add copies of relevant qualifications to the evidence section. You may like to add a copy of your CV to cover this information. Please ensure that personal information is stored securely.

Workplace Information

Centre address
Phone number of centre
General email address
Mentor/ line manager name and email address
Brief details of the centre:

We recommend that you add any relevant information to your evidence section. For example:

  • timetables
  • lists of key contacts within your centre
  • details of relevant specifications / exam board websites
  • policies and processes
  • IT and reprographics information
  • HR information, e.g. absence procedures.

Relevant Experience

Study Centre

Study centre
Centre address
Phone number of centre
General email address
Tutor name(s) and contact details
Brief details of the centre, your experience there and your progress:

Teaching Placement 1

Placement centre
Centre address
Phone number of centre
General email address
Mentor name and email address
Brief details of the centre, your experience there and your progress:

Teaching placement 2

Placement centre
Centre address
Phone number of centre
General email address
Mentor name and email address
Brief details of the centre, your experience there and your progress:

Other relevant experience (please include details here in your chosen format)

We recommend that you add copies of any relevant information to the evidence section, e.g. testimonials provided by your centre or copies of lesson observations.

Areas of strength

Provide a brief position statement outlining your strengths in relation to each of the core areas of the Professional Standards and your personal aspirations. In the first instance this should be completed at the end of your programme. You should aim to repeat this process at one or two key points throughout the next year and beyond.

Professional Skills
Professional Values and Attributes
Professional Knowledge and Understanding
Professional Interests and Aspirations

Priorities for further development

Provide a brief position statement outlining your priorities for further development in relation to each of the core areas of the Professional Standards and your personal aspirations. In the first instance this should be completed at the end of your programme. You should aim to repeat this process at one or two key points throughout the next year and beyond.

Professional Skills
Professional Values and Attributes
Professional Knowledge and Understanding
Professional Interests and Aspirations

Action Plan 1

We recommend that you try to keep your areas for development focused and manageable. Linking them to a specific group of students (where possible) will help you achieve this and help you to monitor impact more clearly.

Student/ class/ group profile and curriculum
Area for development (link to professional standards) / Success criteria / Actions
(including timescales) / Support arrangements / Monitoring and Evidence

We recommend that you include any relevant evidence in the appropriate section, e.g. original resources that you have created, exemplar work, class progress data.

Action Plan 2

We recommend that you try to keep your areas for development focused and manageable. Linking them to a specific group of students (where possible) will help you achieve this and help you to monitor impact more clearly.

Student/ class/ group profile and curriculum
Area for development (link to professional standards) / Success criteria / Actions
(including timescales) / Support arrangements / Monitoring and Evidence

We recommend that you include any relevant evidence in the appropriate section, e.g. original resources that you have created, exemplar work, class progress data.

Observation, Support and Appraisal Processes

In this section keep a record of the support that you receive (both formal and informal). You should also maintain a record of appraisal/ performance management processes and observations that take place.

Date / Who? / Notes / Outcomes

We recommend that you store copies of meeting, performance management documentation and observation records.

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Keep a clear record of all aspects of your CPPD. This is invaluable when it comes to providing evidence for performance management, applying for future positions and ensuring that you continue to develop your skills and broaden your experience.

This list is far from exhaustive but you may like to include:

  • workshops or CPPD activities that you attend
  • conferences that you attend (include information about the sessions that you participate in)
  • meetings
  • extra-curricular activities
  • trips, away days
  • courses that you attend
  • observations of you or others

We recommend that you include evidence of these activities where possible.

Date(s) / Location / Activity / Impact/ Notes/ Evidence

Questions to consider at each stage of your career

  • At this stage, which aspect(s) of teaching do you find most interesting and rewarding?
  • What do you consider to be your main strengths and achievements as a teacher?
  • In which aspects of teaching would you value further experience in the future?
  • As you look ahead to your career in teaching, you may be thinking about your longer term professional aspirations and goals. Do you have any thoughts at this stage about how you would like to see your career develop?

Supporting Evidence

It is a good idea to collect a range of evidence that demonstrates your progress and supports you in demonstrating your progress and performance as a teacher. This can be used in a range of ways particularly in connection to your appraisal and performance management.

Evidence List / Type of Evidence