ACT! Premium for Web 2007

9.0.1 Release – Release Overview


ACT! by Sage Premium for Web 2007(9.0.1)– Product Improvements and Known Issues list

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The following are product improvements, known issues and/or important notes for ACT! by Sage Premium for Web 2007 (9.0.1). This list is provided to improve your installation and overall use experience. The issue numbers are internal tracking numbers and should be used when referencing issues to Sage Software employees. Please note, this document is provided to you as beta tester and must not be copied, reproduced, posted on your web site or distributed without express written permission from the Sage Software legal department.

1Fixed Issues

This release focused on important in-market issues as well as support for the new version of Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7.0.

This release addresses more than 25 issues and introduces some new features. Newly added features are called out “NEW FUNCTIONALITY” throughout the document. The following highlights a number of the most significant:


  • In past versions the APFW installer would not continue if it detected an installed version of ACT! 6.0 or older version. This problem occurred even if the older version of ACT! was uninstalled. With this release, ACT! 6.0 can co-exist on the same computer as APFW 9.0.1. (61603)


  • User now gets a message “You must map at least one field from the source database to a field in the destination database.” when importing from a text file and no fields are mapped. (43290)
  • Fields were imported in the wrong location when importing from a tab delimited text file that was created by exporting an ACT! database. Fields now map correctly. (56628)
  • Previously, private notes, histories, activities and opportunities that belonged to a private contact were not imported from a 9.0 database into a 9.0.x? database. Private extended data now imports correctly. (61569)
  • Users can now map fields into First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Company Name, and Group Name fields when importing from a text file.

Define Fields

  • In past versions, users would only be alerted for the first two required fields and the system would not alert users if they had left more than two required fields blank. Users are now alerted when more than two required fields are left blank. (66842)
  • When adding new fields to the default layouts, many field attributes did not match those in the default layouts. The field properties now match those of the default layouts. (4674)


  • The Group and Company tree view is now viewable when running ACT! Premium for Web on Internet Explorer 7.0. (66660)
  • The Update Linked Contacts dialog used to display multiple times for a Standard user when a company record was updated. This no longer occurs. (66973)
  • Corrected an issue with the add selected contact(s) to group/company command from the contact list. This function now works correctly. (61447)


  • The My Record fields now merge properly when using the mail merge feature. (66444)
  • Mail merging to a group no longer gives the user a loss of connection error and merges appropriately. (63918)


  • Users can now change the close date when closing an opportunity. (66447)

Contact Management/Activities

  • Clicking an email hyperlink on the secondary contact dialog now opens the compose e-mail window. (66448)
  • Recurring activities will now cross over from year to year. In past versions recurring activities wouldn’t persist past Dec. 31st when scheduled in the web client. (63103)
  • Add contacts to Group/Company command now works correctly in the contact list with multiple selected contacts. (61447)
  • In past versions entering a contact name with threenames followed by a comma, followed by a fourth word followed by a period, caused the web client to disconnect from the database. This issue has been resolved and the contact name is parsed correctly without the connectivity loss. (62345)


  • An attachment sync issue has been resolved. In some environments with two or more remote databases, attachments from another remote database were not received via synchronization. This issue has been resolved. (66537) To take advantage of this fix, it is recommended that you perform the following steps:
  • Run ACT! Diag report: Database Reports– Missing Attachments on the host database
  • To resolve any missing attachments found by the Missing Attachments Report you can either:
  • Re-attach the file on the host database to push it to the remote again
  • Create a new remote database
  • Manually copy/transport the files listed in the missing attachments report to every remote database’s attachment folder

Reports/Report Designer

  • NEW FUNCTIONALITY Users can now filter custom activity types in Reports. A checked drop down has been added so that individual custom activity types can be selected (35971)
  • Reports returnedthe error, "error retrieving contact keys,” when using secured fields in scripting or grouping. This issue has been resolved. (2-111466/60526)


  • NEW FUNCTIONALITY Users can now map fields into First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Company Name, and Group Name fields when importing from a text file (4094).
  • Users now get a message “You must map at least one field from the source database to a field in the destination database.” when importing from a text file and no fields are mapped. (43290)
  • Some fields were incorrectly mapped when importing from a tab delimited text file that was created by exporting from another ACT! database. Fields now map correctly. (56628)
  • Previously, private notes, histories, activities and opportunities that belonged to a private contact were not imported from a 9.0 database into another 9.0 database. Private extended data now imports correctly. (61569)


  • NEW FUNCTIONALITYUsers now get a message when trying to open and import/export from different languages: “You cannot open, import from, or export to an ACT! database that was created in a different language than the one you are using.”
  • Decimals in custom numeric fields are handled correctly when converting an ACT! 6 database to an ACT! 9.0.1 database within the same regional settings (e.g. French or German). (62728)

2Known Issues

This list encompasses the most frequently encountered items in ACT! Premium for Web 2007 (9.0.1). The formatting for known issues in the ACT! Premium for Web 2007 (9.0.1) release includes a description along with any identified workarounds or recommendations.


  • If you are upgrading from a previous version of ACT! Premium for Web 2007, we recommend resetting IIS prior installing this version – this ensures IIS has released all the files used by previous versions of ACT! Premium for Web so that they may be uninstalled.
  • In a low percentage of installs, a message will incorrectly state that the maximum number of connections has been reached when a user attempts to login to the APFW site. (67036)
  • Workaround: Please contact technical support for a license file replacement which will correct the issue.

Define Fields

  • Currency, Number, and Decimal fields fail to consume server regional settings for currency symbol position, decimal symbol, and digit grouping symbol (2-103842).
  • Workaround: This issue can be corrected through the manipulation of the ACT.web.config file, see ACT! KB (1749) for workaround.

Correspondence/Email/Outlook E-mail Integration

  • Soap errors may be experienced after the first user sets up Microsoft Outlook® e-mail integration with a history default of E-mail Attachment. (61788)
  • Workaround: After the issue occurs, a reset of IIS will correct it and Outlook email attachments will attach correctly. See KB #20366 for more information.
  • Backspace does not remove text in the header within the Word Processor.
  • Workaround: Use the left arrow key, move the cursor to the left of the text and then use the Delete key to remove the text.
  • Some formatting may be lost when sending a word processing document to an e-mail format that contains tables (2-99185). The following items will not format correctly when placed inside a table cell and then sent via e-mail:

* Bullets

* Hard returns

* Small fonts, less than 10 pts

  • Workaround: Place formatted text outside of tables.


  • If the Customize Columns dialog is open when you are timed out by the auto-logout timer, you will receive a server error (2-103209).
  • The Tools > Handheld setup menu in the Windows® component will prompt you to enter the ACT! CD. The handheld links are not provided with ACT! Premium for Web and are not functional through the web interface (2-91006).
  • When exporting to Excel® a second time, an error is displayed to the user that they cannot open a document with the same name and they are instructed to close the open document (2-95437). This occurs even when the first document is already closed.
  • Workaround: Once the user clicks OK, the document will open and display the correct data. If the user tries to export to Excel and opens the document a third time, the dialog locks up and the document never opens.

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