City Council
Meeting Minutes 18
March 7, 2000
Tuesday, March 7, 2000
PRESENT B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley, W. Kinsella,
L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce, M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor,
D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
B.E. Thom, Q.C., City Manager.
D.H. Edey, City Clerk.
Deputy Mayor L. Chahley called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Mayor B. Smith was absent.
Reverend Roy Pudrycki, Hope Lutheran Church, led the assembly in prayer.
MOVED M. Phair - R. Noce
That the City Council Agenda for the March 7, 2000 meeting be adopted with the following additions:
A.3. Minutes of the February 28/March 6, 2000 Special City Council Meeting; and
E.1.h. A Strategy to Achieve an Equitable Relationship (Increase in Property Taxes to Fund Provincial Programs (R. Rosenberger)).
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
MOVED M. Phair - D. Thiele
That the Minutes of the February 8, 2000, February 15, 2000 and February 28/March 6, 2000 City Council meetings be adopted.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
B.1.a. Richard Paterson (L. Chahley).
Deputy Mayor L. Chahley, on behalf of City Council, expressed deep sympathy to Richard Paterson's family on their great loss. Richard was an employee with Asset Management and Public Works as a mechanic at Transit. He was on vacation in Mexico, where he gave his life heroically saving three teens who were caught in an undertow. He pushed the teens out of the undertow towards the shore, but in the end was too exhausted and did not have the strength to pull himself out. His actions are indeed heroic.
B.1.b. Edmonton Festival Marathon Society (T. Taylor).
Councillor J. Taylor, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the members of the Edmonton Festival Marathon Society and thanked the Society for their continued support to keep the tradition of clear winter trails alive. The Society has led the effort to raise money to clear snow in the river valley through a campaign called "Clear the Trails". Over the past five years, the Society has raised and presented to the City approximately $20,000 to keep these trails clear. John McGee, Chair of the Edmonton Festival Marathon Society, and Martin Dorfman, race organizer for the Society, presented a cheque in the amount of $8,580, the proceeds of this year's event, to Deputy Mayor L. Chahley.
B.1.c. Opening of the new Composting Facility (M. Phair).
Councillor M. Phair congratulated W.D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department, and the Waste Management Branch, for their efforts in looking at different ways to best deal with the City's waste, and the opening of the Composter last weekend. This is a joint project with TransAlta. The City of Edmonton is far ahead in dealing with its waste management and it is truly an accomplishment for all Edmontonians to take pride in.
B.1.d. University of Alberta Pandas Volleyball Team (M. Phair).
Councillor M. Phair congratulated the University of Alberta Pandas Volleyball Team for their sixth victory in a row, and taking the CIAU National Title. It is a great honour to the Team and the City. Councillor M. Phair congratulated the interim coach, Lorne Sawula and the most valuable player, Christy Torgerson.
MOVED R. Noce - M. Phair
That items D.2.a., E.1.d., E.1.g., E.1.h., F.1.a., G.1.a., G.1.b. and H.1.a. be exempted for debate; and
D.3.a. Jasper Place Gateway Foundation Proposal - Guidelines for Future Community Funding Requests.
That the revised due date of May 9, 2000 be approved. / Planning and DevelopmentDue: May 9, 2000
E.1.a. 2000 Office of the City Manager – Auditor General Annual Plan. Ø
That the 2000 Office of the City Manager – Auditor General Annual Plan be received for information. / City ManagerE.1.b. 2000 Tax Sale Resolution. Ø
1. That the date for the 2000 Tax Sale be set for Thursday, April 20, 2000, at 10:00 a.m., in the Council Chamber, City Hall.2. That the setting of the reserve bids be approved as follows:
For all properties, the reserve bids will be fair
market value as determined by the City Assessor.
3. That the Terms and Conditions of Sale be set to be 10 per cent deposit with the balance to be paid to the City by the closing date for the sale, which is 30 days after the Public Auction. Attachment 1 (of the January 24, 2000 Corporate Services Department report) details the Terms and Conditions of Sale. / Corporate Svcs.
E.1.c. 1999 Councillors' Disclosure Statements. Ø
1. That the January 31, 2000 Corporate Services Department report be received for information.2. That the 1999 Councillors' Disclosure Statements be made available for viewing at the Office of the City Clerk. / Corporate Svcs.
E.1.e. Corporate Services Department – 2000 Capital Budget Adjustment. Ø
That the $674,000 Capital Budget increase outlined in Attachment 1 (of the February 18, 2000 Corporate Services Department report) be approved. / Corporate Svcs.E.1.f. Intervenor Status in 2000 Equalized Assessment Appeal of the City of Calgary. Ø
That approval be given for the City of Edmonton to become an intervenor and make representations before the Municipal Government Board with respect to the 2000 equalized assessment appeal filed by the City of Calgary. / Corporate Svcs.F. REPORTS RELATED TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE
F.1.b. Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities: Mayor’s Award for Accessible Service. Ø
That the "Mayor's Award for Accessible Service" be established. / Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities.CARRIED
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
D.1.a. Public Education and Spay/Neuter-Identification Programs (B. Anderson).
“There are two initiatives now underway dealing with the City's responsibility for managing domestic animals in urban areas - the Cat Licensing Bylaw which becomes effective July 1, 2000, and the negotiation of an interim agreement with Edmonton SPCA to handle stray animals until its new facility opens in approximately two years. At that time, the City must assume all responsibility for stray animals. In both these initiatives, two critical elements will be public education and the availability of low or no cost spay/neuter and identification programs for low income owners.Could the Administration's Animal Control Section please provide answers to the following questions:
1. What plans does the City have to ensure that an effective public education and spay/neuter-identification programs exist to support the objectives of the new Cat Licensing Bylaw?
