Department of Criminal Justice, Boise State University

Name: ______ID#______Date ______

Must Complete 3 Requirements in Order to Applyfor Upper Division Criminal Justice Standing:

1)Need C- or better in all of the following:

Course / Credits / Completed / In Progress / Future / Notes:
ENG 101 / 3
ENG 102 / 3
UF 100 / 3
UF 200 / 3
DLM* (MATH 123 or higher) / 3-4 / Recommend MATH 123
DLN (BIO 100, 107, 191, or 227) / 4 / Recommend BIOL 100
DLN* / 3-4
DLV* / 3
DLL* / 3-4
DLS (POLS 101) / 3 / Must be POLS 101
DLS (SOC 101) / 3 / Must be SOC 101
CJ 101: Intro to CJ / 3
CJ 102: Intro to Police / 3
CJ 104: Intro to Corrections / 3

*DL course offerings are found on page 50 of the catalog

2)GPA: (must be 2.75 or higher)3)Total Credits: (Must be 58 earned or higher)

Additional Requirements for Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science Degree:

Need C- or better in all of the following except thelower and upper divisiongeneral electives:

Course / Credits / Completed / In Progress / Future / Notes:
CJ 315: Theories of Crime / 3 / Requires UD CJ Standing
CJ 317: Juvenile Justice / 3 / Requires UD CJ Standing
CJ 321: Criminal Law / 3 / Does NOT require UD CJ Standing
CJ 425 (CID): Research Methods / 3 / Requires UD CJ Standing
Pre-Req for CJ 426 and 498
CJ 426: Statistics / 3 / Requires UD CJ Standing
CJ 425 is Pre-Req
CJ 498 (FF): Senior Seminar / 3 / Requires UD CJ Standing
CJ 425 is Pre-Req
Upper Division CJ Elective
(300-400 level) / 9 / Most do not require UD CJ Standing
See list on CJ department website
Upper Division General Electives* (300-400 level) / 13 / Must have at least 40 UD credits
General Electives*
(Can be lower or upper) / 34-37 / Must take enough so that the grand total of credits is 120
TOTAL CREDITS: / 120 / Need 120 to Graduate

*Space provided on back to keep track of general elective credits

List your 34-37 lower division elective credits below:

This is where credits for your minor and/or double major would go if applicable








TOTAL: ______

List your 13 upper division (300-400 level) elective credits below:

This is where credits for your minor and/or double major would go if applicable

If you go over 40 credits of Upper Division general electives they start counting towards lower division electives amount





TOTAL: ______

General Degree Requirements:

Residency (30 of last 36 credits must be BSU credits)

KIN-ACT (maximum of 8 credits)

Workshops (maximum of 9 credits)

GPA (Must be at or above 2.0 Cumulative GPA)

Upper Division Credits (Must be 40 or more)

Total Credits (Must be 120 or more)

Repeats (Maximum of 6)Withdrawals (Maximum of 10)

Internship (Maximum of 12 credits total and only 3 credits of CJ 493 will count towards the 9 upper division CJ credits needed)

Need a C- or better in all Foundational Studies requirements and in all upper division courses required by your major and minor

Advisor Notes: