Executive Director of Compliance and ASA Admissions

Our Vision

Our vision is that JPPSS will foster the best-educated generation that the parish has ever seen.

We are committed to excellence in education, by raising the bar and putting students first. As employees, we possess a shared goal of progress in achievement for all our students.

Position Description:

Reporting to the Chief of Staff in the Superintendent’s Office, the Director of Employee Hearings and Compliance Officer is responsible for successfully coordinating the implementation of the Consent Judgment of March 2008, facilitating parent complaints with the collaboration of school principals,

Scope of Responsibility:

·  Serves as a member of the Executive Staff and Leadership Team; represents the district at various meetings, conferences, events, as needed and appropriate.

·  Periodic review at three year intervals of student assignment zones.

·  Coordination and supervision of implementation of magnet programs, professional training of faculties, procurement of supplies and materials on instruction, and recruitment of magnet transfer and home attendance zone students for participation in magnet programs.

·  Coordination and supervision of implementation of majority-to-minority transfers, recruitment of majority-to-minority transfer students, and review of school based majority-to-minority.

·  Coordination and supervision of academic transfers.

·  Coordination and supervision of senior elections for students wishing to complete their senior year at high schools of current assignment for school year 2007-2008 who otherwise would be assigned to attend another high school during school year 2008-2009.

·  Coordination and supervision of academic transfers.

·  Coordination and supervision of student transfers necessitated by extraordinary circumstances.

·  Coordination and supervision of interscholastic athletic eligibility for students electing magnet, majority-to-minority, and academic transfers.

·  Coordination of federal school choice and ACT 853 Choice.

·  Coordination and supervision of minority eligibility and recruitment for participation in gifted programs and advanced courses.

·  Coordination and supervision of Advanced Placement programs and review of all academic programming at all grade levels to assure such programs do not duplicate magnet or gifted course offerings.

·  Coordination and oversight of student discipline and collaboration with the school district’s discipline coordinator.

·  Coordination of duties delegated by the Superintendent of schools in areas involving Dandridge and related matters of compliance with requirements of the Consent Judgment of March, 2008.

·  Coordination of duties delegated by the superintendent of schools in area of resource allocations.

·  Coordination and oversight of work in the area of compiling a comprehensive assessment of facilities and the development of comparability plan to address facilities needs of historically black schools.

·  Coordination and oversight of work on facilities designated to house magnet programs.

·  Coordination and supervision of remedial programs for racially identifiable black schools.

·  Coordination and supervision of parental and community involvement program.

·  Coordination and supervision of the school district’s harassment and/or intimidation program and designation as the school district’s district-wide program coordinator for complaints of harassment and/or intimidation.

·  Coordination and supervision of the school district’s drop-out intervention program.

·  Membership on the working group and participation with members thereof as provided for in the Consent Judgment of March, 2008.

·  Coordination and supervision of administrator, faculty and non-instructional training programs, and collaboration with personnel of the Intercultural Development Research Association.

·  Collaboration with the school district’s independent monitor.

·  Supervision and oversight of the school district’s Hinds County Report and collaboration with the school district’s desegregation attorneys in the preparation of necessary reports.

·  Supervision and oversight of informational disseminations of school board policies adopted in conformity with the Consent Judgment of March, 2008, and performance of such duties as may be delegated by the superintendent of schools in connection with the review of existing policies of the school district, proposed revisions of the same, and proposed revisions to staff and student handbooks.

·  Collaboration with the Superintendent of schools, the deputy superintendent of instruction, and other directors, coordinators supervisors whose duties affect implementation of the Consent Judgment of March, 2008, and supervision and direction of principals, other school-based administrators, faculty members and non-instructional support staff personnel in all areas of responsibility affecting the successful implementation of the said Consent Judgment.

·  Acquisition of thirty-six (36) Continuing Learning Units (CLUs) per year (July 1 through June 30), including ten (10) leadership points.

·  Such other duties and responsibilities as may from time-to-time be delegated by the Superintendent of schools or assigned by policies of the school board in connection with the implementation of aspects of the Consent Judgment of March, 2008.

·  Plan and manage the school system’s employee hearing policies and procedures.

·  Performs other duties as assigned by the Chief of Staff.

Skills and Qualifications:

We seek detail-oriented, independent self-starters who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to raising student achievement and who have a record of high performance in challenging situations. Successful candidates will also:


JPPSS offers a competitive salary that is commensurate with experience. JPPSS also offers a competitive benefits package.