2. What plans does the City have to ensure that public education and spay/neuter-identification programs are also adequately addressed in both the interim agreement with Edmonton SPCA and in the long term plans when the City assumes total responsibility for stray animals?
3. What is the status of the Animal Control Advisory Committee and what role will it play in effectively addressing items #1 and #2 above?
I would like this information to come back to the Community Services Committee at the April 3, 2000 meeting.” / Police Services
CS Committee
Due: April 3, 2000
D.1.b. Programs contained in the Federal Budget for the Benefit of the Municipalities (B. Mason).
“The recent Federal budget handed down by Paul Martin contains several programs that will benefit municipalities. They are:1. The $100 million "Green Municipal Investment Fund (GMIF)" - a revolving fund to provide financial services.
2. The $25 million "Green Municipal Enabling Fund (GMEF)" - grants of up to 50% to municipal governments or project partners.
3. $550 million per year infrastructure program.
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities was instrumental in obtaining these programs. My questions are:
a) How will each of these programs affect the City of Edmonton?
b) Which projects will be good candidates for these programs?
c) What does the Administration expect that the financial benefits will be from these programs for the City of Edmonton?” / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Corporate Svcs.
Due: May 9, 2000
D.1.c. Injury and Lost Time of City Employees (M. Phair).
“I would like information related to the injury and lost time of City employees over the past couple of years including costs and comparisons with other cities.” / Human ResourcesDue: May 9, 2000
D.1.d. Setting Priorities for the Infrastructure Program (R. Noce).
“On February 28, 2000, federal Finance Minister Paul Martin announced the anticipated $7.5 billion infrastructure program.Under a cost sharing arrangement with other levels of government, the federal government is committing $450 million over the next 2 years and $550 million each year over the following 4 years thereafter for municipal infrastructure, including affordable housing and green infrastructure. I have been advised that the details of the multi-year plan will be finalized by the end of 2000.
I would be obliged if the City Manager could prepare a report for the April 25, 2000, City Council meeting setting out how (i.e. process; timing; etc) the City of Edmonton will set its priorities.” / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Corporate Svcs.
Due: April 25, 2000
D.1.d. cont'd.
Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Corporate Svcs.
Due: April 25, 2000
D.1.e. Bill 11 (D. Thiele).
“Has the Administration been able to analyze Bill 11 tabled in the Provincial Legislature last week, and how this Bill would affect the citizens of Edmonton in the following areas:1. What provision is there for consultation with local elected officials during the approval process for surgical facilities?
2. Does the Bill mandate a comprehensive review process to ensure community needs are addressed?
3. Has a detailed cost-benefit analysis been done in regards to Bill 11 within the Capital Health Authority's region?
4. Does this Bill contravene the Canada Health Act and/or the Constitution of Canada?
5. Who will make up the Premier's Council on Health? Will these people be elected municipal council members?
6. How might this Bill impact the EMS provided to the citizens of Edmonton? ” / City Manager
Emergency Response
Due: May 9, 2000
D.2.a. Service Sharing Arrangements with other Municipalities (A. Bolstad). Ø
MOVED A. Bolstad - W. Kinsella
That the February 8, 2000 Corporate Services Department report be referred to the next Regional Governance Committee meeting. / Corporate Svcs.Regional Governance Comm.
Due: TBD
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
E.1.d. FCM Request (Town of Oakville). Ø
MOVED R. Noce - D. Thiele
That the February 4, 2000 Corporate Services Department report be received for information.
B.E. Thom, Q.C., City Manager; and R. Millican, General Manager, Transportation and Streets Department, answered Council's questions.
Councillor B. Mason requested the permission of Council to speak for an additional five minutes.
MOVED M. Phair - D. Thiele
That Councillor B. Mason be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
B.E. Thom, Q.C., City Manager; and K. Fung, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered Council's questions.
MOTION ON ITEM E.1.d., put:
That the February 4, 2000 Corporate Services Department report be received for information. / Corporate Svcs.CARRIED
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
E.1.g. Notice of Intention to Designate the Gem Theatre located at 9680 Jasper Avenue as a Municipal Historic Resource.Ø
MOVED T. Cavanagh - M. Phair
1. That City Council authorize the City Clerk to serve a Notice of Intention to Designate an historic resource (Attachment 1 of the January 17, 2000 Planning and Development Department report) to the owner of the property occupied by the Gem Theatre in accordance with Section 22 of the Historical Resources Act, R.S.A., 1980, c.H-8, as amended.2. That the General Manager (GM) of the Planning and Development Department (P&DD) be appointed to implement matters arising from the issuance of the Notice of Intention to Designate. / Planning & Dev.
Corporate Svcs.
B.E. Thom, Q.C., City Manager; and R. Caldwell, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, L. Chahley,
W. Kinsella, L. Langley, B. Mason, R. Noce,
M. Phair, R. Rosenberger, J. Taylor, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith
E.1.h. A Strategy to Achieve an Equitable Relationship
(Increase in Property Taxes to Fund Provincial Programs
(R. Rosenberger)).
MOVED R. Noce - T. Cavanagh (Made at the February 15, 2000 City Council meeting):
That the February 5, 2000 Office of the City Manager report be received for information.
AMENDMENT MOVED M. Phair - D. Thiele
That parts 2 to 9 be added as follows:
2. That the Executive Committee co-ordinate activities of the process as approved by City Council.
3. That the proposed process be placed on the Executive Committee agenda at each of its meetings in March, April and May at a time designated by the Agenda Review Committee and all Members of Council be invited to attend.
4. That two members of the Executive Committee be designated to explore a possible joint process with the City of Calgary through its Intergovernmental Affairs Committee.